css3 左右伸缩栏样式

tech2023-07-22  111

css3 左右伸缩栏样式

Styling a section post with CSS is a lesson from the course Putting It Together: Building a Website, by Guilherme Muller. Watch to see how you can use a combination of HTML and CSS to change the stylistic layout of the Latest Post area in a website, giving it a colourful, sleek and modern look.

Guilherme Muller的“ 将它放在一起:构建网站 ”课程中的一课是使用CSS设置文章的样式。 观看以了解如何结合使用HTML和CSS来更改网站中“最新帖子”区域的样式布局,使其具有色彩鲜艳,时尚现代的外观。

If you want to get your hands dirty with website building with HTML and CSS, this Learnable course is for you. You will learn how to use the main tools that these languages give to build a complete and complex homepage of a website, based on a professional design which we will analyze and slice in Photoshop. This is a practical course covering the main techniques web developers use for building a variety of common page elements.

如果您想动手使用HTML和CSS进行网站构建,那么此易学课程非常适合您。 您将基于专业设计学习如何使用这些语言提供的主要工具来构建网站的完整而复杂的主页,我们将在Photoshop中对其进行分析和剖析。 这是一门实践课程,涵盖Web开发人员用于构建各种常见页面元素的主要技术。

This course was made for people who want to apply HTML and CSS into a direct practical task. It is aimed at those who want to learn HTML and CSS techniques and want to practice slicing and coding a layout that has many common real-world challenges.

本课程是为希望将HTML和CSS应用于直接实际任务的人们而开设的。 它面向那些想要学习HTML和CSS技术并希望对具有许多常见现实挑战的布局进行切片和编码的人。

For this course, it’s assumed basic knowledge of HTML tags and attributes and CSS selectors and properties. Basic understanding of Photoshop or similar image editors will be useful for the slicing section of the course but it is not required.

在本课程中,假定读者具有HTML标签和属性以及CSS选择器和属性的基本知识。 对Photoshop或类似图像编辑器的基本了解对于课程的切片部分很有用,但这不是必需的。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/styling-section-post-css/

css3 左右伸缩栏样式
