
tech2023-07-24  110

Chrome’s user base increased by 3.6% last month. Do the the latest figures from StatCounter indicate it was a one-off blip?…

Chrome的用户群上个月增加了3.6% 。 StatCounter的最新数据是否表明这是一次性的消息?

2014年4月至5月,全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计数据 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, April to May 2014)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserAprilMaychangerelativeIE (all)21.41%20.76%-0.65%-3.00%IE118.33%8.47%+0.14%+1.70%IE103.60%3.30%-0.30%-8.30%IE93.31%3.23%-0.08%-2.40%IE85.64%5.29%-0.35%-6.20%IE70.19%0.17%-0.02%-10.50%IE60.34%0.30%-0.04%-11.80%Chrome45.33%45.72%+0.39%+0.90%Firefox18.60%18.71%+0.11%+0.60%Safari4.68%4.61%-0.07%-1.50%iPad Safari5.09%5.39%+0.30%+5.90%Opera1.37%1.30%-0.07%-5.10%Others3.52%3.51%-0.01%-0.30% 浏览器 四月 可能 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 21.41% 20.76% -0.65% -3.00% IE11 8.33% 8.47% + 0.14% + 1.70% IE10 3.60% 3.30% -0.30% -8.30% IE9 3.31% 3.23% -0.08% -2.40% IE8 5.64% 5.29% -0.35% -6.20% IE7 0.19% 0.17% -0.02% -10.50% IE6 0.34% 0.30% -0.04% -11.80% Chrome 45.33% 45.72% + 0.39% + 0.90% 火狐浏览器 18.60% 18.71% + 0.11% + 0.60% 苹果浏览器 4.68% 4.61% -0.07% -1.50% iPad Safari 5.09% 5.39% + 0.30% + 5.90% 歌剧 1.37% 1.30% -0.07% -5.10% 其他 3.52% 3.51% -0.01% -0.30%

2013年5月至2014年5月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, May 2013 to May 2014)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserMay 2013May 2014changerelativeIE (all)27.71%20.76%-6.95%-25.10%IE110.00%8.47%+8.47%n/aIE108.69%3.30%-5.39%-62.00%IE99.61%3.23%-6.38%-66.40%IE88.63%5.29%-3.34%-38.70%IE70.54%0.17%-0.37%-68.50%IE60.24%0.30%+0.06%+25.00%Chrome41.44%45.72%+4.28%+10.30%Firefox19.75%18.71%-1.04%-5.30%Safari7.94%10.00%+2.06%+25.90%Opera1.00%1.30%+0.30%+30.00%Others2.16%3.51%+1.35%+62.50% 浏览器 2013年5月 2014年5月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 27.71% 20.76% -6.95% -25.10% IE11 0.00% 8.47% + 8.47% 不适用 IE10 8.69% 3.30% -5.39% -62.00% IE9 9.61% 3.23% -6.38% -66.40% IE8 8.63% 5.29% -3.34% -38.70% IE7 0.54% 0.17% -0.37% -68.50% IE6 0.24% 0.30% + 0.06% + 25.00% Chrome 41.44% 45.72% + 4.28% + 10.30% 火狐浏览器 19.75% 18.71% -1.04% -5.30% 苹果浏览器 7.94% 10.00% + 2.06% + 25.90% 歌剧 1.00% 1.30% + 0.30% + 30.00% 其他 2.16% 3.51% + 1.35% + 62.50%

The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 10.5% of IE7 users switched browsers last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.

下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。 “更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示比例变化,即IE7用户上个月切换浏览器的比例为10.5%。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。

While Chrome couldn’t match last month’s gains, other vendors would be ecstatic with a 0.39% increase. It’s probably a coincidence that IE8 dropped by a similar amount, but the end of Windows XP will be a contributing factor. Users and businesses migrating to Windows 7/8 must consider upgrading all software; it’s difficult — if not impossible — to stick with IE8. IE9+ is closer to Chrome or Firefox than its predecessor so there’s no reason not to evaluate the alternatives.

虽然Chrome无法与上个月的涨幅相提并论,但其他供应商会欣喜若狂,涨幅为0.39%。 IE8下降了类似的数量可能是一个巧合,但是Windows XP的结束将是一个促成因素。 迁移到Windows 7/8的用户和企业必须考虑升级所有软件。 很难(即使不是不可能)坚持使用IE8。 IE9 +比其前身更接近Chrome或Firefox,因此没有理由不评估其他选择。

Internet Explorer is likely to fall below 20% by August. IE11 is a fine browser but, other than raw speed in a couple of areas, there’s little to entice Chrome users to switch. Microsoft’s Windows-only policy is also beginning to hurt usage. Many more developers are using Mac OSX or Linux both of which do not allow you to install native versions of IE.

Internet Explorer到8月可能会跌至20%以下。 IE11是一款出色的浏览器,但除了在几个方面的原始速度外,没有什么诱使Chrome用户进行切换的。 微软的仅限Windows的政策也开始损害使用率。 更多的开发人员正在使用Mac OSX或Linux,这两者都不允许您安装IE的本机版本。

Other vendors fared better with Firefox and iPad Safari seeing increases. That said, Safari on Mac has similar issues to IE: It’s available only on Apple OSes and is not superior to the competition.

随着Firefox和iPad Safari的增加,其他供应商的表现也更好。 也就是说,Mac上的Safari与IE有类似的问题:它仅在Apple操作系统上可用,并不比竞争对手优越。

2014年4月至5月,全球移动浏览器统计数据 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, April to May 2014)

Mobile usage in May 2014 increased by more that 2% to reach 27.04% of all web activity. Mobile domination has been predicted for some time, but StatCounter’s 6-year mobile/desktop comparision chart highlights that it started to become reality during the past twelve months.

2014年5月的移动使用量增长了2%以上,达到所有网络活动的27.04% 。 人们已经预测了移动市场的统治已经有一段时间了,但是StatCounter的6年移动/桌面比较图表强调了它在过去的12个月中开始成为现实。

The top mobile browsing applications:


Mobile BrowserAprilMaychangerelativeAndroid25.52%25.26%-0.26%-1.00%iPhone21.14%21.34%+0.20%+0.90%Chrome15.62%18.33%+2.71%+17.30%Opera Mini/Mobile12.26%11.60%-0.66%-5.40%UC Browser11.09%10.39%-0.70%-6.30%Nokia Browser4.82%4.35%-0.47%-9.80%IEMobile2.38%2.38%+0.00%+0.00%Others7.17%6.35%-0.82%-11.40% 手机浏览器 四月 可能 更改 相对的 安卓系统 25.52% 25.26% -0.26% -1.00% 苹果手机 21.14% 21.34% + 0.20% + 0.90% Chrome 15.62% 18.33% + 2.71% + 17.30% Opera Mini /手机 12.26% 11.60% -0.66% -5.40% UC浏览器 11.09% 10.39% -0.70% -6.30% 诺基亚浏览器 4.82% 4.35% -0.47% -9.80% IEMobile 2.38% 2.38% + 0.00% + 0.00% 其他 7.17% 6.35% -0.82% -11.40%

Chrome enjoyed another staggering 3% jump in one month although, surprisingly, the Android stock browser didn’t drop by a similar percentage. Google’s mobile browser looks set to leap the iPhone version of Safari during July or August.

Chrome浏览器在一个月内又实现了3%的惊人增长,尽管令人惊讶的是,Android股票浏览器的降幅并未达到相似的百分比。 谷歌的移动浏览器有望在7月或8月跨越iPhone的Safari版本。

Sorry Blackberry users — I’ve removed those devices from the chart. Usage has fallen to 1.5% and it’s difficult to see how the company can recover.

抱歉,Blackberry用户-我已从图表中删除了这些设备。 使用率已降至1.5%,很难看到公司如何恢复。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-june-2014-chromes-ascent-continues/
