
tech2023-08-05  123

There was little to see in last month’s browser trends report. However, the latest figures from StatCounter show some larger statistical movements…

在上个月的浏览器趋势报告中几乎看不到。 但是, StatCounter的最新数据显示了更大的统计变化……

2014年3月至2014年4月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, March to April 2014)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserMarchAprilchangerelativeIE (all)22.83%21.41%-1.42%-6.20%IE117.50%8.33%+0.83%+11.10%IE104.41%3.60%-0.81%-18.40%IE93.73%3.31%-0.42%-11.30%IE86.61%5.64%-0.97%-14.70%IE70.25%0.19%-0.06%-24.00%IE60.33%0.34%+0.01%+3.00%Chrome43.74%45.33%+1.59%+3.60%Firefox18.90%18.60%-0.30%-1.60%Safari4.65%4.68%+0.03%+0.60%iPad Safari5.06%5.09%+0.03%+0.60%Opera1.26%1.37%+0.11%+8.70%Others3.56%3.52%-0.04%-1.10% 浏览器 游行 四月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 22.83% 21.41% -1.42% -6.20% IE11 7.50% 8.33% + 0.83% + 11.10% IE10 4.41% 3.60% -0.81% -18.40% IE9 3.73% 3.31% -0.42% -11.30% IE8 6.61% 5.64% -0.97% -14.70% IE7 0.25% 0.19% -0.06% -24.00% IE6 0.33% 0.34% + 0.01% + 3.00% Chrome 43.74% 45.33% + 1.59% + 3.60% 火狐浏览器 18.90% 18.60% -0.30% -1.60% 苹果浏览器 4.65% 4.68% + 0.03% + 0.60% iPad Safari 5.06% 5.09% + 0.03% + 0.60% 歌剧 1.26% 1.37% + 0.11% + 8.70% 其他 3.56% 3.52% -0.04% -1.10%

2013年4月至2014年4月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, April 2013 to April 2014)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserApril 2013April 2014changerelativeIE (all)29.69%21.41%-8.28%-27.90%IE110.00%8.33%+8.33%n/aIE106.19%3.60%-2.59%-41.80%IE913.35%3.31%-10.04%-75.20%IE89.30%5.64%-3.66%-39.40%IE70.59%0.19%-0.40%-67.80%IE60.26%0.34%+0.08%+30.80%Chrome39.21%45.33%+6.12%+15.60%Firefox20.05%18.60%-1.45%-7.20%Safari7.99%9.77%+1.78%+22.30%Opera1.00%1.37%+0.37%+37.00%Others2.06%3.52%+1.46%+70.90% 浏览器 2013年4月 2014年4月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 29.69% 21.41% -8.28% -27.90% IE11 0.00% 8.33% + 8.33% 不适用 IE10 6.19% 3.60% -2.59% -41.80% IE9 13.35% 3.31% -10.04% -75.20% IE8 9.30% 5.64% -3.66% -39.40% IE7 0.59% 0.19% -0.40% -67.80% IE6 0.26% 0.34% + 0.08% + 30.80% Chrome 39.21% 45.33% + 6.12% + 15.60% 火狐浏览器 20.05% 18.60% -1.45% -7.20% 苹果浏览器 7.99% 9.77% + 1.78% + 22.30% 歌剧 1.00% 1.37% + 0.37% + 37.00% 其他 2.06% 3.52% + 1.46% + 70.90%

The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 24% of IE7 users switched browsers last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.

下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。 “更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示比例变化,即IE7用户上个月切换浏览器的比例为24%。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。

Following a long period of stability, Chrome jumped 1.6% in a single month. Even that’s not particularly impressive compared to its mobile cousin (see below). Perhaps it’s a statistical blip, but Chrome looks set to smash the 50% barrier during 2014.

经过长期的稳定,Chrome在一个月内跃升了1.6%。 与其移动表亲相比,这并不是特别令人印象深刻( 请参阅下文 )。 也许这是一个统计上的亮点,但Chrome似乎有望在2014年突破50%的壁垒。

Some of Chrome’s gains can be explained by the demise of Windows XP. Microsoft dropped support on April 8 so it’s unsurprising to see IE8 drop almost 1%. IE11 sucked in some of those losses, but Internet Explorer is looking vulnerable and will fall below Firefox in a few months if current trends continue.

Windows XP的消亡可以解释Chrome的某些收获。 微软在4月8日取消了对它的支持,因此IE8下降近1%并不令人惊讶。 IE11弥补了其中的一些损失,但是Internet Explorer似乎很脆弱,如果当前的趋势继续下去,几个月后它将跌破Firefox。

Firefox itself fell a little but Mozilla must be hoping that version 29 will be a success. Opinion is divided but the majority of users seem pleased with the first major interface update in three years. Whether it can entice users from Chrome is another matter.

Firefox本身跌了一点,但是Mozilla必须希望29版能够成功。 意见分歧,但大多数用户似乎对三年来的第一次主要界面更新感到满意。 是否能够吸引来自Chrome的用户是另一回事。

Safari and Opera were mostly unchanged although Opera has grown reasonably well during the past twelve months. That said, a large proportion have refused to migrate from the pre-WebKit/Blink version (12.x).

Safari和Opera基本上没有变化,尽管Opera在过去的12个月中发展得相当不错。 也就是说,很大一部分人拒绝从WebKit / Blink之前的版本(12.x)进行迁移。

2014年3月至2014年4月全球移动浏览器统计数据 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, March to April 2014)

After a few months of 1% increases, mobile usage slipped a little to 25.02% of all web activity. If your boss/client is dithering about whether they should build a responsive website, that’s still one in four web users!

在经过几个月的1%增长之后,移动设备使用率略微下降到所有网络活动的25.02% 。 如果您的老板/客户对他们是否应该建立一个响应式网站感到不安,那仍然是四分之一的网络用户!

The top mobile browsing applications:


Mobile BrowserMarchAprilchangerelativeAndroid26.44%25.52%-0.92%-3.50%iPhone20.88%21.14%+0.26%+1.20%Chrome11.95%15.62%+3.67%+30.70%Opera Mini/Mobile13.70%12.26%-1.44%-10.50%UC Browser11.30%11.09%-0.21%-1.90%Nokia Browser5.64%4.82%-0.82%-14.50%IEMobile2.20%2.38%+0.18%+8.20%Blackberry2.22%1.81%-0.41%-18.50%Others5.67%5.36%-0.31%-5.50% 手机浏览器 游行 四月 更改 相对的 安卓系统 26.44% 25.52% -0.92% -3.50% 苹果手机 20.88% 21.14% + 0.26% + 1.20% Chrome 11.95% 15.62% + 3.67% + 30.70% Opera Mini /手机 13.70% 12.26% -1.44% -10.50% UC浏览器 11.30% 11.09% -0.21% -1.90% 诺基亚浏览器 5.64% 4.82% -0.82% -14.50% IEMobile 2.20% 2.38% + 0.18% + 8.20% 黑莓 2.22% 1.81% -0.41% -18.50% 其他 5.67% 5.36% -0.31% -5.50%

Chrome for mobile jumped another 3.7% in one month. While newer Android phones will explain some of that increase, existing mobile users are also switching to Google’s browser. Unsurprisingly, the stock Android browser dropped but Chrome looks set to overtake Safari on iOS shortly.

Chrome移动版在一个月内又增长了3.7%。 尽管更新的Android手机将解释其中的部分增长,但现有的移动用户也正在切换到Google的浏览器。 毫不奇怪,现有的Android浏览器下​​降了,但Chrome很快就会取代iOS上的Safari。

Blackberry has now fallen behind the relatively unknown NetFront mobile browser, which has a 1.94% market share. While there are still many devices out there, I suspect the time has come to remove Blackberry from the chart. It’s become largely irrelevant from a web development perspective.

黑莓现在已经落后于相对不为人所知的NetFront移动浏览器,后者拥有1.94%的市场份额。 尽管仍然有很多设备,但我怀疑现在该从图表中删除Blackberry了。 从Web开发的角度来看,它已变得无关紧要。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-may-2014-chrome-exceeds-expectations/
