
tech2023-07-23  132


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该帖子由Hooked赞助。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的赞助商。

Every time my phone vibrates for two seconds, I get excited. It’s a classic Pavlovian response to an external stimuli. I should know better, but I just cant help it.

每次手机振动两秒钟,我都会感到兴奋。 这是经典的巴甫洛夫式对外部刺激的React。 我应该知道更多,但我无能为力。

You see, a two-second vibration means either Google Now is letting me know there will be some sort of delay in my morning commute (boring), or someone has decided to interact with me on Twitter (super exciting!)


I’ve gotten quite comfortable with this pattern. So comfortable in fact that I’m no longer surprised by the notification. Instead, I now find that I am expecting it throughout the day. Craving it, almost. It’s gotten so bad that sometimes I’ll convince myself that Twitter forgot to notify me, and I’ll need to go and check my notifications manually.

我对这种模式非常满意。 实际上如此舒适,以至于我不再对通知感到惊讶 。 相反,我现在发现我全天都在期待它。 渴望它,几乎。 它变得如此糟糕,以至于有时我会说服自己Twitter忘记通知我了,我需要手动检查通知。

This behavioral pattern should be starting to sound familiar. It can happen with any product, and it doesn’t mean you’re addicted, imbalanced, unstable, or weird. What it really means is that you’re normal. It means that a small army of neuroscientists, product managers, and behavioural psychologists have discovered the key to building habit forming technology, and this has been built into the very product that you can’t seem to keep your hands off.

这种行为模式应该开始听起来很熟悉。 任何产品都可能发生这种情况,但这并不意味着您会上瘾,不平衡,不稳定或奇怪。 真正的意思是你很正常。 这意味着一小队神经科学家,产品经理和行为心理学家已经发现了养成习惯形成技术的关键,而这已经内置在您似乎无法摆脱的产品中。

介绍:挂钩 (Introducing: Hooked)

What’s the key to building successful habit-forming technology, you ask? That’s the perfect question for Nir Eyal, who just so happened to write a book on the subject.

您问,成功构建习惯养成技术的关键是什么? 对于尼尔·艾亚尔 ( Nir Eyal)来说 ,这是一个完美的问题,他恰好就此问题写了一本书。

I had the chance to read a sample chapter from Hooked, and I have to say, this is not one to miss. As web developers, we’re constantly pushing out software that we hope will be adopted by a large amount of users every day. UX, SEO, and design all play an important part in the success of the software we’re building, but the most successful products use those tools to achieve a much larger goal. A goal that goes on to create the addictive pattern we’re all familiar with in products like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

我有机会阅读了Hooked的一章样本,我不得不说,这不是一个不容错过的章节。 作为Web开发人员,我们正在不断推出希望每天被大量用户采用的软件。 UX,SEO和设计在我们正在构建的软件的成功中都起着重要的作用,但是最成功的产品使用这些工具来实现更大的目标。 一个持续不断的目标是创造一种我们在Twitter,Facebook和Instagram等产品中都熟悉的上瘾模式。

That goal is described as The Hook Model, which has four phases: trigger, action, variable reward, and investment.


The Hook Model explains the rationale behind the design of many successful habit-forming products and services we use daily. Though not exhaustive given the vast amount of academic literature available, the model is intended to be a practical tool (rather than a theoretical one) made for entrepreneurs and innovators who aim to use habits for good. In this book, I have compiled the most relevant research, shared actionable insights, and provided a practical framework designed to increase the innovator’s odds of success.

挂钩模型解释了我们每天使用的许多成功的养成习惯的产品和服务的设计原理。 考虑到可用的大量学术文献,该模型虽然并不详尽,但它旨在成为实用工具(而不是理论工具),旨在为善于养成习惯的企业家和创新者提供此工具。 在这本书中,我整理了最相关的研究,分享了可行的见解,并提供了一个旨在提高创新者成功几率的实用框架。

我被钩住了 (I’m Hooked)

Hooked strikes me as well written, thoroughly researched, and highly convincing. One thing I really took notice of was the way that the content is summarized after every chapter. Each chapter is ended with a summarized list of action items and important highlights, enabling the reader to discuss or take notes on the most important aspects of that chapter. I really enjoy this format, because after reading such an important book, I can always go back to each chapter and easily reference its main points and ideas.

Hooked使我印象深刻,写得很好,经过深入研究并且极具说服力。 我真正注意到的一件事是在每一章之后总结内容的方式。 每章都以行动项目和重要要点的摘要列表结尾,使读者可以讨论或记录该章最重要的方面。 我非常喜欢这种格式,因为在阅读了如此重要的书籍之后,我总是可以回到每一章并轻松参考其要点和观点。

Nir is an excellent writer, and all his claims are backed by an exhaustive list of resources, including research papers, industry experts, and his own experience in working with startups and large companies alike. I was also surprised to see that Ryan Hoover was a contributing author. If you don’t know the name, you probably do know the website he founded, Product Hunt.

尼尔(Nir)是一位出色的作家,他的所有主张都得到了详尽的资源清单的支持,其中包括研究论文,行业专家以及他自己与初创公司和大型公司合作的经验。 我也很惊讶地看到Ryan Hoover是撰稿人。 如果您不知道名字,您可能确实知道他创建的网站Product Hunt 。

This is definitely a book I’m excited to own, especially as a web developer releasing products and software aimed at solving specific problems for a large amount of users. I have no doubt Hooked will pay for itself several times over, by providing useful information relevant to the industry I’m proud to be a part of.

这绝对是我很高兴拥有的一本书,特别是作为Web开发人员发布旨在解决大量用户特定问题的产品和软件时。 毫无疑问,Hooked将通过提供与我很荣幸能参与其中的行业相关的有用信息,为自己付出数倍的回报。

结论 (Conclusion)

If you’re currently building a product, on a product team, or hope to launch your own product in the future, Hooked is the book for you. It will show you how product teams form strong user habits, ensuring their success and popularity. This isn’t a process that is covered in depth anywhere else, making it a must read for those looking to build habit forming products and technology.

如果您当前正在构建产品,或在产品团队中构建产品,或者希望将来发布自己的产品,那么Hooked是适合您的书。 它将向您展示产品团队如何养成良好的用户习惯,确保其成功和受欢迎。 这不是在其他任何地方都深入探讨的过程,因此对于那些想要养成习惯形成产品和技术的人来说,必须阅读。

Hooked is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and After you buy, be sure to check out for a special offer!

Hooked在Amazon , Barnes&Noble和IndieBound.org上可用 。 购买后,请务必查看HookModel.com的特别优惠!

更多详情和评论 (More details and reviews)

“A must read for everyone who cares about driving customer engagement.” — Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup How do successful companies create products people can’t put down?

“ A必须为所有关心提高客户参与度的人阅读。” —精益创业公司(Ean Startup)的作者埃里克·里斯(Eric Ries),成功的公司如何创造人们无法拒绝的产品?

Why do some products capture widespread attention while others flop? What makes us engage with certain products out of sheer habit? Is there a pattern underlying how technologies hook us?

为什么有些产品引起广泛关注,而另一些却失败? 是什么让我们出于纯粹的习惯而从事某些产品? 技术如何吸引我们吗?

Nir Eyal answers these questions (and many more) in his book Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products. Hooked explains the hidden psychology behind how products create users habits. Hooked is not abstract theory, but a how-to guide for building better products. Hooked is written for product managers, designers, marketers, start-up founders, and anyone who seeks to understand how products influence our behavior.

尼尔·艾亚尔(Nir Eyal)在他的《被钩住的:如何建立习惯形成的产品》一书中回答了这些问题(以及更多)。 Hooked解释了产品如何建立用户习惯的背后隐藏的心理。 迷惑不是抽象理论,而是构建更好产品的方法指南。 Hooked专为产品经理,设计师,营销人员,初创公司创始人以及所有寻求了解产品如何影响我们的行为的人而写。

“Hooked gives you the blueprint for the next generation of products. Read Hooked or the company that replaces you will.” —Matt Mullenweg, Founder of WordPress.

“ Hooked为您提供了下一代产品的蓝图。 阅读Hooked或将取代您的公司。” - WordPress的创办人Matt Mullenweg。


