
tech2023-07-22  118


Since May 20th, I really don’t like pandas anymore. Even seeing them on TV makes me shudder. Why? Because May 20th was the day I got hit by Panda 4.0. Those who got hit with me can probably spell this now famous tweet by Matt Cutts word for word. Matt is the head of spam at Google, and his tweets are feared by many.

从5月20日开始,我真的不再喜欢大熊猫了。 甚至在电视上看到它们,我都感到颤抖。 为什么? 因为5月20日是我被Panda 4.0击中的那一天。 那些被我打中的人可能可以逐字逐句拼写出现在由Matt Cutts撰写的著名推文 。 Matt是Google垃圾邮件的负责人,许多人都担心他的推文。

一点背景信息 (A little bit of background information)

So what’s the deal with these pandas? Well, Google is obviously inspired by the zoo for coming up with cute animals to name their algorithm updates after. Panda updates are used for flushing low quality sites (content farms) out of the search results. There’s also Penguin, which does the same for low quality backlinks.

那么这些大熊猫怎么办? 好吧,很明显,动物园激发了Google的灵感,他们提出了可爱的动物来命名他们的算法更新。 熊猫更新用于从搜索结果中清除低质量的网站(内容场)。 还有企鹅,对于低质量的反向链接也是如此 。

Originally intended to improve the overall search results quality, nowadays the Panda updates are mostly used to fix previous mistakes.


那么,什么使Panda 4.0如此特别呢? (So what makes Panda 4.0 so special?)

First of all, a fairly high number of sites got hit. About 7.5% of English queries were affected, which is a lot. Previous updates were around 1-2%.

首先,相当多的网站受到了打击。 大约有7.5%的英语查询受到了影响,影响很大。 以前的更新约为1-2%。

But what makes this one even more special is that almost immediately people in the industry began suspecting a correction or even a rollback would follow soon. And it turns out they were at least partially right.

但是,使这一问题变得更加特别的是,业内人士几乎立即开始怀疑不久之后将进行更正,甚至回滚。 事实证明,它们至少部分正确。

Why this suspicion you might ask? Well, in many cases the updates didn’t really make sense at all. High-quality content pages were pushed down in favor of lower-quality ones. Quality is of course subjective, but you know good content when you see it.

为什么您可能会问这种怀疑? 好吧,在许多情况下,更新根本没有任何意义。 高品质的内容页面被压低了,而低品质的页面被青睐了。 质量固然是主观的,但是您看到优质内容就知道了。

This doesn’t mean the update was useless at all, there were some pretty good shifts seen. Poor ol’ eBay got hit pretty hard, losing around 35% of its search engine traffic (although rumors suggest this action was manual…).

这并不意味着更新根本没有用,看到了一些相当不错的变化。 可怜的eBay遭受了重创,损失了约35%的搜索引擎流量(尽管有传言称此操作是手动的…)。

But they got hit on exactly those (low quality, built for search queries) pages Google doesn’t want in their results. Google: 1 – eBay: 0.

但他们恰好是Google不想在搜索结果中显示的那些页面(质量低,专为搜索查询构建)。 Google:1 – eBay:0。

受到打击感觉如何? (How does it feel getting hit?)

As I mentioned, I got hit by Panda 4.0. Of the sites I own, my money-maker took a dive, while some smaller sites gained a bit. Unfortunately not enough to compensate.

如前所述,我被Panda 4.0打中了。 在我拥有的网站中,我的赚钱者潜水了,而一些较小的网站有所收获。 不幸的是还不足以弥补。

Let me start by saying that I am not a “victim” and I am not trying to defend my sites or myself. I am certainly not saying I’m only contributing high quality content to the web, but there are many pieces that stick out. I won’t mention these sites in this article, to protect them, but they are easy to find.

首先,我说我不是“受害者”,也不是在捍卫自己的网站或自己。 我当然不是说我只是在向网络贡献高质量的内容,但是有很多方面值得关注。 为了保护它们,我不会在本文中提及这些站点,但是很容易找到它们。

As a web publisher profiting from search engine traffic I need to play by Google’s rules or not play at all. Even when they keep changing the rules during the game.

作为一个从搜索引擎流量中获利的网络发布者,我需要遵守Google的规则或完全不参与。 即使他们在比赛中不断更改规则。

I believe I can offer a good insight in getting hit by a main update. I am not a virgin to this situation either. About 18 months ago one of my sites got shot into oblivion by Penguin 1.2, crawled up a bit and received the final blow by Penguin 2.0. It was totally deserved though — I sure knew how to do some bad link building.

我相信我可以提供一个很好的见解,使它可以被主要更新击中。 我也不是这种情况的处女。 大约18个月前,我的一个站点被Penguin 1.2遗忘了,爬了一下,并受到Penguin 2.0的最后一击。 但是,这是完全应得的-我确定知道如何进行一些不良的链接构建。

My main site is a great example of the indecisiveness Google has shown with the latest update. I had a number of high-ranking pages that Google initially found worthy enough of these top spots. I didn’t do any specific link building to get these pages there.

我的主站点很好地说明了Google在最新更新中表现出的优柔寡断。 我有许多高级网页,谷歌最初发现这些网页足够有价值。 我没有进行任何特定的链接构建来将这些页面放置在那里。

Then all of a sudden: Bang! Rankings dropped, visitor numbers dropped, and most importantly: my income dropped, even harder. Turns out the pages getting hit had a relative large share in the earnings, more than those keeping their rankings.

然后突然:砰! 排名下降,访问者人数下降,最重要的是:我的收入下降,甚至更加困难。 事实证明,受到影响的网页在收益中所占的比例相对较高,超过了保持排名的网页。

Pictures are worth a thousand words, so here a impression of how it looks:


The excellent Panguin tool shows what happened at a glance.


Thanks to the different scale used in this graph, it doesn’t look that bad in Google Analytics.

由于此图中使用的比例不同,因此在Google Analytics(分析)中看起来还不错。

Google Adsense is where it hurts the most. It hurts even more knowing this was on track to being a record-breaking month.

Google Adsense是最受伤害的地方。 更令人痛心的是,知道这将是一个创纪录的月份。

All in all I lost about 30% of my traffic, and 40% of my income in one blow. If that doesn’t ruin your day…

总而言之,我一口气损失了大约30%的流量和40%的收入。 如果那不破坏你的一天……

不可能全都不好吧? (It can’t be all bad right?)

There were some positive effects though. One of my content sites jumped up by almost 100%. It’s still low in visitor numbers, but rewarding nonetheless. This one I do understood, since it offers excellent content Google should love, if I may say so myself.

虽然有一些积极的影响。 我的内容网站之一跃升了近100%。 访客人数仍然很低,但是仍然很值得。 我确实明白这一点,因为它提供了Google应该喜欢的出色内容,如果我本人也可以这么说的话。

Many webmasters like me are seeing these positive effects on their own high quality sites. Sites they worked on for months or even years, trying to become the authority on a specific topic. These guys finally got rewarded for providing good content, and that’s basically what Panda 4.0 is all about.

像我这样的许多网站管理员都在自己的高质量网站上看到了这些积极影响。 他们工作了几个月甚至几年的网站,试图成为某个特定主题的权威。 这些家伙最终因提供优质内容而获得回报,而这基本上就是Panda 4.0的全部意义所在。

On a side note: I also noticed the same positive effect for a WooCommerce demo site. I intentionally included the link for this site so you can decide for yourself whether you find this a high-quality site.

附带说明一下:我还注意到WooCommerce演示站点具有相同的积极作用。 我特意加入了此站点的链接,以便您可以自己决定是否找到一个高质量的站点。

新现实 (The new reality)

I must admit I saw this coming for months. The pages that got hit the hardest were mostly category pages, basically offering no content other than excerpts.

我必须承认我已经看到了几个月的时间。 受打击最严重的页面主要是类别页面,除摘录外基本上不提供其他内容。

But even my more content rich pages got hit a little, dropping mostly one position. I “lost” my rankings to different sites offering better or similar content, so no biggie.

但是,即使我的内容更加丰富的页面也受到了一些打击,大部分位置下降了。 我将自己的排名“迷失”在提供更好或相似内容的其他网站上,所以没什么大不了的。

The site I am constantly referring to is a job information site. You will find job descriptions, salary information and job requirements. All content, with a few ads from job listing sites, but not offering job listings itself. It’s a niche site, with no direct competitors.

我经常提到的站点是工作信息站点。 您将找到职位描述,薪资信息和职位要求。 所有内容,以及一些来自职位列表网站的广告,但本身不提供职位列表。 这是一个利基网站,没有直接竞争对手。

You might have guessed that for those pages that got dropped several places, a new contender (or contenders) replaced them. At least someone offering similar or better information.

您可能已经猜到,对于那些放置了多个位置的页面,新的竞争者(或竞争者)替换了它们。 至少有人提供类似或更好的信息。

Guess again: I got replaced by… job sites. Just plain and simple job search engines displaying a job listing page relevant to the search queue. Basically the same as what eBay was doing. That’s as high-quality as my WooCommerce demo site…

再次猜:我被……工作场所取代了。 只是简单而简单的工作搜索引擎显示与搜索队列相关的工作清单页面。 基本上与eBay所做的相同。 就像我的WooCommerce演示站点一样高质量…

I’m not the only one seeing this strange shift. Tons of webmasters are seeing the same results, their high-quality pages being replaced by low-quality automated pages. And that’s where the suspicion that a correction or rollback was imminent began to arise.

我不是唯一看到这种奇怪转变的人。 大量的网站管理员都看到了相同的结果,他们的高质量页面被低质量的自动化页面所取代。 这就是开始怀疑即将进行更正或回滚的地方。

我们可以从这一切中学到什么? (What can we learn from all this?)

If there’s anything to learn from this Panda update, it’s that Google prefers longer, broader posts over the shorter, more targeted ones. Also, although there are some exceptions, they really don’t like pages consisting of tons of links. More importantly, they are actively enforcing these policies.

如果从此Panda更新中有什么要学习的地方,那就是Google会选择更长,更广泛的帖子,而不是较短,更具针对性的帖子。 另外,尽管有一些例外,但它们确实不喜欢包含大量链接的页面。 更重要的是,他们正在积极执行这些政策。

Even though quality is subjective, length is not. Length can be a measurement of quality, though. Google surely knows how to measure the length of your content area. While this doesn’t necessarily guarantee a better quality, they have enough additional tools to see how a page performs (hello, Google Analytics).

即使质量是主观的,但长度不是。 长度可以衡量质量。 Google肯定知道如何测量内容区域的长度。 尽管这不一定能保证更好的质量,但他们有足够的其他工具来查看页面的性能(您好,Google Analytics(分析))。

So if you got hit by Panda, or want to please Google in the future, make sure you focus on quality. Use a healthy combination of content and links, and make sure people stick for a few minutes so Google now your page is worth sending visitors to.

因此,如果您受到Panda的打击,或者希望将来取悦Google,请确保您专注于质量。 使用内容和链接的健康组合,并确保人们停留几分钟,以便Google现在值得将您的页面吸引到访问者。

Everyone is always saying that you should focus on what your visitors want to read, not what Google likes. But this wasn’t always the case, and you could play the game by bending the rules a bit. If you got hit by this update, you should either bend harder or finally give in to their rules.

每个人都在说,您应该专注于访问者想要阅读的内容,而不是Google喜欢的内容。 但这并非总是如此,您可以通过稍微弯曲规则来玩游戏。 如果您受到此更新的打击,则应该更加努力或者最终屈服于他们的规则。

熊猫4.0:一周后 (Panda 4.0: One week later)

Google has rolled back or corrected previous updates before, by churning out even more updates. Why and how they do this will always remain a mystery, but it helps to exercise a little bit of patience first after a major update.

Google通过淘汰更多更新来回滚或更正以前的更新。 他们为什么以及如何做到这一点始终是一个谜,但是在进行重大更新后,这首先有助于锻炼一点耐心。

Looking at my own rankings, traffic and earnings it seems I’m recovering a bit. It’s all rising again, back to it’s original position. It’s too soon to tell if this a correction at work, but it looks promising at least.

从我自己的排名,点击量和收入来看,我似乎正在恢复。 一切都再次上升,回到了原来的位置。 现在说这种纠正是否有效尚为时过早,但至少看起来很有希望。

Most of the time, Google isn’t announcing these updates, to make it harder for spammers to know what hit them. But it seems more and more webmasters are seeing the same corrections, returning back to their original rankings. Things are still shifting quite heavily, but we’ll only know for sure in a month or so.

在大多数情况下,Google不会发布这些更新,以使垃圾邮件发送者更难以知道造成了什么。 但是,似乎越来越多的网站管理员看到了相同的更正,回到了原来的排名。 事情仍在发生很大变化,但我们只能在一个月左右的时间里才能知道。

围捕 (Rounding up)

In some way I’m glad I got hit by this Panda update. I am in the process of building an even bigger job information site. I had just decided I would go with smaller pages in a series instead of fewer large posts to get more search engine traffic. Luckily I had built just a few pages, but I’m now going to be sure to combine these into 1 or 2 high quality pages per topic.

从某种程度上来说,我很高兴被这次熊猫更新所打击。 我正在建立一个更大的工作信息网站。 我刚刚决定,我将使用一系列较小的页面,而不是减少较大的帖子,以获取更多的搜索引擎流量。 幸运的是,我仅构建了几页,但是现在我要确保将每个主题将这些页面合并为1或2个高质量页面。

I still want to play Google’s game, even though this constant rule changing gets more and more annoying. Just never forget that in the end, the game is totally theirs.

尽管这种不断变化的规则变得越来越令人讨厌,但我仍然想玩Google的游戏。 只是永远不要忘记,最终,游戏完全是他们的。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/panda-4-0-one-week-later/

