
tech2023-07-30  128

Have you ever wanted to try Rails or play with Python? Ever wanted to have a go with Go, but been unable — or just unwilling — to go through another convoluted set up? Then you will really like Nitrous.io. We certainly do! Thom Parkin does too. He’ll tell you all about it.

您是否曾经想尝试过Rails或使用Python? 是否曾经想过使用Go,但又无法(或只是不愿意)进行另一个复杂的设置? 然后,您将非常喜欢Nitrous.io。 当然可以! 汤姆·帕金(Thom Parkin)也是。 他会告诉你一切。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/video-introduction-nitrous-io/
