js 控制 ::after

tech2023-07-18  116

js 控制 ::after

As one of the pre-eminent philosophers of our time – Horse ebooks – once remarked, “everything happens so much.”

作为我们时代最杰出的哲学家之一-马电子书-曾经说过:“ 一切都发生得如此之多 。”

Nowhere is that sentiment more appropriate than in the web development industry. Pretty much every day new frameworks, plugins, even entire languages are launched. As the tools evolve, so does the collective wisdom about the best way to use them. Around here, everything happens so much, and it happens every day.

在Web开发行业中,没有比这更合适的了。 几乎每天都有新的框架,插件甚至整个语言发布。 随着工具的发展,关于最佳使用方式的集体智慧也在不断发展。 在这里,一切都发生得如此之多,而且每天都在发生。

That puts you, dear reader, in something of a bind. As someone who works in the web development industry, you’re kinda obligated to keep up. This means checking Hacker News multiple times a day, logging in to Reddit or Twitter, and (we hope) having a look at sites like ours, bringing new meaning to the phrase “keeping tabs”. That’s because any given link can have a measurable, significant impact on your work.

亲爱的读者,这使您陷入困境。 作为从事Web开发行业的人,您有义务跟上。 这意味着每天要多次检查Hacker News,登录Reddit或Twitter,(我们希望)浏览像我们这样的网站,为“保持标签”一词带来新的含义。 那是因为任何给定的链接都会对您的工作产生可衡量的重大影响。

This stuff matters. Well, some of it does.

这东西很重要。 好吧,其中一些确实如此。

That’s where we come in. We’ve launched something to help reduce this flood of information to a manageable trickle.


It’s a daily email, short and sweet, filled with links to the most important and interesting stuff we’ve found on the web. It’s mainly focused on the web dev world, but we do mix it up with links to other interesting stuff. You can open it up, skim through, open up any relevant links, and then move on with your life. It’s not “everything” – just the good stuff.

这是一封简短而甜美的每日电子邮件,其中包含指向我们在网络上发现的最重要和最有趣的内容的链接。 它主要集中在Web开发人员世界,但我们确实将其与其他有趣内容的链接混合在一起。 您可以打开它,浏览一下,打开任何相关链接,然后继续自己的生活。 这不是“一切” –只是好东西。

It’s called Versioning, and we’re really excited about it. Here are the previous three issues for your perusal.

这称为Versioning ,我们对此感到非常兴奋。 以下是您需要仔细阅读的前 三个 问题 。

Check it out, sign up below, keep updated, and get back to work!






翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/introducing-versioning/

js 控制 ::after
