谷歌云端硬盘 转存

tech2023-08-05  116

谷歌云端硬盘 转存

Lets face it, no won is purrfect when it combs to spelling and grandma.


But embarrassing sentences like the one above can be avoided if you make use of your favorite writing app’s spell check. Here’s a guide to checking your work with ease.

但是,如果您使用自己喜欢的写作应用程序的拼写检查,可以避免上述尴尬的句子。 这是轻松检查工作的指南。

微软Word (Microsoft Word)

To check spelling in a Word document, open up the document, head to the “Review” tab, then click on “Spelling & Grammar” (part of the “Proofing” group of tools). Then a window will appear showing the first word the program believes to be misspelled. Click through the options to review the whole document.

要检查Word文档中的拼写,请打开该文档,转到“审阅”选项卡,然后单击“拼写和语法”(“校对”工具组的一部分)。 然后将出现一个窗口,显示该程序认为拼写错误的第一个单词。 单击选项以查看整个文档。

Of course, Word will also underline words it believes to be spelled incorrectly, as well as sentences whose structure it believes to be grammatically incorrect.


More info on Word’s spelling tools here.

有关Word拼写工具的更多信息,请点击此处 。

谷歌文档 (Google Docs)

In Google Docs, part of Google’s Drive suite of productivity apps, accessing spell check is as simple as heading to the “Tools” menu above the document, then clicking on “Spelling…”. But you’ll also be informed of spelling mistakes as you type, with Google helpfully underlining a suspect word in red.

在Google云端硬盘生产力应用程序套件的一部分Google文档中,访问拼写检查非常简单,只需转到文档上方的“工具”菜单,然后单击“拼写…”即可。 但是当您键入内容时,您也会收到拼写错误的通知,Google会用红色突出显示可疑单词。

More info on Google’s spelling tools here.

有关Google拼写工具的更多信息,请点击此处 。

开发办公室 (Open Office)


谷歌云端硬盘 转存
