Kirby is a lightweight CMS that probably fits somewhere between feature-rich platforms such as Drupal, and static site generators such as Jekyll.
What makes Kirby quite different to most CMS’s – and closer to Jekyll in the process – is that it has no database. Instead, everything is stored as files; some for configuration, some for content – all in addition to the usual template files, partials and plugins.
使Kirby与大多数CMS完全不同的地方-并在此过程中更接近Jekyll-是因为它没有数据库。 相反,所有内容都存储为文件。 一些用于配置,一些用于内容–除了常用的模板文件,部分文件和插件之外,还包括其他所有内容。
In this article I’m going to take a look at Kirby, demonstrate how to use it, and assess some of its strengths and weaknesses.
Kirby is provided on the basis of a per-site license of (at time of writing) $39 USD. However, you can try it out on your local machine for free – it’s only when you get into production that the license fee becomes payable.
Kirby是基于(在撰写本文时)39美元的每站点许可提供的。 但是,您可以在本地计算机上免费试用-只有当您投入生产后,才需要支付许可费。
The package is available from the Kirby Downloads page as a .zip file, or from Github.
To install, unzip / copy the archive to your web root and point your virtual host at Kirby’s root directory. And that’s pretty much it – right away, you should see some dummy content and Kirby’s default theme.
要安装,请将压缩文件解压缩/复制到您的Web根目录,然后将虚拟主机指向Kirby的根目录。 差不多就可以了–立即,您应该看到一些虚拟内容和Kirby的默认主题。
Let’s suppose we plan to work with the basic site structure provided by default, but add a new page at the top-level called “Our Work”. We want it to appear before “Contact” in the menu.
假设我们计划使用默认提供的基本站点结构,但在顶层添加一个名为“我们的工作”的新页面。 我们希望它出现在菜单中的“联系人”之前。
Start by renaming the directory which holds the contact page from content/03-contact to content/05-contact.
首先将包含联系人页面的目录从content/03-contact重命名为content/05-contact 。
By default, the menu system uses the directory name to determine the order pages should appear in the navigation. We’ll create a new page for the fourth position later.
默认情况下,菜单系统使用目录名称来确定订单页面应出现在导航中。 稍后,我们将为第四个位置创建一个新页面。
Now, create a new folder called content/03-our-work, and in that a file called our-work.txt
Content files should always have a .txt extension by default, despite their content being a mixture of YAML and Markdown. To modify this behaviour, change the following line in site/config/config.php:
内容文件默认情况下应始终具有.txt扩展名,尽管它们的内容是YAML和Markdown的混合。 要修改此行为,请在site/config/config.php更改以下行:
c::set('content.file.extension', 'txt');The file should have the following structure:
Title: Our Work ---- Text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor.Now, if you browse to the site you should see a new menu item in between Projects and Contact, with the content we just defined in 04-our-work/our-work.txt.
Obviously, you can edit existing pages in the same way. You’ll find the contents of the homepage in content/home/home.txt.
显然,您可以用相同的方式编辑现有页面。 您可以在content/home/home.txt找到主页的content/home/home.txt 。
Let’s take a look at how the menu is built to get an insight into what’s going on. The menu is implemented as a snippet, which is basically a view partial:
让我们看一下菜单的构建方式,以了解正在发生的事情。 菜单以代码段的形式实现,基本上是部分视图:
// site/snippets/menu.php <nav class="menu"> <ul> <?php foreach($pages->visible() AS $p): ?> <li><a<?php echo ($p->isOpen()) ? ' class="active"' : '' ?> href="<?php echo $p->url() ?>"><?php echo html($p->title()) ?></a></li> <?php endforeach ?> </ul> </nav>Notice that it calls a method called visible(). Content prefixed with a number – 01, 02 etc – is visible; that is, it’s designed to appear in the navigation. Content without – such as home and error – is hidden. Try creating a folder called content/test, with a corresponding content file called test.txt – you’ll find that it doesn’t appear on the menu. If you want to hide additional pages, change the following line in site/config/config.php:
注意,它调用了一个名为visible()的方法。 与一些前缀内容- 01 , 02等等-可见; 也就是说,它旨在显示在导航中。 隐藏没有内容的内容(例如home和error )。 尝试创建一个名为content/test的文件夹,以及一个名为test.txt的相应内容文件-您会发现它没有出现在菜单上。 如果要隐藏其他页面,请在site/config/config.php更改以下行:
c::set('content.file.ignore', array());$pages->visible() returns pages ordered by directory name, hence the numeric prefixes. You can override that behaviour; suppose you wanted a list of pages alphabetically ordered by title:
$pages->visible()返回按目录名称排序的页面,因此返回数字前缀。 您可以覆盖该行为; 假设您想要一个按标题字母顺序排列的页面列表:
$a_to_z = $pages->visible()->sortBy('title', 'asc');To list pages beneath the currently open menu item (i.e., a sub-menu) you can do this:
if($root = $pages->findOpen()) { $items = $root->children()->visible(); }There’s lots more information on managing menus on the Kirby website.
Kirby网站上有许多有关管理菜单的信息 。
In a new installation, pages are rendered using site/templates/default.php.
Let’s take a look at the contents:
<?php snippet('header') ?> <?php snippet('menu') ?> <?php snippet('submenu') ?> <section class="content"> <article> <h1><?php echo html($page->title()) ?></h1> <h2><?php echo html($page->subtitle()) ?></h2> <?php echo kirbytext($page->text()) ?> </article> </section> <?php snippet('footer') ?>snippet() includes a file from site/snippets – we’ll look at those shortly.
You’ll notice that the page content is available as a variable called $page, which reads the properties defined in the corresponding text file. The html() function is used to escape values, and kirbytext() applies some additional interpretation, as we’ll see shortly.
您会注意到页面内容可以作为名为$page的变量使用,该变量读取相应文本文件中定义的属性。 html()函数用于转义值,而kirbytext()应用了一些附加的解释,稍后我们将看到。
To create a new template for a specific page, simply create a new file in site/templates whose name matches the filename of the content for the page in question. So, for example, if you want a separate page template for the homepage, you’d create a file named site/templates/home.php. For the “Our Work” page we created earlier, you’d call it our-work.php.
要为特定页面创建新模板,只需在site/templates创建一个新文件,其名称应与所讨论页面的内容文件名相匹配。 因此,例如,如果您要为主页使用单独的页面模板,则可以创建一个名为site/templates/home.php的文件。 对于我们之前创建的“我们的工作”页面,您将其称为our-work.php 。
By default, with Kirby comes an assets folder, containing images and styles sub-folders, but you’re free to structure your theme’s assets as you wish.
If you open up the file content/site.txt, you’ll see a bunch of properties of the site itself such as the title, author and copyright notice. You’re free to add additional properties. For example, if you add the following:
如果打开文件content/site.txt ,您将看到网站本身的许多属性,例如标题,作者和版权声明。 您可以随意添加其他属性。 例如,如果添加以下内容:
---- Twitter: myusernameYou can now print this out in your templates or snippets, using a magic method of the $site variable. So to put it in the footer, open up site/snippets/footer.php and add the following:
现在,您可以使用$site变量的魔术方法在模板或摘要中将其print出来。 因此,要将其放在页脚中,请打开site/snippets/footer.php并添加以下内容:
<a href="<?php print $site->twitter() ?>">Twitter</a>We’ve seen how to create content, create a page-specific template and generate a list of pages. Armed with this knowledge, creating a simple blog is pretty straightforward.
我们已经看到了如何创建内容,创建特定于页面的模板以及如何生成页面列表。 有了这些知识,创建一个简单的博客就非常简单了。
Create a folder called content/04-blog and in it, a file called blog.txt:
Title: Blog ----Within that folder, create a bunch of blog posts (using the same format as the existing pages), e.g.
content/04-blog/01-first-post/first-post.txt content/04-blog/02-first-post/second-post.txt content/04-blog/03-first-post/third-post.txtNow, create a template for the Blog:
// site/templates/blog.php <?php snippet('header') ?> <?php snippet('menu') ?> <section class="content"> <h1><?php echo html($page->title()) ?></h1> <?php foreach ($pages->findOpen()->children()->visible()->flip() as $post): ?> <article> <h2><a href="<?php print $post->url() ?>"><?php echo html($post->title()) ?></a></h2> <p><?php print excerpt($post->text()) ?></p> <p><a href="<?php print $post->url() ?>">Read more »</a></p> </article> <?php endforeach ?> </section> <?php snippet('footer') ?>Notice how we’re calling flip() to reverse the order of the pages, all of whom are children of the current page – i.e., pages within the content/04-blog folder.
This template also introduces the url() function, which returns a URL to the page in question, and excerpt(), which returns a summary of the text content. To change the number of characters returned, simply provide it as a second parameter:
该模板还引入了url()函数和excerpt() url()函数,该函数返回所涉及页面的URL,而excerpt() url()函数返回文本内容的摘要。 要更改返回的字符数,只需将其作为第二个参数提供即可:
print excerpt($post->text(), 250); // prints the first 250 charactersThe actual content in Kirby is written in “Kirbytext”. It’s stored as the text property in a YAML file, and is essentially an extension of Markdown but with some additional macros.
Kirby中的实际内容以“ Kirbytext”编写。 它作为text属性存储在YAML文件中,本质上是Markdown的扩展,但带有一些其他宏。
This is best illustrated with an example:
File: page.txt:
文件: page.txt :
Title: About ---- Somefield: Something ---- Body: This is some sample content. It's based on Markdown, so we can use **bold** or *emphasis*, and [write links]( Kirbytext also has macros, that look a little like this: (youtube: width: 300 height: 200)The Kirby-specific macro / tag here is for embedding a Youtube video, but you can extend Kirbytext to write your own. To do so, start by creating a file called kirbytext.extended.php in site/plugins:
特定于Kirby的宏/标签用于嵌入YouTube视频,但是您可以扩展Kirbytext编写自己的视频。 为此,首先在site/plugins创建一个名为kirbytext.extended.php的文件:
class kirbytextExtended extends kirbytext { function __construct($text, $markdown=true) { parent::__construct($text, $markdown); } }Now, in the constructor you can define new tags, as well as new attributes. Suppose we wanted to add Gravatar support:
现在,在构造函数中,您可以定义新标签以及新属性。 假设我们要添加Gravatar支持:
// define custom tags $this->addTags('gravatar'); // define custom attributes $this->addAttributes('size');Once you’ve defined a new tag through addTags(), you simply implement a method with the same name, which will be called in order to render the tag:
/** * Render the gravatar tag, e.g. (gravatar: */ function gravatar($params) { $email = $params['gravatar']; $size = (isset($params['size'])) ? $params['size'] : 50; $url = sprintf('', md5($email), $size); return sprintf('<img src="%s" width="%d" height="%d" />', $url, $size, $size); }You’d use this as follows:
(gravatar: size: 64)Note that the email attribute here is named gravatar; i.e., the same as the tag.
请注意,此处的电子邮件属性名为gravatar; 即与标签相同。
There are a number of plugins available on Github including support for Twitter, Instagram and Github, as well as things like contact forms, estimating reading time and displaying related pages.
Github上有许多插件可用,包括对Twitter , Instagram和Github的支持 ,以及联系方式 ,估计阅读时间和显示相关页面之类的东西 。
You can create your own plugins with little to no knowledge of Kirby’s inner workings – simply drop a class into site/plugins and use it from your templates as required.
您几乎不了解Kirby的内部工作原理就可以创建自己的插件-只需将类放到site/plugins ,然后根据需要从模板中使用它即可。
Kirby doesn’t actually provide any sort of administrative interface out-the-box – you simply edit the files directly. However, there is a simple interface available as a separate package, called Kirby Panel.
Kirby实际上并没有提供任何现成的管理界面,您只需直接编辑文件即可。 但是,有一个简单的界面作为单独的软件包提供,称为Kirby Panel。
To install Kirby Panel, clone it from Github.
要安装Kirby Panel,请从Github克隆它 。
Then, copy the folder to the site folder of your Kirby site, naming it panel, e.g.:
然后,将该文件夹复制到您的Kirby站点的site文件夹,命名为panel ,例如:
cp -R kirbycms-panel/ /var/www/yoursite/site/panelNow copy the panel\defaults folder and place it in the site root:
cp -R /var/www/yoursite/panel/defaults /var/www/yoursite/panelTo specify some login credentials, rename the file site/panel/accounts/admin.php to [username].php, e.g.:
要指定一些登录凭据,请将文件site/panel/accounts/admin.php重命名为[username].php ,例如:
// site/panel/accounts/john.php <?php if(!defined('KIRBY')) exit ?> username: john password: 5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8 encrypt: sha1 language: enYou can enter a plaintext password (a very, very bad idea), an MD5 hash (a very bad idea) or an SHA1 hash (marginally better) – you just need to explicitly specify which you’re using, or leave it out for plaintext.
Now, if you open http://yoursite.local/panel in your web browser, you’ll have access to a simple administrative interface. This allows you to modify site properties, as well as add / edit / delete content.
现在,如果您在网络浏览器中打开http://yoursite.local/panel ,则可以访问简单的管理界面。 这使您可以修改站点属性,以及添加/编辑/删除内容。
Let’s look briefly at some of Kirby’s pros and cons.
I’ve given you a brief introduction of Kirby, but there’s plenty more to explore – check out the documentation and tutorials, find support in the forums, or delve into the source-code. In particular, take a look at kirby/lib/kirby.php, along with the other files in kirby/lib.
我为您简要介绍了Kirby,但还有更多值得探索的地方-查看文档和教程 , 在论坛中找到支持,或深入研究源代码。 特别要看一下kirby/lib/kirby.php以及kirby/lib的其他文件。
What do you think of Kirby, and what might you use it for? Have you already used it in production? Let me know in the comments.
您如何看待柯比,您可能会用它做什么? 您已经在生产中使用它了吗? 在评论中让我知道。