
tech2023-07-28  121


Welcome to On Our Radar, a weekly round-up of news, trends and other cool stuff from the world of web development.

欢迎来到On Our Ra​​dar,每周综述来自Web开发领域的新闻,趋势和其他有趣的内容。

As ever, there’s been a whole lot of groovy stuff going on: Nestlé announced that they intend to make a real-life Star Trek food replicator, Larry Page voiced his opinion that the future of the workforce may well be part-time (which is fine by me) and it came to light that the NSA thinks that Linux Journal is an extremist forum. Meanwhile, scientists revealed that men would rather receive an electric shock than think.

一如既往,有很多令人毛骨悚然的事情在发生:雀巢宣布他们打算制作一个真实的《星际迷航》食物复制机 ,拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)表示,他认为劳动力的未来很可能是兼职的 (这是NSA认为这很好。)后来发现,NSA认为Linux Journal是一个极端主义论坛 。 同时,科学家透露, 男人宁愿受到电击,也不愿思考 。

In tech news, a startup founded by Dropbox and MIT alums launched, which aims to power the next generation of email applications. Google announced a Gmail API aimed at giving developers a better way to build apps that integrate with Gmail and, not wanting to be left out, Microsoft increased OneDrive storage to 15 GB free for everyone.

科技新闻方面, 由Dropbox和MIT校友创立的初创公司成立了 ,旨在为下一代电子邮件应用程序提供动力。 Google宣布了一个Gmail API,旨在为开发人员提供一种更好的方式来构建与Gmail集成的应用程序,并且微软不希望被遗忘, 将每个人的OneDrive存储增加到15 GB 。

WordPress的 (WordPress)

There’s been a lot happening in the world of WordPress lately. A new plugin aims to bring true version control to the blogging tool and CMS, the beta version of WordPress 4.0 was released, and Longreads (owned by Automattic, which also owns WordPress), leveraging the fact that WordPress famously “powers 22% of the internet”, created a collection focusing on the Best of WordPress, Vol. 1.

最近,WordPress世界发生了很多事情。 一个新的插件旨在为博客工具和CMS带来真正的版本控制,发布了WordPress 4.0的Beta版,以及Longreads(由Automattic拥有,该公司还拥有WordPress),充分利用了WordPress著名的“ 22%的功能”互联网”,创建了一个集合,重点关注最佳WordPress,第 1 。

Here are some more links to help you brush up on your WordPress skills:


How To Speed Up Your WordPress Website


Custom Post Types: Take WordPress Beyond Blogging


Game Changing Git Based WordPress Development (Video)

基于Git游戏改变的WordPress开发 (视频)

How to Customize the WordPress Dashboard to Minimize Confusion


Customizing WordPress Comments


15 Things You May Not Know WordPress Can Do


Bonus fact: WordPress sponsors beer conferences. What’s not to love?

奖励事实: WordPress赞助啤酒会议 。 不去爱的种种?

学习 (Learning)

It’s not just your WordPress skills that need keeping up to date. Here’s a mix of tutorials and articles covering everything from functional programming, through deploying Django on Heroku, to Jetbrains’ somewhat unfortunately-named 0xDBE. Enjoy!

需要保持最新的不仅仅是您的WordPress技能。 这里是教程和文章的混合体,涵盖了从函数式编程到在Heroku上部署Django到不幸的是名为Jetbrains的0xDBE的所有内容。 请享用!

Don’t Be Scared Of Functional Programming


Rapid Website Deployment With Django, Heroku & New Relic

使用Django,Heroku和New Relic快速部署网站

Simplify Your Ruby Code With the Robustness Principle


0xDBE: A First Look


Wrapping Text Around A Curved Image With CSS Shapes


How to Create a tiled background slideshow


Seven Things You Should Never Code Yourself


响应式网页设计 (Responsive Web Design)

Nowadays, almost every new client wants a mobile version of their website. So what to do? There was a time when the mobile experience was relegated to a subdomain (usually “m” or “mob”), but then along came Responsive Web Design (RWD) and turned it all upside down.

如今,几乎每个新客户都希望使用其网站的移动版本。 那么该怎么办? 曾经有一段时间,移动体验被降级到一个子域(通常是“ m”或“ mob”),但是随之而来的是响应式Web设计(RWD),并将其全部颠倒了。

RWD describes an approach that, with the aid of CSS3 media queries, allows the design and content of a site to adapt to the size and orientation of the user’s device (be it a smartphone, tablet or PC). RWD is a great way to make your site look great no matter how it is viewed and is an essential skill for designers to master.

RWD描述了一种方法,借助CSS3媒体查询 ,站点的设计和内容可以适应用户设备(智能手机,平板电脑或PC)的大小和方向。 无论如何查看,RWD是使您的网站看起来很棒的一种好方法,并且是设计师掌握的一项基本技能。

Responsive Web Design Basics


35 The Most Excellent Responsive Web Design Tutorials


Responsive Images using and srcset/sizes (Video)

响应式图片使用 和srcset / sizes (视频)

Responsive Paragraphs for Non-Designers (Video)

非设计师的自适应段落 (视频)

Thoughts from Responsive Day Out


Responsive Design vs ‘m.’ Sites

响应式设计与“ m” 网站

“RWD Is Bad for Performance” Is Good for Performance

“ RWD对性能不利”对性能有利

测试中 (Testing)

There’s been a lot of debate around test-driving your code lately, embodied by a series of discussions between Martin Fowler, Kent Beck and DHH (the creator of Rails).

最近,围绕测试驱动您的代码引起了很多争论,Martin Fowler,Kent Beck和DHH (Rails的创建者) 之间进行了一系列讨论 。

Whichever side of the fence you come down on, the fact that we should all be testing our code is inescapable. Here’s a bunch of links to help you do just that.

无论您走到哪一边,我们都应该测试我们的代码是不可避免的。 这里有很多链接可以帮助您做到这一点。

Introduction To JavaScript Unit Testing (An oldie, but a goodie)

JavaScript单元测试简介 (虽然很老套,但也很不错)

Simple Testing in Ruby Using Minitest (Video)

使用Minitest在Ruby中进行简单测试 (视频)

A BDD Workflow With Behat and Phpspec


Make Your Ruby Tests Cleaner with Minitest and Shoulda


Fearless Browser Testing [JSConf2014] (Video)

无所畏惧的浏览器测试[JSConf2014] (视频)

Stop Guessing, Start Simple A/B Testing (Testing of a different nature)

停止猜测,开始简单的A / B测试 (测试性质不同)

Taking the test trash out with DatabaseCleaner and RSpec


And don’t forget, one major advantages of testing is being able to refactor your code with confidence, as demonstrated in this article (Ruby) and this one (PHP).

而且不要忘记,测试的一个主要优点是能够自信地重构代码,如本文 (Ruby)和本文 (PHP)所示。

资源资源 (Resources)

There’s so much good stuff appearing daily, it’s hard to even know where to start:


Largest collection of free Microsoft eBooks ever


Web Development Tools for Linux & How to Install Them


Placekitten (A simple service for getting pictures of kittens to use as placeholders)

Placekitten (一种用于获取小猫图片以用作占位符的简单服务)

RawGit (Serves raw files directly from GitHub with proper Content-Type headers)

RawGit (使用适当的Content-Type标头直接从GitHub提供原始文件)

cdn.js (An open source CDN for Javascript and CSS)

cdn.js (用于Javascript和CSS的开源CDN)

Take a digital health check (Courtesy of Mr. Paul Boag)

进行数字健康检查 (由Paul Boag先生提供)

Prelang (Automatic Rails Development)

Prelang (自动Rails开发)

That’s it for another week. I’ll leave you with the awesome phenomenon that is giflinks (make sure you use them in your next project) and an example of stunning design bringing an otherwise boring subject to life.

再等一周。 我将给您留下giflinks (确保您在下一个项目中使用它们)这一令人敬畏的现象,以及令人惊叹的设计实例, 使原本无聊的生活栩栩如生 。

Now it’s over to you: do you make all of your sites responsive by default? Is TDD truly dead? How much would you pay for a Star Trek food replicator? Let us know and the conversation can begin.

现在就结束了:默认情况下,您是否使所有站点都具有响应能力? TDD真的死了吗? 您将为星际迷航食品复制器支付多少费用? 让我们知道,对话就可以开始。

Also, if you have any problems implementing anything covered here, or just want to discuss it some more, SitePoint’s forums are a great place to visit.

此外,如果您在执行此处介绍的内容时遇到任何问题,或者只是想进一步讨论, SitePoint的论坛都是一个不错的选择。


