
tech2023-07-20  114

Last month’s browser trends report was all about mobiles. It’s a recurring theme in the latest figures from StatCounter.

上个月的浏览器趋势报告全部涉及移动设备。 这是StatCounter最新数据中反复出现的主题。

2014年7月至2014年8月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, July to August 2014)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserJulyAugustchangerelativeIE (all)21.36%20.31%-1.05%-4.90%IE119.08%9.10%+0.02%+0.20%IE103.34%3.05%-0.29%-8.70%IE93.30%3.12%-0.18%-5.50%IE85.22%4.68%-0.54%-10.30%IE70.14%0.14%+0.00%+0.00%IE60.28%0.22%-0.06%-21.40%Chrome45.39%46.37%+0.98%+2.20%Firefox17.50%17.48%-0.02%-0.10%Safari4.41%4.42%+0.01%+0.20%iPad Safari6.16%6.38%+0.22%+3.60%Opera1.34%1.42%+0.08%+6.00%Others3.84%3.62%-0.22%-5.70% 浏览器 七月 八月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 21.36% 20.31% -1.05% -4.90% IE11 9.08% 9.10% + 0.02% + 0.20% IE10 3.34% 3.05% -0.29% -8.70% IE9 3.30% 3.12% -0.18% -5.50% IE8 5.22% 4.68% -0.54% -10.30% IE7 0.14% 0.14% + 0.00% + 0.00% IE6 0.28% 0.22% -0.06% -21.40% Chrome 45.39% 46.37% + 0.98% + 2.20% 火狐浏览器 17.50% 17.48% -0.02% -0.10% 苹果浏览器 4.41% 4.42% + 0.01% + 0.20% iPad Safari 6.16% 6.38% + 0.22% + 3.60% 歌剧 1.34% 1.42% + 0.08% + 6.00% 其他 3.84% 3.62% -0.22% -5.70%

2013年8月至2014年8月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, August 2013 to August 2014)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserAugust 2013August 2014changerelativeIE (all)25.53%20.31%-5.22%-20.40%IE110.02%9.10%+9.08%+45,400.00%IE1011.34%3.05%-8.29%-73.10%IE95.20%3.12%-2.08%-40.00%IE88.27%4.68%-3.59%-43.40%IE70.47%0.14%-0.33%-70.20%IE60.23%0.22%-0.01%-4.30%Chrome42.85%46.37%+3.52%+8.20%Firefox19.26%17.48%-1.78%-9.20%Safari8.57%10.80%+2.23%+26.00%Opera1.14%1.42%+0.28%+24.60%Others2.65%3.62%+0.97%+36.60% 浏览器 2013年8月 2014年8月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 25.53% 20.31% -5.22% -20.40% IE11 0.02% 9.10% + 9.08% + 45,400.00% IE10 11.34% 3.05% -8.29% -73.10% IE9 5.20% 3.12% -2.08% -40.00% IE8 8.27% 4.68% -3.59% -43.40% IE7 0.47% 0.14% -0.33% -70.20% IE6 0.23% 0.22% -0.01% -4.30% Chrome 42.85% 46.37% + 3.52% + 8.20% 火狐浏览器 19.26% 17.48% -1.78% -9.20% 苹果浏览器 8.57% 10.80% + 2.23% + 26.00% 歌剧 1.14% 1.42% + 0.28% + 24.60% 其他 2.65% 3.62% + 0.97% + 36.60%

The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 10.3% of IE8 users switched browsers last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.

下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。 “更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示比例变化,即IE8用户上个月切换浏览器的比例为10.3%。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。

Chrome is the biggest winner and has reverted back to it’s 1% monthly gain. That said, the browser has only achieved 3.5% in the past year so growth has plateaued.

Chrome是最大的赢家,已恢复到每月1%的收益。 也就是说,浏览器在过去一年中仅实现了3.5%的增长,因此增长趋于平稳。

There was little to report for Firefox and Safari although Opera enjoyed a small jump. Version 23 was released recently and, while it still lacks functionality present in the Presto edition, it’s a capable browser which feels faster than Chrome.

尽管Opera的增长很小,但对于Firefox和Safari的报道却很少。 版本23是最近发布的,尽管它仍然缺少Presto版本中提供的功能,但它是一款功能强大的浏览器,感觉比Chrome快。

Unsurprisingly, Chrome’s gain meant another loss for Internet Explorer. It’s managed to hover above 20% for some time but will almost certainly fall below that threshold before the end of 2014. IE11 may never reach the maximum 13% market share gained by IE10 in October 2013. Despite being a good all-round browser, IE11 is available on fewer platforms and isn’t better than any other application. It also has an image problem; Microsoft has even considered a name change to distinguish the browser from it’s tarnished past. (“Web Explorer” would be more accurate too!)

毫不奇怪,Chrome的收获意味着Internet Explorer遭受了又一次损失。 它已设法在20%以上徘徊,但几乎可以肯定会在2014年底之前跌破该门槛。IE11可能永远无法达到IE10在2013年10月获得的最大13%的市场份额。尽管它是一款出色的全方位浏览器 , IE11在更少的平台上可用,并不比任何其他应用程序都要好。 它还有图像问题。 微软甚至考虑过改名,以区分浏览器和它过去的历史。 (“ Web Explorer”也将更加准确!)

Question: do you still want to see separate figures for IE6 and IE7 in next month’s report? There’s a hardcore of usage, but the browsers have barely moved in a year and could be summed in a single “IE8-” figure.

问题:您是否仍希望在下个月的报告中分别看到IE6和IE7的数字? 有一个用法的硬核,但是浏览器在一年中几乎没有移动,可以用一个单独的“ IE8-”数字来概括。

2014年7月至2014年8月全球移动浏览器统计 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, July to August 2014)

Mobile usage increased by 1.2% during August 2014 to reach 30.64% of all web activity. The summer months in the Northern hemisphere may explain some of this gain but it’s impossible to refute the mobile growth trend.

2014年8月,移动设备使用量增长了1.2%,达到所有网络活动的30.64% 。 北半球的夏季可能可以解释这种增长,但无法反驳移动增长趋势 。

There are several reasons why mobile usage has trebled in two years:


Handset costs. The top end of the market remains eye-wateringly expensive but smartphones are now available with basic payment plans.

手机费用。 市场的高端价格仍然令人眼花expensive乱,但是智能手机现在可以使用基本付款计划。 Device capability. Larger screens and better processors allow us to use mobiles for activities which would have required a PC a few years ago.

设备功能。 更大的屏幕和更好的处理器使我们能够将手机用于几年前需要PC的活动。 Developing world adoption. Mobile growth in Asia, Africa and South America has exploded — even in places where the PC era passed unnoticed. Many are ahead of Western countries in respect to mobile commerce and micro-payments.

发展中国家的采用。 亚洲,非洲和南美的移动业务增长迅猛,甚至在PC时代未曾引起注意的地方也是如此。 在移动商务和小额支付方面,许多领先于西方国家。

The top mobile browsing applications:


Mobile BrowserJulyAugustchangerelativeChrome21.53%22.67%+1.14%+5.30%Android22.91%22.35%-0.56%-2.40%iPhone22.94%21.75%-1.19%-5.20%Opera Mini/Mobile11.11%11.15%+0.04%+0.40%UC Browser9.56%10.33%+0.77%+8.10%Nokia Browser3.87%3.89%+0.02%+0.50%IEMobile2.40%2.34%-0.06%-2.50%Others5.68%5.52%-0.16%-2.80% 手机浏览器 七月 八月 更改 相对的 Chrome 21.53% 22.67% + 1.14% + 5.30% 安卓系统 22.91% 22.35% -0.56% -2.40% 苹果手机 22.94% 21.75% -1.19% -5.20% Opera Mini /手机 11.11% 11.15% + 0.04% + 0.40% UC浏览器 9.56% 10.33% + 0.77% + 8.10% 诺基亚浏览器 3.87% 3.89% + 0.02% + 0.50% IEMobile 2.40% 2.34% -0.06% -2.50% 其他 5.68% 5.52% -0.16% -2.80%

As I predicted last month, Chrome has overtaken both the iPhone and stock Android apps to become the number one browser on mobile devices. A considerable achievement given that Chrome accounted for just 4% of the mobile market this time last year and the stock Android browser has only fallen 6% in the same period.

正如我上个月所预测的那样 ,Chrome浏览器已经超越了iPhone和现有的Android应用,已成为移动设备上排名第一的浏览器。 考虑到去年同期Chrome仅占移动市场的4%,而同期的Android浏览器仅下降了6%,这是一个相当可观的成就。

Chrome is now the top mobile and desktop browser. It deserves that place but should we be concerned about Google’s dominance? Hopefully they’ll remember what happened to the last company who enjoyed a browser monopoly.

Chrome现在是顶级的移动和桌面浏览器。 它值得拥有,但我们应该担心Google的统治地位吗? 希望他们能记得最后一家享有浏览器垄断地位的公司发生了什么。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-september-2014-chrome-top-mobile-browser/
