
tech2023-08-09  112

Time flies, and two more months have gone by. Our channel is growing rapidly on all fronts – new authors, new posts, new readers, and we couldn’t be more proud. Together, we make one awesome community! From Drupal 7/8, continuous integration, search engines and message queues to HHVM, conferences, PHPNG, GDelt and so much more, our channel is constantly growing into an ever more wonderful repository of the most up to date news and tutorials relating to all things PHP.

时间过得很快,又过去了两个月。 我们的渠道在各个方面都在快速增长-新作者,新帖子,新读者,我们再也无法为之骄傲。 我们共同打造了一个很棒的社区! 从Drupal 7/8,持续集成,搜索引擎和消息队列到HHVM,会议,PHPNG,GDelt等,我们的频道一直在发展成为一个更加精彩的资料库,其中包含与所有内容有关的最新新闻和教程东西PHP。

新作者 (New Authors)

In this welcoming round, we’ve got eight newcomers, again with highly diverse backgrounds.


马丁·哈迪 ( Martyn Hardy) (Martyn Hardy, United Kingdom)

Martyn is an engineer from the UK with a deep interest in tools and techniques that improve coding practice on a personal and team level. In that spirit, he’s writing a big code quality series for us that’s due to be published in July. His debut article was about using the JSONSerializable interface. Martyn is a member of the PHP Mentoring initiative, so if you need a mentor, get in touch!

Martyn是一位来自英国的工程师,对提高个人和团队编码实践的工具和技术有着浓厚的兴趣。 本着这种精神,他正在为我们编写一个重要的代码质量系列,该系列将于7月发布。 他的首篇文章是关于使用JSONSerializable接口的 。 Martyn是PHP Mentoring计划的成员,因此,如果您需要导师,请与我们联系!

比利时丹尼·西波斯 ( Danny Sipos ) (Danny Sipos, Belgium)

Danny has, in the short time he’s been with us, become one of our most prolific authors. A Drupal expert from Belgium, Danny produces Drupal tutorials for us like there’s no tomorrow, and still manages to fuel his other passion projects (he also runs webomelette.com, a Drupal blog where he writes articles and tutorials about Drupal development, theming and site building) while keeping his regular job. His recent focus has been the imminent release of Drupal 8, and getting as many tutorials as possible about it out there to prepare the community for the new version.

丹尼(Danny)在我们这里的时间很短,他成为我们最多产的作家之一。 作为比利时的Drupal专家,Danny像没有明天一样为我们制作了Drupal教程,并且仍然设法推动他的其他激情项目(他还经营webomelette.com ,这是Drupal博客,他在那里撰写有关Drupal开发,主题和网站的文章和教程。建筑),同时保持自己的正常工作。 他最近的工作重点是即将发布的Drupal 8,并在那里获得尽可能多的有关它的教程,以为社区为新版本做准备。

His debut article introduced Views 3 but he’s been too active for me to even try and enumerate everything he’d written so far. Go ahead and check out his author profile.

他的首篇文章介绍了Views 3,但是他对我来说太活跃了,甚至无法尝试列举他到目前为止编写的所有内容。 继续查看他的作者个人资料。

罗马尼亚的阿德里安·莫鲁坦 ( Adrian Morutan ) (Adrian Morutan, Romania)

Adrian, a certified Magento developer from Romaina, debuted with a detailed explanation of Magento’s logic and flow – a dissection of the ins and outs of Magento, covering everything from what makes it tick to best practices for using and extending it. If you’ve ever wondered about Magento and are familiar with the complexities of other popular frameworks, there’s no better starting point out there.

来自Romaina的经过认证的Magento开发人员Adrian首次对Magento的逻辑和流程进行了详细说明 -剖析了Magento的来龙去脉,涵盖了从勾号的内容到使用和扩展它的最佳实践的方方面面。 如果您曾经对Magento有所了解,并且熟悉其他流行框架的复杂性,那么这里没有更好的起点。

印度拉吉夫·西拉姆(Rajiv Seelam) (Rajiv Seelam, India)

Rajiv Seelam, a computer science engineer from India, specializes in Laravel and loves exploring other new technologies. He debuted with a thrilling series on combining Laravel and IronMQ, and will soon have a third part published – covering advanced use cases and the questions posed in the comments on the original two parts.

印度计算机科学工程师Rajiv Seelam专门研究Laravel,并且喜欢探索其他新技术。 他以结合Larar和IronMQ的激动人心的系列首次亮相,不久将出版第三部分-涵盖高级用例以及对原始两部分的评论中提出的问题。

伊朗Reza Lavaryan (Reza Lavaryan, Iran)

Reza, an enthusiastic veteran developer from Iran, believes everyone should learn something new every day, and I couldn’t agree more – lifelong learning is where it’s at. He wrote two pieces for us so far, both parts of a series on building a dynamic menu builder for Bootstrap – a class that lets you dynamically construct nested menus for your site, be it from a database, an XML file, or something else. The menu builder he constructs in the tutorials is actually the foundation of his laravel-menu, the same thing, but with even more functionality and adapted for use with Laravel. Check it out!

来自伊朗的一位经验丰富的资深开发商Reza认为,每个人都应该每天学习新的东西,而我完全同意,终生学习才是真正的目标。 到目前为止,他为我们写了两篇文章,这是为Bootstrap构建动态菜单构建器系列的两个部分,该类使您可以为数据库动态构建嵌套菜单,无论是从数据库,XML文件还是其他菜单。 他在教程中构建的菜单构建器实际上是他的laravel-menu的基础,这是同一件事,但是具有更多功能并适合与Laravel一起使用。 看看这个!

越南团安河 (Tuan Anh Ho, Vietnam)

Anh Ho, an OXID eShop expert from Vietnam and passionate Chrome App developer, greeted us with a tutorial series on exteding OXID eShop with an infinite-list module that lets the users see results in this trendy way instead of the standard pagination. Part one is out, and part two is coming this week!

来自越南的OXID eShop专家和热情的Chrome App开发人员Anh Ho向我们致以一系列教程 ,向他们介绍了使用无限列表模块消灭OXID eShop的教程系列 ,该模块使用户能够以这种流行的方式而不是标准的分页方式查看结果。 第一部分已经结束, 第二部分即将在本周推出!

印度阿米特·古普塔 ( Amit Gupta ) (Amit Gupta, India)

Amit Gupta, a Java deserter from India, greeted us with a demystification of the Repository Design Pattern as his debut article. He’s an experienced web engineer and a very active Twitter user actively involved in day-to-day PHP happenings, and we can’t wait to see what else he’s got in store for us.

来自印度的Java逃亡者Amit Gupta在他的第一篇文章中以“存储库设计模式”的神秘面纱迎接了我们。 他是一位经验丰富的Web工程师,并且是一位非常活跃的Twitter用户,积极参与日常PHP事情,我们迫不及待地想看看他还为我们准备了什么。

加入行列! (Join the ranks!)

We’re always looking for more authors – and if you don’t know what you’d like to write about, let us know, we’ll help you out with that. Just get in touch via bruno.skvorc@sitepoint.com and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

我们一直在寻找更多的作者-如果您不知道要写什么,请告诉我们 ,我们将为您提供帮助。 只需通过bruno.skvorc@sitepoint.com与我们联系,我们将尽快与您联系。

If you’re looking for ways to follow us and keep track of our content, here are some resources:


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Got suggestions for us? Specific content you’d like to see? Social networks we should be present on? Let us know – we’re open to all suggestions, and wouldn’t be the resource we are without the joint effort of our readers and writers!

有建议给我们吗? 您想看什么具体内容? 我们应该参加的社交网络? 让我们知道–我们愿意接受所有建议,如果没有读者和作家的共同努力,我们将不会成为我们的资源!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/welcoming-new-authors-may-june-2014/
