
tech2023-07-21  116

创建更好的演练和Apple设计师课程 (Create better walkthroughs and Apple designer lessons)

Creating walkthroughs can be challenging at times, so here’s some help to write better walkthroughs for your product using a the 3×3 method. It’s said that “if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” In line with this idea, you boil down the what, why, and how of your product. From this foundation you can then build up your walkthrough, turning back to the fundamentals that you have honed in on with the above technique.

创建演练有时可能会很困难,因此,这里有一些帮助,可以使用3×3方法为您的产品编写更好的演练 。 有人说:“如果您不能简单地解释它,那么您就不会足够理解它。” 根据这个想法,您可以归纳出产品的内容,原因和方式。 然后,您可以从此基础上逐步构建,然后再回到使用上述技术磨练的基础知识上。

Over at Apple, we learn that the biggest lesson learned as an Apple designer is that even though we get the impression that Apple has no deadlines, there is actually a highly structured set of internal deadlines, and even deadlines for deadlines that have their own deadlines. The secret though is that they’re not publicised, so that deadlines can be pushed or adjusted when needed to allow a product to be as good as it can be, before its given an official launch date. It’s an interesting insight in to an unknown aspect of such a large company.

在苹果公司,我们了解到, 作为苹果设计师 ,我们获得的最大教训是,即使我们给人的印象是,苹果公司没有截止日期,但实际上存在着高度结构化的内部截止日期,甚至截止日期都有自己的截止日期。 不过,秘密在于它们没有被公开,因此可以在需要的时候正式推销或调整截止日期,以使产品在指定的正式发布日期之前达到最佳状态。 对于如此大公司的未知方面,这是一个有趣的见解。

浏览器上下文相关菜单的悠久传统 (Sordid legacy of browser context-sensitive menus)

Burke has an excellent rundown on the sordid legacy of browser context menus. Now that we’re creating apps within the web browser, it’d be great to have context menus similar to non-browser apps. The link provides a good history of context-sensitive menus, and says what we can do to develop our own custom solution.

伯克(Burke)在浏览器上下文菜单肮脏的遗产上表现出色。 现在,我们正在Web浏览器中创建应用程序,拥有与非浏览器应用程序相似的上下文菜单将非常好。 该链接提供了上下文相关菜单的良好历史记录,并说明了如何开发自己的自定义解决方案。

Also around this week, a guide to creating better photo filters, with an explanation of techniques for developing a better interface, with which a user can more easily compare different photo filters.

同样在本周左右, 还将提供创建更好的照片滤镜的指南 ,并介绍了开发更好的界面的技术,用户可以通过该界面更轻松地比较不同的照片滤镜。

Chris takes a good look this week at what to do when your design process breaks down, and how certain CSS techniques can be made easier and simpler by using SASS techniques instead. There is also a good breakdown of CSS preprocessor techniques, where you can compare and contrast the different types of preprocessors and the different techniques they use.

克里斯本周对您的设计流程出现故障时的处理方式进行了很好的介绍,以及如何通过使用SASS技术使某些CSS技术变得更容易和更简单。 CSS预处理器技术也有很好的细分,您可以在其中比较和对比不同类型的预处理器及其使用的不同技术。

Another thing that got our attention (aside from the clickbait heading) was a good piece from Adobe with ‘one weird trick’ to baseline-align text. It’s a good exploration of how to align dropcaps, and cater for different sizes and types of fonts that may be used.

除了clickbait标题之外,引起我们注意的另一件事是Adobe的一本好书,它具有“一个奇怪的技巧”来使文本基线对齐 。 它是如何对齐首字下沉,如何适应可能使用的不同大小和字体类型的很好的探索。

Other CSS-based things we saw:


Full screen slideshow


Making SVG responsive with CSS


HTML5DevConf Brad Westfall, AZPixels: Play nice with CSS tools and Methodologies

HTML5DevConf Brad Westfall,AZPixels:与CSS工具和方法一起玩得很好

构建一页滚动插件和黑盒驱动的开发 (Building a one-page scroll plugin, and black-box driven development)

With JavaScript this week we see from Pete all about how he built the one-page scroll plugin, with an excellent rundown of how he broke things down into simpler parts, and details on the development from there, before rebuilding it with Zepto. It’s quite the detailed exploration and has something for everyone no matter their expertise.

在本周JavaScript中,我们从Pete 身上了解到他如何构建一页滚动插件 ,以及如何用Zepto重建之前将他分解成更简单的部分以及从那里进行开发的详细信息。 这是相当详细的探索,不管他们的专业知识如何,都可以为每个人使用。

Meanwhile, over at Mozilla we learn more on black-box driven development, with code and details on how to modularise everything, deal with public methods and use composition over inheritance.


And lastly, Bjorn takes a good look at advanced objects in JavaScript, covering all sorts of techniques from the new ES6 version of JavaScript.

最后,Bjorn很好地了解了JavaScript中的高级对象 ,涵盖了来自ES6新版JavaScript的各种技术。

Other JavaScript things we saw this week:


Sweep.js – A JavaScript library for smoother color transitions

Sweep.js –一个用于平滑颜色过渡JavaScript库

Bubble.js – A 1.6K Solution to a Common Problem

Bubble.js –常见问题的1.6K解决方案

Terra.js – a JavaScript framework for simple biological simulations and cellular automata

Terra.js –一个用于简单生物模拟和细胞自动机JavaScript框架

Building a Library with RequireJS


What links stood out to you this week? What do you think of the 3×3 technique? We’d love to hear your thoughts.

本周有哪些链接让您脱颖而出? 您如何看待3×3技术? 我们很想听听您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-week-walkthrough-black-boxes-sordid-legacy/
