
tech2023-07-21  121

Chrome’s recent ascent has dominated browser trends for several months. The latest figures from StatCounter indicate that Apple and Microsoft can still take on Google…

Chrome浏览器的最新上升已经在浏览器趋势中占据了主导地位已有几个月。 StatCounter的最新数据表明,苹果和微软仍然可以与Google竞争...

2014年5月至2014年6月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, May to June 2014)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserMayJunechangerelativeIE (all)20.76%20.98%+0.22%+1.10%IE118.47%8.69%+0.22%+2.60%IE103.30%3.21%-0.09%-2.70%IE93.23%3.17%-0.06%-1.90%IE85.29%5.40%+0.11%+2.10%IE70.17%0.17%+0.00%+0.00%IE60.30%0.34%+0.04%+13.30%Chrome45.72%45.54%-0.18%-0.40%Firefox18.71%17.94%-0.77%-4.10%Safari4.61%4.48%-0.13%-2.80%iPad Safari5.39%5.81%+0.42%+7.80%Opera1.30%1.32%+0.02%+1.50%Others3.51%3.93%+0.42%+12.00% 浏览器 可能 六月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 20.76% 20.98% + 0.22% + 1.10% IE11 8.47% 8.69% + 0.22% + 2.60% IE10 3.30% 3.21% -0.09% -2.70% IE9 3.23% 3.17% -0.06% -1.90% IE8 5.29% 5.40% + 0.11% + 2.10% IE7 0.17% 0.17% + 0.00% + 0.00% IE6 0.30% 0.34% + 0.04% + 13.30% Chrome 45.72% 45.54% -0.18% -0.40% 火狐浏览器 18.71% 17.94% -0.77% -4.10% 苹果浏览器 4.61% 4.48% -0.13% -2.80% iPad Safari 5.39% 5.81% + 0.42% + 7.80% 歌剧 1.30% 1.32% + 0.02% + 1.50% 其他 3.51% 3.93% + 0.42% + 12.00%

2013年6月至2014年6月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, June 2013 to June 2014)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past 12 months:


BrowserJune 2013June 2014changerelativeIE (all)25.42%20.98%-4.44%-17.50%IE110.00%8.69%+8.69%n/aIE109.88%3.21%-6.67%-67.50%IE96.79%3.17%-3.62%-53.30%IE88.04%5.40%-2.64%-32.80%IE70.49%0.17%-0.32%-65.30%IE60.22%0.34%+0.12%+54.50%Chrome42.75%45.54%+2.79%+6.50%Firefox20.01%17.94%-2.07%-10.30%Safari8.37%10.29%+1.92%+22.90%Opera1.02%1.32%+0.30%+29.40%Others2.43%3.93%+1.50%+61.70% 浏览器 2013年六月 2014年6月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 25.42% 20.98% -4.44% -17.50% IE11 0.00% 8.69% + 8.69% 不适用 IE10 9.88% 3.21% -6.67% -67.50% IE9 6.79% 3.17% -3.62% -53.30% IE8 8.04% 5.40% -2.64% -32.80% IE7 0.49% 0.17% -0.32% -65.30% IE6 0.22% 0.34% + 0.12% + 54.50% Chrome 42.75% 45.54% + 2.79% + 6.50% 火狐浏览器 20.01% 17.94% -2.07% -10.30% 苹果浏览器 8.37% 10.29% + 1.92% + 22.90% 歌剧 1.02% 1.32% + 0.30% + 29.40% 其他 2.43% 3.93% + 1.50% + 61.70%

The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 2.7% of IE10 users switched browsers last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.

下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。 “更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示比例变化,即IE10用户上个月切换浏览器的比例为2.7%。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。

The summer months in the US and Europe can be a little quirky with more people on vacation. Safari on the iPad has performed the best this month which could be explained by many of us lying on sun loungers.

在美国和欧洲,夏季假期可能有点古怪,有更多人度假。 iPad上的Safari在本月表现最好,这可以由我们许多躺在躺椅上的人来解释。

Internet Explorer also made a small gain of 0.2%. It’s not much, but better than normal and slightly surprising if we are making the assumption that fewer people are at work and using the browser.

Internet Explorer也略有增长0.2%。 它虽然不多,但比正常情况要好,如果我们假设工作和使用浏览器的人员减少的假设,这会有点令人惊讶。

Chrome remained mostly static but Firefox had its worse drop in a year. Perhaps the version 29 redesign has not charmed the user base or enticed migration from elsewhere? I’ve not heard strong opinions either way so please leave comments if you’ve recently switched to or from Mozilla’s browser.

Chrome基本上保持静态,但Firefox在一年中的跌幅更大。 重新设计的版本29可能没有吸引用户群或没有吸引其他地方的迁移? 两种方式都没有听到强烈的意见,因此,如果您最近切换到Mozilla的浏览器或从Mozilla的浏览器切换到该浏览器,请发表评论。

Opera is unchanged although almost 60% of users have now switched to a Blink-based version 15+ installation. The feature set has started to improve but it’s still some way from v12 parity. That said, the older edition is increasingly creaky — users must ultimately switch.

Opera保持不变,尽管现在将近60%的用户已切换到基于Blink的15+版本安装。 该功能集已开始改进,但距离v12奇偶校验还有一定距离。 也就是说,较旧的版本越来越吱吱作响-用户最终必须切换。

2014年5月至2014年6月全球移动浏览器统计 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, May to June 2014)

Mobile usage in June 2014 increased by another 1.5% to reach 28.47% of all web activity. If you were in any doubt about mobile growth, this year’s comparision chart will challenge your assumptions!

2014年6月,移动设备使用量又增长了1.5%,达到所有网络活动的28.47% 。 如果您对移动设备增长有任何疑问,那么今年的比较表将挑战您的假设!

The top mobile browsing applications:


Mobile BrowserMayJunechangerelativeAndroid25.26%24.49%-0.77%-3.00%iPhone21.34%22.38%+1.04%+4.90%Chrome18.33%19.40%+1.07%+5.80%Opera Mini/Mobile11.60%11.49%-0.11%-0.90%UC Browser10.39%9.81%-0.58%-5.60%Nokia Browser4.35%4.13%-0.22%-5.10%IEMobile2.38%2.35%-0.03%-1.30%Others6.35%5.95%-0.40%-6.30% 手机浏览器 可能 六月 更改 相对的 安卓系统 25.26% 24.49% -0.77% -3.00% 苹果手机 21.34% 22.38% + 1.04% + 4.90% Chrome 18.33% 19.40% + 1.07% + 5.80% Opera Mini /手机 11.60% 11.49% -0.11% -0.90% UC浏览器 10.39% 9.81% -0.58% -5.60% 诺基亚浏览器 4.35% 4.13% -0.22% -5.10% IEMobile 2.38% 2.35% -0.03% -1.30% 其他 6.35% 5.95% -0.40% -6.30%

Safari on the iPhone jumped by a larger percentage than its iPad cousin. It couldn’t quite match the growth enjoyed by Chrome although this was somewhat overshadowed by a large drop for the older Android browser.

iPhone上的Safari的跳跃幅度比iPad堂兄大。 尽管与旧版Android浏览器的大幅下降相比,Chrome的增长有些黯然失色,但它与Chrome的增长无法完全匹配。

However, remember these charts indicate web browser usage and not device sales. It’s reasonable to assume that many iPhone users have a good mobile data plan and are able to browse more than those with less expensive devices and more limited bandwidth. It’s possible that iPhone usage will fall as cooler months arrive — this appears to be the case in the southern hemisphere.

但是,请记住这些图表指示的是Web浏览器的使用情况,而不是设备的销售情况。 可以合理地假设,许多iPhone用户拥有良好的移动数据计划,并且能够比价格便宜的设备和带宽有限的用户浏览更多内容。 随着天气转凉,iPhone的使用量可能会下降-南半球就是这种情况。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-july-2014-apple-pips-competition/
