universal crt

tech2023-07-25  125

universal crt

As of April 2014, Google’s new Universal Analytics is out of Beta release. It’s been in public Beta since March 2013, and upgrading the code on all Google Analytics properties will soon be mandatory. Since it’s not an automatic upgrade, you have a choice: Upgrade, or have a good look at some Google Analytics alternatives. So what should you choose? And what is involved in performing the upgrade?

截至2014年4月,Google的新通用Analytics(分析)已发布Beta版 。 自2013年3月以来,它一直处于公开Beta版,并且不久将必须升级所有Google Analytics(分析)媒体资源上的代码。 由于它不是自动升级,因此您可以选择:升级,或者很好看一些Google Analytics(分析)替代方法 。 那你该怎么选择呢? 进行升级涉及什么?

In this article I will briefly discuss the pros and cons of making the switch and then I’ll show you how it’s done, using one of my own websites. And since I will already be in the process of updating my code, I will also include the Demographics & Interests feature.

在本文中,我将简要讨论进行此切换的利弊,然后我将使用自己的网站向您展示该操作的完成方式。 而且由于我已经在更新代码,因此我还将包括“ 受众特征和兴趣”功能。

缺点 (The Drawbacks)

There’s lots of good stuff to say about the new Universal Analytics, but let’s get the bad stuff out of the way first.


手动升级 (The Manual Upgrade)

The biggest problem in the upgrade is the fact that you have to take action, mess with your Analytics code, and manually perform the upgrade. While this seems simple, your Google Analytics (GA) code is on every single page of your site — and in many cases, you’ll have to change that code by hand.

升级中的最大问题是您必须采取措施,弄乱Analytics(分析)代码并手动执行升级。 尽管这看起来很简单,但是Google Analytics(分析)代码位于网站的每个页面上-在许多情况下,您必须手动更改该代码。

Luckily, upgrading now is easier than it was in Beta, where you had to perform several steps to upgrade. Now it’s only two steps (one of which is simply requesting an upgrade) and a bit of waiting.

幸运的是,现在升级要比Beta(在Beta中,您必须执行几个步骤来升级)更容易。 现在只有两个步骤(其中一个只是简单地请求升级)和一点等待。

Part of the upgrade process is adding the new code. I manage 20 sites, so I dread this step. For those of us who run hundreds of sites, this will be a time-consuming upgrade.

升级过程的一部分是添加新代码。 我管理20个站点,因此我很害怕这一步。 对于运行数百个站点的我们来说,这将是一个耗时的升级。

This gets even worse when you are an advanced GA user. If you use custom variables you will have to update these too, into custom dimensions. For now there’s a workaround (upgrade to Universal Analytics, but keep the variables and the old code) but this won’t last: Google will stop collecting data from old Analytics codes in two years.

当您是高级GA用户时,情况甚至更糟。 如果您使用自定义变量 ,则也必须将其更新为自定义维度 。 目前,有一个解决方法(升级到Universal Analytics,但保留变量和旧代码),但是这种方法不会持续下去:Google将在两年内停止从旧的Analytics代码中收集数据。

One more thing: You can’t go back to your old code. Upgrading means not only replacing the tracking code, but your profile is converted as well. So you should try it on a development site first.

还有一件事:您无法回到原来的代码。 升级不仅意味着替换跟踪代码,而且还转换了您的个人资料。 因此,您应该首先在开发站点上进行尝试。

学习曲线 (The Learning Curve)

Another disadvantage of Universal Analytics is the learning curve. To fully comprehend GA you already had to do some serious studying. The initial upgrade to Universal Analytics won’t change much in your dashboard, but it seems GA is lining up for some major changes, which will take some getting used to.

Universal Analytics的另一个缺点是学习曲线。 要完全理解GA,您已经必须认真研究 。 通用Analytics(分析)的最初升级不会在您的资讯主页中发生太大变化,但GA似乎正在等待一些重大更改,这需要一些时间来适应。

An additional hurdle is the low quality of Google’s official documentation on Analytics. The documentation should improve with time, but if you’re planning on upgrading early, prepare for some uncertainty.

另一个障碍是Google的Google Analytics(分析)官方文档质量低下。 文档会随着时间的推移而改进,但是如果您打算尽早升级,请准备一些不确定性。

奖励 (The Rewards)

Upgrading to Universal Analytics might be tedious, but it does offer some huge benefits. Let’s have a look at them:

升级到Universal Analytics可能很乏味,但是确实提供了一些巨大的好处。 让我们看看它们:

用户身份 (User ID)

One of the first major changes in Universal Analytics is a pretty cool feature called User ID, which works best for sites that already assign an identifier to a specific user (for example, with a login). You can then assign a specific user ID to this login within Analytics, and keep track of when and how a visitor comes back to your site, including on specific devices.

Universal Analytics的第一个主要更改是一个很酷的功能,即User ID ,该功能最适合已经为特定用户分配了标识符(例如,使用登录名)的网站。 然后,您可以在Google Analytics(分析)中为此登录名分配特定的用户ID,并跟踪访问者何时以及如何返回您的网站,包括在特定设备上。

I’ll be using User ID on a job board website that I run. It will be pretty amazing to see how a logged in user searches for jobs over time, and which device they use to eventually apply for a job. This gives a whole new meaning to the unique visitor metric. With this information, you can set the road map for future improvements to your site.

我将在我运行的工作委员会网站上使用用户ID。 看到登录用户如何随时间搜索工作,以及他们最终使用哪种设备来申请工作,将是非常令人惊讶的。 这为唯一访问者指标赋予了全新的含义。 有了这些信息,您可以为将来的站点设置路线图。

跨设备报告 (Cross-Device Reporting)

The User ID feature is just one implementation of the cross-device possibilities. With the new code you get three different ways of measuring: Good old website tracking (with easier cross-domain tracking), mobile app tracking, and the Measurement Protocol for tracking any other digital device. This protocol takes analyzing data out of your normal website, and allows for communication with practically any environment.

用户ID功能只是跨设备可能性的一种实现。 使用新代码,您可以获得三种不同的测量方式:良好的旧网站跟踪(具有更轻松的跨域跟踪),移动应用跟踪以及用于跟踪任何其他数字设备的测量协议 。 该协议将分析数据从您的常规网站中删除,并允许与几乎任何环境下的通信。

Some examples for the Measurement Protocol:


Track transactions which occur outside of, but originate from your site, like membership renewals.

跟踪发生在您网站之外但源自您网站的交易,例如会员资格续订。 Advanced: You can issue coupons on your site, which visitors can use online or print out and use in your physical store. The resulting revenue can be sent back to GA to be aggregated in one performance report.

高级:您可以在您的网站上发放优惠券,访客可以在线使用该优惠券,也可以打印出来并在您的实体店中使用。 产生的收入可以发送回GA,以汇总到一份绩效报告中。 Even more advanced: Soon refrigerators will be able to order online directly. Imagine if you could tie this revenue to a marketing campaign you ran to acquire the customer. How’s that for lifetime value?

更高级的功能:很快,冰箱就可以直接在线订购。 想象一下,如果您可以将这一收入与您为获得客户而进行的市场营销活动挂钩。 终生价值如何?

自定义变量豪华版 (Custom Variables Deluxe)

As I mentioned above, custom variables have been replaced by custom dimensions. These are essentially the same, but you’re no longer limited to 5 dimensions (the limit is now 20), and each one of these can be named (a small change that greatly simplifies the use of custom variables).

正如我上面提到的,自定义变量已由自定义尺寸代替。 它们本质上是相同的,但是您不再局限于5个维度(现在限制为20个),并且每个都可以命名(一个小的更改,大大简化了自定义变量的使用)。

With Universal Analytics, you can also add custom metrics to your dimensions. This allows you to quantify you data. Dimensions are the “What?”, and metrics are the “How many?”.

借助Universal Analytics,您还可以向维度添加自定义指标。 这使您可以量化数据。 维度是“什么?”,指标是“多少?”。

Using e-commerce as an example: GA already has pre-defined dimensions metrics for reporting on transaction value. But that’s just revenue. With custom metrics you can expand on this by adding the costs of goods sold and calculate your profit.

以电子商务为例:Google Analytics(分析)已经有了用于报告交易价值的预定义维度指标。 但这仅仅是收入。 使用自定义指标,您可以通过添加已售商品的成本并计算利润来扩展此范围。

GA already has en enormous set of default dimensions and metrics, but with the custom options you can simply build the ones you’re missing.

Google Analytics(分析)已经拥有大量的默认维度和指标,但是使用自定义选项,您可以轻松构建缺失的选项。

人口统计与兴趣 (Demographics & Interests)

Ok, I cheated a bit on this one since it isn’t something that’s limited to Universal Analytics. If you are going to spend time updating your Google Analytics code, don’t forget to turn on Demographics and Interests. This gives you some great insights into your visitors, by using data Google already collects about them.

好的,我对此作弊,因为它不仅限于Universal Analytics。 如果您要花时间更新Google Analytics(分析)代码,请不要忘记打开“ 受众特征和兴趣爱好” 。 通过使用Google已经收集的访问者数据,您可以深入了解访问者。

This way I found out that one of my sites, HIPAAHQ.com, is mostly visited by technophiles (which is a perfect match), and not so much by shoppers. This validates an assumption with real data.

通过这种方式,我发现自己的网站HIPAAHQ.com大多受到技术爱好者的欢迎(这是绝配),而购物者的访问量则不那么大。 这可以用真实数据验证假设。

您应该升级吗? (Should You Upgrade?)

With an estimated two years before the original Google Analytics is retired, there’s no pressing reason to upgrade today. The biggest imperative is that you’ll start collecting data on your Universal Analytics as soon as the upgrade is complete, letting you take advantage of new features immediately.

最初的Google Analytics(分析)估计需要两年的淘汰时间,所以今天没有紧迫的理由进行升级。 最重要的是,升级完成后,您将立即开始在Universal Analytics上收集数据,让您立即利用新功能。

Another advantage: Google will only be releasing improvements to Universal Analytics. If a neat new feature is announced soon, you won’t be able to use it unless you have already upgraded, or are able to quickly change your Analytics code.

另一个优势:Google只会发布对Universal Analytics的改进。 如果即将推出一项新功能,除非您已经升级或能够快速更改Analytics代码,否则将无法使用它。

So let’s now take a look at the process of performing the upgrade, should you choose to go through with it soon.


步骤1:将您的资产移至通用分析 (Step 1: Moving Your Property to Universal Analytics)

For the first two steps I will be using the Universal Analytics Upgrade Guide for upgrading one of my sites, HeathrowCareers.co.uk which is running on WordPress. This process begins by moving your property (that is your site’s GA profile) over to Universal Analytics. You will find this option in the admin of GA, and the option is only there if you haven’t converted the profile yet.

对于前两个步骤,我将使用《 Universal Analytics升级指南》来升级我的一个网站,该网站在WordPress上运行,该网站为HeathrowCareers.co.uk 。 首先,将您的媒体资源(即网站的GA配置文件)移至Universal Analytics。 您会在GA管理员中找到此选项,并且只有在您尚未转换配置文件的情况下,该选项才存在。

步骤2:升级代码(无自定义变量) (Step 2: Upgrading Your Code (Without Custom Variables))

It will take about 48 hours for your account to be moved into Universal Analytics. But it won’t do anything until you update your code.

您的帐户大约需要48小时才能移至Universal Analytics。 但是,除非您更新代码,否则它什么也不会做。

And it should be noted that your profile will function normally during the upgrade process, and no data is lost even if you keep using the old code after upgrading your property.


On my site I am using the Yoast Google Analytics for WordPress plugin. Unfortunately, this one is still using the old tracking code. If you prefer a WordPress plugin, its main competitor Google Analyticator does allow you to use the new code. It also allows you to add the necessary code for Demographics & Interests. But, it doesn’t allow for custom dimensions and metrics.

在我的网站上,我正在使用Yoast Google Analytics for WordPress插件。 不幸的是,此代码仍在使用旧的跟踪代码。 如果您更喜欢WordPress插件,则其主要竞争对手Google Analyticator确实允许您使用新代码。 它还允许您为“受众特征和兴趣”添加必要的代码。 但是,它不允许自定义维度和指标。

For this example I will be going old-school, and add the code to the header.php file myself. If you want to do it properly you have to make a child theme-based header.php to prevent overwriting during an update. Unfortunately, my site’s theme isn’t configured properly so I had to change the theme’s header.php. Or you can use a Code Insert plugin.

对于本示例,我将过时,并将代码自己添加到header.php文件中。 如果要正确执行操作,则必须制作一个基于子主题的header.php,以防止在更新过程中被覆盖。 不幸的是,我网站的主题配置不正确,因此我不得不更改主题的header.php。 或者,您可以使用代码插入插件 。

The necessary code is available in the admin of GA. Remember, this is the default tracking code.

GA的管理员可以使用必要的代码。 请记住,这是默认的跟踪代码。

To add Demographics & Interests, you need to add a little bit of extra code. First make sure you enable Demographics and Interests Reports.

要添加受众特征和兴趣,您需要添加一些额外的代码。 首先,请确保启用“受众特征和兴趣报告”。

You then need to add an extra line of code to make this work. The code to be added is:

然后,您需要添加一行额外的代码来完成此工作。 要添加的代码是:

ga('require', 'displayfeatures');

And it will look like this:


A quick tip to see if you implemented your code properly: GA offers real-time statistics, and as long as these are coming in you know you got it right (don’t forget to clean your site’s cache).


Checking if your Demographics & Interests code is working is even easier, since you have to validate the code. Just head over to the Demographics Report to check.

由于您必须验证代码,因此更轻松地检查“受众特征和兴趣”代码是否正常运行。 只需转到“人口统计报告”进行检查。

Quick tip: If the validation message keeps saying you haven’t installed your code, just choose “Skip Validation” and in most cases it will start working. If you can’t see the logic in this one, you’re not alone…

快速提示:如果验证消息持续显示您尚未安装代码,则只需选择“跳过验证”,大多数情况下它将开始工作。 如果您看不到这一逻辑,那么您并不孤单……

步骤3:升级您的自定义变量 (Step 3: Upgrading Your Custom Variables)

Let’s have a look at the revised and improved custom dimensions and metrics section, formerly known as custom variables. You can’t use both custom variables and custom dimensions, so when you upgrade your code you have to set these up right away.

让我们看一下经过修改和改进的自定义维度和指标部分,以前称为自定义变量。 您不能同时使用自定义变量和自定义维度,因此在升级代码时,必须立即进行设置。

This is also a perfect way to check if you got upgraded to Universal Analytics, since this functionality only comes available if you performed the upgrade. You can find it in the Admin area under the “Property” column.

这也是检查是否已升级到Universal Analytics的理想方法,因为只有在执行升级后才能使用此功能。 您可以在“属性”列下的“管理”区域中找到它。

The concept of dimensions and metrics is explained pretty well in this article. The relation between dimensions and metrics is described by the writer as columns (dimensions) and rows (metrics) in a table. It allows for more detail than what was possible with custom variables.

维度和指标的概念在解释相当好这个文章。 作者将维度和指标之间的关系描述为表中的列(维度)和行(指标)。 与自定义变量相比,它提供了更多细节。

Adding dimensions and metrics is actually easier than coming up with an idea on how to use them. GA already gives you some sample code, but as you can read from this Google support article there are even more options to do it.

实际上,添加维度和指标比提出如何使用它们更容易。 Google Analytics(分析)已经为您提供了一些示例代码,但是正如您可以从这篇 Google支持文章中阅读的那样,还有更多的选择可以实现。

Dimensions and metrics allow you to measure anything Google Analytics currently isn’t tracking. You can even connect offline transactions to an online origin if you want to get really advanced. As long as there is any form of interaction measured (a simple hit can be enough), you can send it to GA. I have seen some pretty impressive examples like tracking if your content is being read, or measuring profit up to product level.

维度和指标可让您衡量Google Analytics(分析)当前未跟踪的任何内容。 如果您想变得更高级,甚至可以将脱机交易连接到在线来源。 只要测量到任何形式的互动(一个简单的匹配就足够),您都可以将其发送到GA。 我看过一些令人印象深刻的示例,例如跟踪是否正在阅读您的内容 ,或者衡量直至产品水平的利润 。

Important note before upgrading when using custom variables: When you upgrade your profile but still use the old code your custom variables keep working. But when you start using the Universal Analytics code you need to start using the custom dimensions and metrics right away, or else your custom variables will stop working.

使用自定义变量进行升级之前的重要说明 :当您升级配置文件但仍使用旧代码时,自定义变量将继续工作。 但是,当您开始使用Universal Analytics代码时,您需要立即开始使用自定义维度和指标,否则您的自定义变量将停止工作。

第4步:与受众特征和兴趣一起玩 (Step 4: Playing with Demographics & Interests)

Let’s start by having a look at the Demographics & Interests reports. The demographics give you an interesting view into the age and gender of your visitors. You can then learn more about each group’s average visit duration, number of pages viewed, etc. And you can see how they perform when it comes to e-commerce and AdSense.

让我们先来看一下“受众特征与兴趣”报告。 人口统计信息可让您对访问者的年龄和性别有个有趣的了解。 然后,您可以详细了解每个组的平均访问时间,浏览的页面数等。此外,还可以了解它们在电子商务和AdSense方面的表现。

As you can see from this report alone, my site is mostly visited by females. I already guessed that since the most popular content on my site was a series of posts I did on air hostesses. And people in the age 25-34 age group tend to stay 5x times longer than those in a younger age group (that one I didn’t know).

正如您仅从此报告中可以看到的那样,我的网站大多数都是女性访问的。 我已经猜到,由于我网站上最受欢迎的内容是我在空中小姐上发表的一系列帖子。 25-34岁年龄段的人的停留时间往往比年轻年龄段的人长5倍(我不知道)。

For the interests section I will show you a drill-down report. Interests gives you insight into:

对于兴趣部分,我将向您显示下钻报告。 兴趣使您了解:

Affinity categories (what do they find interesting)

相似性类别(他们发现什么有趣) In-market segments (what will they most likely purchase)

市场细分(他们最有可能购买什么) Other categories (basically a combination of both, more specific and combined)


My job site shows a little bit of everything in these reports, which makes it rather useless for that particular site. One of my other websites (hipaahq.com) has a bit more interesting results, in which I can see I am getting the right type of visitors for this specialized hosting site.

我的工作站点在这些报告中显示了所有内容,因此对于该特定站点来说毫无用处。 我的其他网站之一(hipaahq.com)的结果更为有趣,在其中,我可以看到我为此专门的托管网站吸引了合适的访问者。

第5步:自定义维度和指标 (Step 5: Custom Dimensions and Metrics)

After setting up your custom dimensions and metrics correctly, you can whip it up in a nice custom report (which you find under customization). You can combine your custom data with the default metrics from GA itself, to make some really fancy (and useful of course) reports.

正确设置自定义维度和指标后,您可以在漂亮的自定义报告(可在自定义下找到)中对其进行调整。 您可以将自定义数据与Google Analytics(分析)本身的默认指标结合起来,以制作一些非常精美的报告(当然有用)。

And if you are done combining all of your data into the report, you can get something impressive like this:


结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see, unless you are using custom variables with the old code, the upgrading itself is fairly easy, even when you include the Demographics & Interests code. If only they could offer a way to update dozens or hundreds of sites at once. If you are currently using a plugin you could wait for it to update for you, as there is no rush for now.

如您所见,除非您在旧代码中使用自定义变量,否则即使包含“受众特征与兴趣”代码,升级本身也相当容易。 如果他们能提供一次更新数十个或数百个站点的方法。 如果您当前正在使用插件,则可以等待它为您更新,因为现在没有急事。

Keep in mind once again that the upgrade of your property will take about two days to be finished, and that it’s a one-way ticket. Good luck upgrading!

再次提醒您,您的房地产升级大约需要两天时间,而且是单程票。 祝你好运升级!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/upgrading-universal-analytics-guide/

universal crt
