
tech2023-07-17  119

使CSS动画并使其持久。 (Animating CSS and making it last.)

Alex caught our attention this week with a challenge to recreate this GIF image using just HTML and CSS, where a green square morphs to a blue triangle and then to a red circle. It’s quite the challenge, which has me tempted to use Marka for beautiful icon transformations.

Alex本周吸引了我们的注意力,这是一个挑战,仅使用HTML和CSS来重新创建此GIF图像 ,其中绿色正方形变成蓝色三角形,然后变成红色圆圈。 这确实是一个挑战,这让我很想使用Marka进行漂亮的图标转换 。

We’re also seeing that CSS can be used to achieve a beautiful front cover of The Hobbit bending open and closed, with access to the CodePen code to see how it’s done.

我们还看到CSS可以用于实现The Hobbit弯曲打开和闭合的漂亮封面 ,并且可以访问CodePen代码以了解其工作方式。

Much of the above is achieved using strange tricks and techniques. If instead you want your CSS code to endure without needing to be updated, here’s how you can write long-lasting style sheets for rapidly changing, long-lived projects.

以上大部分都是使用奇怪的技巧和技术实现的。 相反,如果您希望CSS代码在不需要更新的情况下保持不变,则可以通过以下方法为快速变化的,长期存在的项目编写持久的样式表 。

为什么JavaScript很烂,以及如何使其变得更好 (Why JavaScript sucks, and how to make it better)

Some controversial information about JavaScript arrived on our doorstep today, asking why does JavaScript suck? The article provides good details about issues with its presentation, quirks within the language, and a whole range of annoyances that are important to be aware of. Such problems are vital to know so you can try to steer away from them when developing your own code.

有关JavaScript的一些有争议的信息今天就到了我们的家,他们问为什么JavaScript很烂? 本文提供了有关其演示文稿问题,语言中的怪癖以及所有值得注意的烦恼的详细信息。 了解这些问题至关重要,因此您可以在开发自己的代码时设法避开这些问题。

A nice talk took place this month at the Sud Web Conference with JavaScript coding tips, featuring an analysis of GitHub commits to know which conventions are popular, before moving on to style-guide recommendations found in the meta code style guide. Whichever styles you prefer to work with, when working with other people it’s vital to have agreement on a consistent coding style to prevent issues later on.

本月在Sud Web Conference上进行了一次精彩的演讲,介绍了JavaScript编码技巧 ,其中包括对GitHub承诺的分析,以了解流行的约定 ,然后再讨论元代码样式指南中的样式指南建议。 无论您喜欢使用哪种样式,在与其他人一起工作时,至关重要的是要达成一致的编码样式,以防止以后出现问题。

Taking things further, John Resig has an interesting series on learning advanced JavaScript where you can code live on the page and try out different ways to achieve things. We’ve also been reminded this week about a definitive source of the best JavaScript libraries, frameworks, and plugins.

进一步讲解,John Resig提供了一个有趣的系列,旨在学习高级JavaScript ,您可以在页面上实时编码并尝试各种实现方式。 本周还提醒我们有关最佳JavaScript库,框架和插件的权威信息 。

Hyperlapse视频 (Hyperlapse videos)

Microsoft have also announced an algorithm for first-person Hyperlapse videos that takes the footage and stabilises it to the point where even when played back at ten times the speed, it’s a smooth presentation that’s easy and enjoyable to view. It’ll be great to see what people come up with.

微软还宣布了一种用于第一人称Hyperlapse视频的算法,该算法可以拍摄素材并将其稳定到一个点,即使以十倍的速度回放时,它也是一种平滑的演示,易于观看和欣赏。 很高兴看到人们提出了什么。

That’s it from us this week, thanks for joining us.


Which links caught your attention? How did you manage Alex’s coding challenge, and do you agree JavaScript sucks? We would love to hear your thoughts.

哪些链接引起了您的注意? 您如何应对Alex的编码挑战,您是否同意JavaScript很烂? 我们很想听听您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-week-does-javascript-suck/
