
tech2023-07-27  127


When people think of web writing, they think primarily of three things: blogging, feature article writing, and copywriting for marketing sites.


Fortunately, the realms of web writing span far more than these narrow options. There are plenty of less-common writing projects out there. If you’re looking for work, and you’re ready for some creative adventures, here are a few places you might start.

幸运的是,网络写作的领域远远超过了这些狭窄的选择。 有很多不太常见的写作项目。 如果您正在寻找工作,并且已经准备好进行一些创造性的冒险,那么这里可能是您可以开始的一些地方。

1.撰写支持内容 (1. Writing support content)

Wow! When I said “creative adventure”, I meant it! Okay, I know this isn’t what you had in mind, but hear me out.

哇! 当我说“创意冒险”时,我是真的! 好吧,我知道这不是您的想法,但请听我说。

Support is part of the user experience, and more organisations are beginning to value having a writer on contract to develop training materials, help articles and video, telephone support scripts, knowledgebase content, and more.


If you’re proficient with language, pedantic about clear expression, and have a knack for simplifying what’s complex, this could be a good gig for you – and corporate and company contracts tend to pay better and more predictably than freelance feature or blogging gigs.


To do this well, you’ll also need a passion for user experience both within the product, and beyond it. In most support writing jobs, experience with content management (or a willingness to learn) will be mandatory. Of course, you’ll probably also need to be more than willing to get your hands dirty using and understanding the client’s product or service.

为了做到这一点,您还需要对产品内外的用户体验充满热情。 在大多数支持写作工作中,必须具有内容管理经验(或学习意愿)。 当然,您可能还需要更加乐于使用和理解客户的产品或服务,以免弄脏自己的手。

如何获得演出 (How to get the gig)

Look for organisations that publish support content, and see if you can find ways to improve on it. Then, send them a pitch or proposal. Alternatively, you might be able to build this into a contract to copywrite a marketing site – I’ve done this for some startups and it’s worked well.

寻找发布支持内容的组织,看看是否可以找到改进方法。 然后,向他们发送建议或建议。 或者,您可能可以将其构建为合同中,以抄写营销站点–我已经为一些初创公司完成了此任务,并且运行良好。

If you have some experience writing instructional content, be sure to include that in your proposal; if not, you could send them an example of the way you’d redraft one of their pieces of help content to improve it.

如果您有编写指导性内容的经验,请确保将其包括在您的建议书中; 如果不是,您可以向他们发送一个示例,说明您重新起草他们的帮助内容之一以进行改进的方式。

2.编写界面 (2. Writing interfaces)

Companies that regard support as part of the user experience tend to see interface text as an important part of that, too.


Interface text isn’t marketing website copy. UX teams also use writers to help designers create usable app interfaces – from naming new features right down to tooltips, wizard instructions, and errors.

界面文字不是市场营销网站的副本。 UX团队还使用编写器来帮助设计人员创建可用的应用程序界面-从命名新功能到工具提示,向导说明和错误。

Again, this job requires a passion for user experience, but it also requires you to work very closely with design, UX, and development. This probably won’t be a problem if, say, you’re a marketing writer who’s been involved in creating websites in teams before; in that case, your challenge will be to write concise informational content without a hint of spin. And to operate in a world that, shall we say, lacks the glamour of promotional work.

同样,这项工作需要对用户体验的热情,但也需要您与设计,UX和开发紧密合作。 如果您是一位市场营销作家,以前曾参与团队创建网站,那么这可能不会成为问题。 在这种情况下,您的挑战将是编写简洁的信息内容而不会产生任何暗示。 我们要说的是,这个世界缺乏宣传工作的魅力。

In my experience, interface work has always been part of a larger contract involving support or marketing content.


如何获得演出 (How to get the gig)

For this one, it’s probably best to ask UX designers you know if they need help, or know someone who does. Get into your local UX community and get to know what people are doing.

对于这一点,最好向UX设计人员询问您是否需要帮助,或者知道需要帮助的人。 进入本地UX社区,了解人们在做什么。

There’s always commentary around new product and feature releases in the tech industry. If you have a blog, that might be a place to share your ideas about the roles of text in interaction and product UX.

在技​​术行业中,总是有关于新产品和功能发布的评论。 如果您有博客,则可以在这里分享关于交互和产品UX中文本角色的想法。

You’ll likely need some kind of reputation for producing excellent, concise, clear instructional content before you’ll be hired to help write interfaces, but there’s a comparative lack of competition in this area right now, so you may not need years of experience to land your first gig.


3.编写社交媒体更新和广告文案 (3. Writing social media updates and ad copy)

If you’re a copywriter, and used to short-deadline projects, writing social media updates and promotions could be a nice sideline (or mainline) for you.


I’m not talking about being a social media consultant here. I’ve done a few contracts that involved writing marketing collateral, including Twitter and Facebook posts, and ads, around specific campaigns or promotions for the client.

我不是在这里谈论成为社交媒体顾问。 我已经完成了一些合同,涉及围绕客户的特定活动或促销撰写营销资料,包括Twitter和Facebook帖子以及广告。

Their social media teams managed the accounts, and managed the content and the community around it. But they needed someone to write good social comms and take them through the organizations’ internal approval processes.

他们的社交媒体团队管理帐户,并管理内容和周围的社区。 但是他们需要有人编写良好的社交交流,并使其通过组织的内部批准流程。

For me, the clients were corporate and the work was part of a bigger contract. What that meant was the social work was a bit of fun, and well-paid at the same time.

对我来说,客户是公司,而工作是更大合同的一部分。 这意味着社交工作很有趣,并且报酬很高。

如何获得演出 (How to get the gig)

I landed these contracts through talent or recruitment agencies, which these large organizations used to contract outsourced help. That might be a good place to start for you, but you may find this work in less corporate spheres too, when, for example, a business owner doesn’t have time to work with content sponsors themselves.

我通过人才或招聘机构获得了这些合同,这些大型组织曾使用这些合同来外包外包的帮助。 对于您来说,这可能是一个不错的起点,但是例如,当企业主没有时间与内容赞助商自己合作时,您可能会在较少的公司领域中找到这项工作。

After agencies, asking around is probably the best way to seek out this kind of work. If (like me!) you don’t have proven skills in social media, a solid and versatile digital copy folio that includes short-copy ads will get attention.

在代理机构之后,四处询问可能是寻求此类工作的最佳方法。 如果(像我一样!)您没有社交媒体方面的成熟技能,那么包含短版广告的可靠而多功能的数字拷贝作品集将受到关注。

4.编写网站词汇表 (4. Writing a website glossary)

After the thrills and showiness of social media ads, writing a website glossary might seem a bit subdued. But again, if you’re the kind of person who revels in making information accessible to a broader audience through clear expression, this could be your kind of freelance gig. It’s also the kind of work that few people in a business will want to do themselves.

在社交媒体广告令人兴奋和富丽堂皇之后,编写网站词汇表似乎有些柔和。 但是同样,如果您是那种通过清晰的表达使更多的受众可以访问信息的人,那么这可能就是您的自由职业。 这也是企业中很少有人愿意做的工作。

Before you ask, yes: there are still websites that need to have a glossary attached. They tend to be educationally focused, or have very specific target audiences and purposes. But the work is out there if you watch out for it. For example, writing a glossary might be tacked onto a support writing contract, or a gig where you’re writing the marketing website for a new product or service.

在您问之前,是的:仍然有一些网站需要附加词汇表。 他们倾向于以教育为重点,或者有非常特定的目标受众和目的。 但是,如果您当心,这项工作就在那里。 例如,编写词汇表可能会附加到支持合同或您正在为新产品或服务编写营销网站的演出上。

What does it take to write a good glossary? Similar skills to those you’d need to write interfaces: a passion for the user experience, diligence, and a good dose of nit-pickiness too. You’ll also need good research skills and an ability to comprehend and reinterpret complex information.

写一个好的词汇表需要什么? 与编写界面所需的技能相似:对用户体验的热情,勤奋和大量的挑剔。 您还需要良好的研究技能以及理解和重新解释复杂信息的能力。

如何获得演出 (How to get the gig)

As I suggested above, the easiest way to get a freelance job writing a glossary may be to build it into another project you’re doing.


Not every site needs a glossary, so it’s not going to be an appropriate add-in for every client. But the more interaction-focused writing work you do, the more opportunities you’re likely to find to write glossaries – especially if the project involves everything from the information architecture and brand vocabulary up.

并非每个站点都需要一个词汇表,因此并不是每个客户都适合的加载项。 但是,您从事的互动工作越多,撰写词汇表的机会就越多-特别是如果该项目涉及到信息体系结构和品牌词汇中的所有内容。

5.编写视频脚本 (5. Writing video scripts)

If you look at YouTube, you might get the impression that anyone can write a video script – even a cat in a shark-suit riding a Roomba. On the other hand, specialist video production agencies will tell you you need specialist expertise to write a video script that’s got any hope of going anywhere.

如果您观看YouTube,可能会给人留下任何人都可以编写视频脚本的印象-甚至是穿着Roomba的穿着鲨鱼服的猫。 另一方面,专业的视频制作机构会告诉您,您需要专业的技术来编写视频脚本,该脚本无所不能。

The truth is probably somewhere in-between. It’s fair to say that to write a good script, you need to be able to write great dialogue, because spoken English is vastly different from language written to be read in silence. Video scripts, like speeches, have to sound good, not just read well. If you’ve ever written quality dialogue, for example, in novels, plays, screenplays or speeches, you probably have a head start.

事实可能在两者之间。 可以说,写一个好的剧本必须要能进行出色的对话,因为英语口语与为沉默而阅读的语言有很大的不同。 视频脚本,如演讲,必须听起来不错,而不仅仅是阅读良好。 如果您曾经撰写过优质的对话,例如小说,戏剧,电影剧本或演讲,那么您可能会抢先一步。

You’ll also need to be able to think visually, at least to some degree, because your words need to share the spotlight in a video: it’s a multi-part performance. So you’ll need to specify visuals alongside your script, at least enough to act as a starting point with your videographer. If you’re the kind of writer who thinks purely in words, you may struggle with this.

您还需要能够至少在某种程度上以视觉方式进行思考,因为您的文字需要分享视频中的焦点:这是一个多部分的表演。 因此,您需要在脚本旁边指定视觉效果,至少要足以作为视频摄制师的起点。 如果您是那种纯粹用言语思考的作家,那么您可能会为此感到困惑。

I know I haven’t talked about the variety of types of videos you could be scripting and the possible markets you could tap, but what I’ve mentioned here are prerequisites to doing any of that. If you can write scripts, there’s a world available to you: marketing and promotional videos, address videos (for example, the CEO speaking on the company’s About page), support and how-to videos, case study videos – the list goes on.

我知道我还没有谈论您可能要编写脚本的各种视频类型以及您可以开发的潜在市场,但是我在这里提到的是进行任何此类操作的前提。 如果您可以编写脚本,那么您将有一个广阔的世界:营销和促销视频,地址视频(例如,首席执行官在公司的“关于”页面上讲话),支持和操作方法视频,案例研究视频–清单不胜枚举。

如何获得演出 (How to get the gig)

If you’ve never done video work before, but you’re pitching for it, you might want to create some scripts for your folio or – better still – actually develop a few sample videos. Don’t worry if the production quality isn’t at HBO standard; if someone’s looking to assess your script writing abilities, they’ll be impressed by good work, even if the final video itself is unpolished.

如果您以前从未做过视频工作,但是您正在为之努力,那么您可能想为作品集创建一些脚本,或者-更好的是-实际开发一些示例视频。 如果生产质量不符合HBO标准,请不要担心。 如果有人希望评估您的脚本编写能力,那么即使最终视频本身没有效果,他们也会对出色的工作印象深刻。

What they’ll be looking for is your ability to communicate effectively using spoken word and moving pictures, so if you can get that right, you should grab their attention.


One other way to start may be to work with a designer who’s into video to create something together that you can both use in your folios. Or, failing that, to write a few speeches or presentations that can prove your ability to write for voice.

另一种开始的方式可能是与正在视频中的设计师合作,共同创建可以在作品集中使用的东西。 否则,写一些演讲或演示文稿可以证明您的语音写作能力。

Once you have the skills, you’ll likely find plenty of places to work video scripts into the usual web writing contracts you’re already landing – if not to pitch them direct.


您拥有的最奇怪的网络写作项目是什么? (What’s the weirdest web writing project you’ve had?)

When it comes to web writing, the path less traveled can be the most interesting – and rewarding.


What kinds of weird and wonderful web writing work have you landed? And how did you get it? Share your stories – and the secrets of your success – with us in the comments.

您获得了哪些奇怪而奇妙的网络写作作品? 那你是怎么得到的呢? 在评论中与我们分享您的故事以及成功的秘诀。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-well-paid-web-writing-gigs-youre-overlooking/


相关资源:xp系统语言包东南亚语言包 xp 数字nls文件.