Welcome to On Our Radar, a weekly round-up of news, trends and other cool stuff from the world of web development.
欢迎来到On Our Radar,每周综述来自Web开发领域的新闻,趋势和其他有趣的内容。
Microsoft has been in the news a lot this week, as its Worldwide Partner Conference took place in Washington D.C. Of the five key trends the company focused on, it seems that their cloud strategy will be the most instrumental in carrying them forward. The news wasn’t all good though, as their COO admitted to a device share of just 14% and news of the biggest round of job cuts in the software giant’s history was revealed.
在本周在华盛顿举行的全球合作伙伴大会上 ,微软受到了很多关注。在该公司关注的五个主要趋势中,似乎他们的云战略将对推动它们向前发展起到最重要的作用。 不过,消息并非一帆风顺,因为他们的首席运营官仅承认了14%的设备份额,并且揭露了这家软件巨头历史上最大规模裁员的消息。
Net neutrality was also back in the headlines. The FCC’s public comment period on their proposed net neutrality rule was due to expire on July 15th, but an overwhelming surge in traffic to the site, saw the deadline pushed back. At the time of writing 780,000 comments had been filed by the (presumably irate) American public. For those of you who don’t know what net neutrality is, here’s an amusing take on it by John Oliver.
净中立也重新成为头条新闻。 FCC关于其拟议的网络中立性规则的公众意见征询期将于7月15日到期,但该站点的访问量激增, 导致截止日期推迟 。 在撰写本文时,(大概是愤怒的)美国公众提出了780,000条评论。 对于那些不知道什么是网络中立的人, 约翰·奥利弗 ( John Oliver)对此很有趣。
Also newsworthy is the fact that Twitter upgraded its tweet analytics dashboard for advertisers and verified users. This means that we now have more ways to measure engagement on Twitter than just retweets and favorites, but of course, not everyone thinks this is a good idea.
同样值得一提的是, Twitter升级了面向广告商和经过验证的用户的tweet分析仪表板 。 这意味着我们现在有更多的方法来衡量Twitter上的参与度,而不仅仅是转推和收藏夹,但是,当然, 并不是每个人都认为这是一个好主意 。
Nowadays, there are a plethora of programming languages available, with new ones sprouting up all the time (for example, Apple’s Swift). Developers often have a hard time knowing which languages to concentrate on, or which language to learn next. To help separate the wheat from the chaff, here’s an overview of what’s hot and what’s not:
如今,可用的编程语言种类繁多,新语言一直在不断涌现(例如, Apple的Swift )。 开发人员通常很难知道要专注于哪些语言,或者下一步要学习哪种语言。 为了帮助从谷壳中脱颖而出,这里概述了哪些是热的以及哪些不是热的:
Why Apple’s Swift Language Will Instantly Remake Computer Programming
Farewell Node.js
The Next Big Programming Language You’ve Never Heard Of
What Is Go?
Why We Use OCaml
Google’s Dart Language Is Now An Official ECMA Standard
How to know if you’re learning the right programming language
Finally, as there’s hopefully a programmer or two reading this, here’s a programming joke:
— Knock knock! — Race condition — Who’s there?
-敲敲! —比赛条件—谁在那里?
It never ceases to amaze me what can be done with CSS, from animation to typography to recreating the Simpsons characters (I guess some people have too much time). Here are some more articles outlining the latest techniques and tricks:
从动画到印刷术再到创建Simpsons角色 ,CSS可以使我无所畏惧(我想有些人有太多时间)。 以下是一些概述最新技术和技巧的文章:
Getting Started with Sass and Bourbon
A Designer’s Guide To Flexbox: Understanding Visual Weight
CSS Colorguard – a plugin to analyze CSS and find colors that are so close to each other they should probably be combined
CSS Colorguard –一个用于分析CSS并找到彼此非常接近以至于可能应该合并的颜色的插件
CSS-Driven Internationalization In JavaScript
Authoring Critical Above-the-Fold CSS
Nowadays, JavaScript can be found anywhere from embedded systems to client-side frameworks. People have also managed to use it to make a browser, write emulators, and it power some pretty impressive games. Here are some more resources to keep you up-to-date with the world’s most ubiquitous runtime:
如今,从嵌入式系统到客户端框架的任何地方都可以找到JavaScript。 人们还设法使用它来制作浏览器 ,编写模拟器 ,并为一些非常出色的游戏提供动力。 以下是一些其他资源,可让您了解世界上最普遍的运行时:
JavaScript Debugging for Beginners
Ember 1.6.0 and 1.7 beta released
Ember 1.6.0和1.7 Beta发布
AngularJS for Absolute Beginners
Smart Fixed Navigation (or the demise of the “back to the top” button)
智能固定导航 (或取消“返回顶部”按钮)
A List of Must-watch JavaScript videos
18 Surprises From Reading jQuery’s Source Code
And if that wasn’t enough, this guy wants to use JavaScript to fight homelessness. Awesome!
如果那还不够,那么这个家伙想使用JavaScript来解决无家可归的问题 。 太棒了!
The Internet of Things (IOT) describes a future where everyday physical objects (such as your fridge or toaster) will be connected to the Internet and be able to identify themselves to other devices. This future is nearer than you might imagine and represents big bucks for lots of companies (like really, really big bucks). Here’s some further reading:
物联网(IOT)描述了一个未来的生活,每天的物理对象(例如您的冰箱或烤面包机)都将连接到Internet,并能够通过其他设备识别自己的身份。 这个未来比您想象的要近,对于许多公司而言,这代表着巨大的利润(例如,非常巨大的利润)。 这里是一些进一步的阅读:
The Internet Of Things Will Need Millions Of Developers By 2020
New Raspberry Pi model B+ doubles up on USB ports, adds microSD and more
新的Raspberry Pi型号B +在USB端口上加倍,增加了microSD等
Rolling out the Windows Developer Program for IoT
Electric vehicles drive IoT research at four universities
Jibo the robot could be the face of the internet of things
Internet of Things – developer resources
Yessirree, that there Internet of Things sure is cool. It’s just a shame that they treat security as an afterthought.
Yessirree,那里的物联网肯定很酷。 他们把安全性当作事后才想到,真是可惜。
And that’s just about it for another week.
Before I sign off, here are a couple of neat screencasts that I’ve spotted: GoRails – a Ruby on Rails screencasts for developers who want to become pros (could this be the heir apparent to RailsCasts?), and Sysadmin Casts – simple bite sized screencasts for, you guessed it, sysadmins.
在我注销之前,这里有一些不错的截屏视频: GoRails – Ruby on Rails截屏视频,面向想要成为专业人士的开发人员(这可能是RailsCasts的继承人吗?),以及Sysadmin Casts –简单点您猜对了,它的大小是系统管理员的截屏视频。
I’ll leave you with the news that Silicon Valley is one step closer to being its own state (really) and a fascinating insight into what it was like to interview for Google.
我会给您留下一个消息,即硅谷 (真正地) 离成为自己的州又近了一步,并且 对Google的面试有一个有趣的见解。
Now it’s over to you: What exciting new programming languages are you using? What do you think about CSS pre-processors? Is the Internet of Things something you want to be part of? Let us know and the conversation can begin.
现在结束了:您正在使用什么令人兴奋的新编程语言? 您如何看待CSS预处理器? 您想成为物联网的一部分吗? 让我们知道,对话就可以开始。
Also, if you have any problems implementing anything covered here, or just want to discuss it some more, SitePoint’s forums are a great place to visit.
此外,如果您在执行此处介绍的内容时遇到任何问题,或者只是想进一步讨论, SitePoint的论坛都是一个不错的选择。
翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/on-our-radar-this-week-programming-languages-iot-and-screencasts/