
tech2023-08-07  128


The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) came into existence in order to provide equal access and equal opportunity to people with disabilities. If the Web is accessible, many people with disabilities can communicate and interact with content much more easily.

Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG)的出现是为了向残疾人提供平等的访问和平等的机会。 如果可以访问Web,则许多残疾人可以更轻松地与内容进行交流和交互。

In this article I will list some statistics released by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other known sources. I hope this post will help to create awareness on the importance of creating content for those using assistive technology, including blind as well as hearing impaired people.

在本文中,我将列出世界卫生组织 (WHO)和其他已知来源发布的一些统计数据。 我希望这篇文章有助于提高人们对为使用辅助技术(包括盲人和听力障碍者)的人们创建内容的重要性的认识。

Note: Some of the data presented in this article in images is not accessible. The images are merely to demonstrate some of the statistics in another format. All of the images have source links where the data can be found in more accessible formats (e.g. PDF).

注意:本文中以图像显示的某些数据不可访问。 这些图像仅仅是为了以其他格式展示某些统计信息。 所有图像都有源链接,可以在其中以更易于访问的格式(例如PDF)找到数据。

了解人们为何有残障 (Understanding Why People Have Disabilities)

Before getting into the stats, let’s first briefly look at some causes behind disabilities:


Blindness is caused, among other things, by glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosis, onchocerciasi, and corneal opacification. These diseases often limit a person’s ability to perform everyday tasks and affects their quality of life. Naturally, this will also affect their ability to access web content.

除其他外,失明是由青光眼,与年龄有关的黄斑变性,色素性视网膜炎,盘尾丝虫病和角膜混浊引起的。 这些疾病通常会限制一个人执行日常任务的能力,并影响他们的生活质量。 当然,这也会影响他们访问Web内容的能力。 Hearing loss may be inherited, caused by maternal rubella or complications at birth, certain infectious diseases such as chronic ear infections, exposure to excessive noise, ageing, and so on. The same quality of life factors are at play here, and specifically this will affect how they access audio content on web pages.

听力损失可能是由母亲的风疹或出生时的并发症,某些传染病(例如慢性耳部感染,暴露于过度的噪音,衰老等)引起的遗传性遗传。 同样的生活质量因素也在发挥作用,特别是这将影响他们访问网页上音频内容的方式。

Causes of Blindness (source)

失明的原因( 来源 )

We don’t need an extensive discussion of causes here, so that should suffice to get a general understanding. Let’s consider the stats now.

在这里,我们不需要对原因进行详尽的讨论,因此足以获得一般理解。 现在让我们考虑一下统计数据。

全球失明统计: (Worldwide Blindness Statistics:)

According to WHO, there are 285 million people worldwide who, due to some disability (i.e. they are suffering with low vision), cannot read all content on a website. 39 million of those people are blind and cannot access any of the content via sight.

根据世界卫生组织的数据 ,全世界有2.85亿人由于某种残疾(即他们的视力低下)而无法阅读网站上的所有内容。 这些人中有3900万是盲人,无法通过视觉获得任何内容。

Additionally, there are 360 million people suffering from hearing loss worldwide.

此外,全世界有3.6亿人遭受听力损失 。

Number of people (in thousands) blind, with low vision and visually impaired per million population (source)

每百万人口中视力低下和视障人士的盲人人数(以千为单位)( 来源 )

Here are some further statistics:


Approximately one-third of persons over 65 years of age are affected by disabling hearing loss.

65岁以上的人中约有三分之一受到听力丧失的影响。 About 90% of the world’s visually impaired live in developing countries.

全世界约90%的视力障碍者生活在发展中国家。 82% of people living with blindness are aged 50 and above.


2010 Global estimate of the number of people visually impaired by age, for all ages in parenthesis the corresponding prevalence (%) (source)

2010年按年龄划分的全球视力障碍人数的全球估计,括号内所有年龄段的相应患病率(%)( 来源 )

Number of people visually impaired and corresponding percentage of the global impairment by WHO Region and country, 2010 (source)

2010年按世卫组织区域和国家划分的视力障碍人数和相应的全球损害百分比( 来源 )

英国失明统计(FightForSight) (UK Blindness Statistics (FightForSight))

Here are some facts from thee FightForSight report, a study done in the UK:

以下是在英国进行的一项研究《 FightForSight报告》中的一些事实:

2 million people in the UK are living with sight loss. These figures are expected to rise to over 2,250,000 in 2020 and nearly four million in 2050.

英国有200万人视力丧失。 预计这些数字到2020年将超过225万,到2050年将接近400万。 There are 360,000 people registered as blind or partially sighted in the UK who have irreversible sight loss.

在英国,有360,000名注册为盲人或部分视力的人,他们的视力无法挽回。 An estimated 25,000 children in the UK are blind or partially sighted.

在英国,估计有25,000名儿童失明或部分失明。 Someone in the world goes blind every 5 seconds.

世界上每隔5秒就会有人失明。 50% of sight loss cases cannot be avoided.


印度的失明统计 (Blindness Statistics in India)

India has one the largest blind populations in the world with around 15 million blind people.

印度是世界上最大的盲人之一,大约有1500万盲人。 It is said that one out of every three blind people in the world lives in India.

据说世界上每三个盲人中就有一个住在印度。 There are around 2 million blind children in India.

印度大约有200万盲儿童。 There are 30,000 new cases of blindness every year.

每年有30,000起新的失明病例。 Glaucoma is the largest cause of blindness in India, currently affecting more than 4.5 million people.


Accessibility guidelines are not for blind people only. As mentioned above, there are more than 600 million people suffering from hearing problems, cognitive disabilities, and other hearing-related issues. The figures below show some data from WHO regarding hearing disabilities:

辅助功能指南不仅适用于盲人。 如上所述,有超过6亿人患有听力问题,认知障碍和其他与听力有关的问题。 下图显示了WHO关于听力障碍的一些数据:

Worldwide hearing loss statistics (source)

全球听力损失统计数据( 来源 )

Prevalence of Disabling Hearing Loss (DHL) in some regions (source)

某些地区的失能性听力损失(DHL)患病率( 来源 )

Disabling hearing loss statistics (source)

禁用听力损失统计数据( 来源 )

If your content is not equally distributed to everyone then this lack of accessibility becomes a social and legal issue. There are some laws that define that services provided should be available to everyone regardless of ability.

如果您的内容没有平均分配给所有人,那么这种可访问性的缺乏将成为社会和法律问题 。 有一些法律规定,无论能力如何,所提供的服务都应为所有人使用。

The 2010 Equality Act and its predecessor the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act created a legal duty for businesses and organizations to ensure their services are available to everyone regardless of disability.


There is a misconception that the main focus of web accessibility may be people with permanent or long-term disabilities, but accessibility benefits people with or without disabilities. For example, those impacted include:

有一个误解,认为可访问性的主要焦点可能是永久或长期残疾的人,但是可访问性使有或没有残疾的人受益。 例如,受影响的包括:

People who are not fluent in English.

英文不流利的人。 People who do not have or are unable to use a keyboard or mouse.

没有或无法使用键盘或鼠标的人。 People with temporary disabilities due to accident or illness.

因事故或疾病而暂时残疾的人。 Older people.

老年人。 New users.


There are a number of initiatives under way all over the world to create awareness about accessibility, the visually impaired, hearing disabled people, and other issues, including Google’s Web accessibility course, Foundation Fighting Blindness, Adobe’s Accessibility Initiatives (PDF), and more.

世界各地正在采取许多举措来提高人们对可访问性,视觉障碍者,听力障碍者以及其他问题的认识,包括Google的Web可访问性课程 , 基金会抗盲基金会 , Adobe的可访问性倡议(PDF)等。

无障碍环境的未来 (The Future of Accessibility)

There is much to look forward to as many big initiatives are taking relevant steps to spread awareness. There is Google’s Accessible Web Search for visually impaired people, Foundation Fighting Blindness, various initiatives by World Health Initiatives are just a few.

许多大型举措正在采取相关步骤来传播意识,因此人们有很多期待。 Google为残障人士提供了可访问的网络搜索 ,“ 基金会抗盲基金会” ,世界卫生倡议的各种倡议只是其中的一部分。

I personally know more than 50 people suffering from incurable eye diseases with low vision from India, USA, Nepal, South Africa, etc. I also have had conversations with more than 20 designers and developers who have developed interactive websites, but still don’t know the importance of accessible websites.


I look forward to users with disabilities having the same ability to access content as everyone else. And if designers and developers need any extra incentive, besides those already mentioned in this article, making a websites equally accessible to all means your website traffic will increase and ultimately this will mean a more successful website.

我期待残疾用户具有与其他所有人一样的访问内容的能力。 而且,如果设计师和开发人员需要任何额外的激励措施,除了本文中已经提到的激励措施之外,使所有人都能平等地访问网站意味着您的网站访问量将会增加,最终这将意味着网站更加成功。

So how many of your users require accessible content? You won’t know unless you analyze your own visitor data. In the meantime, the stats discussed above should give you a general idea that you can use as a gauge for future projects.

那么,您有多少用户需要可访问的内容? 除非您分析自己的访问者数据,否则您不会知道。 同时,上面讨论的统计信息应为您提供一个总体思路,您可以将其用作将来项目的衡量标准。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-many-users-need-accessible-websites/

