
tech2023-07-25  129

Thanks for taking part in the promotion! This offer is no longer available, but you can still join us on SitePoint Premium

感谢您参加促销活动! 此优惠不再可用,但您仍然可以加入SitePoint Premium

We have some incredibly exciting news for SitePoint readers who want to develop their skills.


You can now get one year of FREE web courses and ebooks at our e-learning site, Learnable. That includes unlimited access and unlimited downloads of ALL premium content — that’s thousands of videos and more than 75 ebooks.

现在,您可以在我们的电子学习网站Learnable上获得一年的免费网络课程和电子书。 这包括无限访问和无限下载所有高级内容,即成千上万的视频和超过75本书。

We’ve partnered with our friends at New Relic for this awesome deal. Simply try New Relic to get started.

我们已经与New Relic的朋友合作完成了这项超棒的交易。 只需尝试New Relic即可开始。

It only takes a couple of minutes to deploy, and once you’ve deployed you’ll receive your via email voucher. Too easy!

部署仅需几分钟,部署后,您将通过电子邮件收到凭证。 太容易了!

什么是新遗物? (What is New Relic?)

New Relic is a platform that allows you to monitor web and mobile applications in real time, making it easy to monitor, troubleshoot, and scale a web app. New Relic gives you instant access to real-time user data and actionable insights including full stack visibility. If you’re curious about how it works, here’s an article from earlier this year looking at New Relic from a Ruby perspective.

New Relic是一个平台,使您可以实时监视Web和移动应用程序,从而可以轻松监视,排除故障和扩展Web应用程序。 New Relic使您可以立即访问实时用户数据和可操作的见解,包括完整的堆栈可见性。 如果您对它的工作方式感到好奇,那么这是今年初的一篇文章, 从Ruby的角度探讨了New Relic 。

你在等什么? (What are you waiting for?)

Deploy New Relic before December 31st and you’ll get a free year of access to Learnable, including unlimited downloads of books and video courses.

在12月31日之前部署New Relic ,您将获得免费一年的Learnable访问权限,包括无限下载书籍和视频课程。

There’s no need to purchase or provide any credit card details. Current Learnable members are also eligible — they’ll receive a one-year extension on their membership.

无需购买或提供任何信用卡详细信息。 当前可学习的成员也有资格-他们的成员资格将获得一年的延期。

This offer is for new New Relic deploys only. Current deployed accounts are not eligible for this offer. Must deploy the Web or Mobile Monitoring agent. Users will receive an email with their promo code shortly after deployment is verified.

此优惠仅适用于新的New Relic部署。 当前部署的帐户不符合此优惠的条件。 必须部署Web或移动监视代理。 验证部署后不久,用户将收到一封包含促销代码的电子邮件。

How do you plan to use New Relic? What Learnable courses will you take on?

您打算如何使用New Relic? 您将参加哪些可学习的课程?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/deploy-new-relic-get-year-free-learning/
