
tech2023-07-27  134


Sublime Text is a popular code editor but, after spending a few months with it, I realised something: it’s also an excellent tool for blogging. I don’t mean it’s just an excellent blogging tool for a code editor, I mean it’s an excellent blogging tool period. These days, I write all of my posts in Sublime Text – including this one – and, as you’ll soon see, there’s nothing else like it.

Sublime Text是一个受欢迎的代码编辑器,但是花了几个月的时间后,我才意识到:它还是博客的出色工具。 我并不是说它只是代码编辑器的一个出色的博客工具,而是一个极好的博客工具时期 。 这些天,我用Sublime Text(包括Sublime Text)写了我所有的帖子,而且,正如您很快就会看到的那样,没有其他比它更好的了。

In this article, I’ll share the most important tips for blogging in Sublime Text and, along the way, the benefits will become clear.

在本文中,我将分享在Sublime Text中撰写博客的最重要技巧,并且在此过程中,好处将变得显而易见。

Let’s begin.


1.用Markdown书写 (1. Write with Markdown)

Sublime Text is a text editor, not a rich text editor. This means writing with a formatting language like Markdown will get you the most bang for your buck. If you’re not sold on the idea of Markdown, consider these benefits:

Sublime Text是文本编辑器,而不是RTF编辑器。 这意味着使用诸如Markdown之类的格式语言进行书写将使您物有所值。 如果您对Markdown的想法不满意,请考虑以下好处:

Your files are portable between platforms. You might use Sublime Text on your computer, for instance, but you can just as easily switch to Editorial on the iPad.

您的文件可在平台之间移植 。 例如,您可以在计算机上使用Sublime Text,但可以在iPad上轻松切换到社论 。

It’s much easier to backup your work. Save every file into Dropbox and instantly have an archive of your posts. Combine this with Arq and Glacier and you’ll have more backups than you could ever possibly need.

备份您的工作要容易得多 。 将每个文件保存到Dropbox中,立即保存您的帖子存档。 将其与Arq和Glacier结合使用,您将拥有比您可能需要的更多的备份。

You’re not locked into any format. Converting from Markdown to HTML is easy, as is converting form practically any other format. There is no safer format for your words.

您没有被锁定为任何格式 。 从Markdown转换为HTML很容易,几乎可以转换成任何其他格式。 您的单词没有更安全的格式。

Then, on top of all of this, there are the benefits associated specificially with Sublime Text, and those are what we’ll cover now.

然后,最重要的是,还有与Sublime Text特别相关的好处,而这正是我们现在要介绍的内容。

2.安装这些软件包 (2. Install These Packages)

By itself, Sublime Text has a ton of features that’ll come in handy when working with words, but there’s also an ecosystem of third-party packages that take it to a whole other level. Here’s the ones I’ve found the most helpful:

就其本身而言,Sublime Text具有大量的功能,这些功能在处理单词时会派上用场,但是还有一个第三方软件包生态系统将其带到另一个层次。 这是我发现最有帮助的:

MarkdownEditing (above) adds the best syntax highlighting to Markdown files that I’ve ever seen – yes, even better than dedicated writing apps like Byword. It also simplifies the interface by removing line numbers, etc.

MarkdownEditing (上面)为我见过的Markdown文件添加了最佳的语法高亮显示-是的,甚至比像Byword这样的专用编写应用程序还要好。 它还通过删除行号等简化了接口。

SmartMarkdown adds a range of other useful features, like the ability to fold headlines (which is great for larger documents) and create Markdown lists more easily (by automatically creating the bullet points when you tap the “Return” key).

SmartMarkdown增加了一系列其他有用的功能,例如折叠标题(对较大的文档非常有用)和更轻松地创建Markdown列表的功能(通过在单击“ Return”键时自动创建项目符号点)。

WordCount adds word count functionality to the Sublime Text status bar. It isn’t an inherently remarkable package but, either way, it works well.

WordCount将单词计数功能添加到Sublime Text状态栏。 它并不是天生的卓越软件包,但无论哪种方式,它都可以正常工作。

But these are still just the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands of packages available, many of which are specific to writers.

但是这些仍然只是冰山一角。 有成千上万的软件包可用,其中许多是特定于作者的。

To find packages (and to learn how to install them), visit Package Control. You can also click here to find the packages related to writing.

要查找软件包(并了解如何安装它们),请访问软件包控制 。 您也可以单击此处查找与写作相关的软件包。

3.进入无干扰模式 (3. Enter Distraction Free Mode)

Like I said, the MarkdownEditing package simplifies the interface so you’re able to focus on your words, but Sublime Text itself has a mode for blocking out distractions (and these modes complement each other, rather than step on each other’s toes).

就像我说的那样,MarkdownEditing包简化了界面,因此您可以专注于单词,但是Sublime Text本身具有阻止干扰的模式(这些模式相互补充,而不是踩在对方的脚趾上)。

To enable the distraction free mode, select the option from the “View” menu or press Shift + CTRL + CMD + F on your keyboard (if you’re a Mac user).

要启用无干扰模式,请从“查看”菜单中选择选项,或按键盘上的Shift + CTRL + CMD + F (如果您是Mac用户)。

In this mode, the word-wrap length shortens, interface elements disappear (but everything is still accessible with shortcuts), and there’s nothing left to distract you. This alone won’t make you a great writer, but:

在这种模式下,自动换行的长度缩短了,界面元素消失了(但是仍然可以通过快捷方式访问所有内容),并且没有任何东西可以分散您的注意力。 仅此一项并不能使您成为一名出色的作家,但是:

It does help to have nothing but your words in front of you.

在您面前只有您的言语确实有帮助。 Although I’m sure it’ll become standard, not all code editors have this feature. (And to be clear, this mode is not the same as full-screen mode.)

尽管我确定它将成为标准,但并非所有代码编辑器都具有此功能。 (请注意,此模式与全屏模式不同。)

You also have a lot of customization available, so if the distraction free settings aren’t quite to your liking, almost everything can be changed with a little bit of tweaking (but that’ll require some Googling on your part).


4.与项目一起组织 (4. Organise with Projects)

If you open a folder (or multiple folders) inside of Sublime Text, you can save that collection of folders as a project. Here’s an example:

如果您在Sublime Text内部打开一个文件夹(或多个文件夹),则可以将该文件夹集合另存为项目 。 这是一个例子:

Currently, I’m writing this post inside a “Posts” project that contains the following three folders:

当前,我正在“ Posts”项目中编写此帖子,该项目包含以下三个文件夹:


davidturnbull.com meteortips.com

meteortips.com sitepoint.com


These are the sites I’m actively writing for and, therefore, when I want to write something, I can open this project and have instant access to all of my blog posts (even if these folders aren’t in the same place on my computer).


Why is this different from navigating the file system?


Well, by pressing the CMD + P combination on my keyboard, I can switch between all of the files in my project without ever touching the mouse. This might not be a game-changing feature but:

好吧,通过按键盘上的CMD + P组合键,我可以在项目中的所有文件之间切换,而无需触摸鼠标。 这可能不会改变游戏规则,但是:

It becomes one of those unconcious habits that allows you to switch between writing blog posts without interrupting your flow.

它成为那些无意识的习惯之一,使您可以在撰写博客文章之间进行切换而不会中断您的流程。 There’s a huge amount of shortcuts and features like this that are designed for programmers but translate well to writing tasks.


Precisely how you use projects will depend on your preferences – maybe it makes sense to have one project per blog, for instance – but in either case, it’s a handy feature for organising a large output of writing. Perhaps the best point of comparison would be the projects feature in Scrivener.

准确地使用项目的方式取决于您的偏好-例如,每个博客拥有一个项目也许很有意义-但在任何一种情况下,这都是组织大量写作成果的便捷功能。 最好的比较点可能是Scrivener中的项目功能。

5.分割窗口 (5. Split Your Window)

After I finish a draft for a blog post, I have a strict process for editing that’s served me well for the last few years:


I leave the post alone for at least 24 hours. This distance allows me to return to the post with a fresh perspective.

我至少独自呆了24个小时。 这样的距离让我以崭新的视角回到岗位。 I open the first draft on one half of the screen and a blank document on the other half of the screen.

我在屏幕的一半打开第一稿,在屏幕的另一半打开空白文档。 I rewrite the entire thing from scratch, only using the original draft as a reference.


Editing will sometimes take more steps, but never fewer, and I think this rigidness has made it easier to draw people into my blog, and also to snag writing gigs on larger sites like SitePoint.


Within Sublime Text, editing like this is seamless by using the “Layouts” feature to split the window into multiple quadrants. I’ll usually split the window into two vertical panes, but horizontal panes are available, as are options for a higher number of panes (useful if you have a large monitor and want to have another pane that contains research, for instance).

在Sublime Text中,通过使用“布局”功能将窗口分为多个象限,可以进行无缝编辑。 我通常将窗口分为两个垂直窗格,但水平窗格可用,更多窗格的选项也可以使用(例如,如果您有一个大型监视器,并且想要另一个包含研究的窗格,则很有用)。

When combined with the distraction free mode, splitting the window into multiple panes makes editing almost as simple as it could possibly be.


6.导出您的写作 (6. Export Your Writing)

It’s all well and good to write blog posts inside Sublime Text. But how do you actually get these posts onto your blog? Here’s a few options to considder:

在Sublime Text内写博客文章很好,也很好。 但是,您实际上如何将这些帖子发布到博客上? 这里有一些可供考虑的选项:

If you’re a WordPress user, install the Jetpack Markdown plugin. This will add support for Markdown when writing posts.

如果您是WordPress用户,请安装Jetpack Markdown插件。 这将在撰写文章时增加对Markdown的支持。

Using an application like Marked will make it easy to export Markdown files to HTML (but there’s also packages available for this).

使用Marked之类的应用程序可以轻松地将Markdown文件导出为HTML(但也可以使用此软件包 )。

Switch to a static blogging platform like Jekyll. This is a bigger transition but the writing experience can’t be beat.

切换到Jekyll之类的静态博客平台。 这是一个更大的过渡,但写作经验无与伦比。

Then, for future reference, look into Pandoc. It’s overkill for blog posts but this command line tool allows you to convert Markdown files into almost any format, which will be useful if you were to ever collect together your blog posts and convert them into a book.

然后,查看Pandoc ,以供将来参考。 对于博客帖子来说,这太过分了,但是使用此命令行工具,您可以将Markdown文件转换成几乎任何格式,如果您将博客帖子收集在一起并将它们转换成书,这将很有用。

结论 (Conclusion)

There’s a lot to love about Sublime Text and what we’ve covered here is just the beginning. If you’re already using a text editor on a regular basis though and like the idea of a more compact workflow, then it’s worth diving into the program and learning more about its packages, customization, and the endless amount of shortcuts for making your writing that little bit more seamless.

Sublime Text有很多值得爱的地方,我们在这里介绍的只是开始。 如果您已经定期使用文本编辑器,并且喜欢更紧凑的工作流程,那么就值得深入研究该程序,并详细了解其程序包,自定义以及进行写作的无穷快捷方式更无缝。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/sublime-text-perfect-blogging-6-ways/


相关资源:sublimeless_zk:笔记应用程序,Markdown编辑器和文本浏览器,具有基于ID的Wiki样式链接和#tags,旨在用于zettelkasten方法用户。 拥有大量功能,例如复杂的标记搜索,便笺转换,对便笺模板的支持,书目支持等,使您在Zettelkasten中工作愉快a-源码