
tech2023-08-12  111


This week marked exciting times for our Forum. Our most serious discovery was that printers are made of three main sections: the main plastic case, the jammed paper tray, and an angry red light.

本周标志着我们论坛的激动人心的时刻。 我们最严重的发现是打印机由三个主要部分组成:主塑料盒,卡纸的纸盒和发红光。

在我们的雷达上: (On Our Radar:)

We were incredibly lucky and #blessed to host not one but two live Q&A sessions with Microsoft this week on Azure Mobile Systems, with a focus on Notifications. Microsoft Evangelist Andrew Coates was open about his work on AMS, mobile dev, and cloud stuff. Keep a lookout for the next Microsoft Q&A session which is a mega one-hour session with two awesome topics, and let us know what kind of experts you want us to talk to in the future.

我们非常幸运,并且很幸运地在本周与Microsoft一起在Azure移动系统上主持了一次而不是两次的现场问答环节,重点是通知。 微软传播家安德鲁·科茨(Andrew Coates) 公开了他在AMS,移动开发和云技术方面的工作 。 请随时注意下一次Microsoft Q&A会话,这是一个大型的一小时的会话,其中包含两个很棒的主题,并让我们知道您希望我们将来与什么样的专家进行交谈。

Is this the end of all browsers or just Internet Explorer? Ralph was inspired by a Medium article and we talk all things Apple, watches, Safari and IE. If we didn’t have browsers, how would we navigate this world wide web of ours? Interesting concepts to think about and add your opinion to on our Forums.

这是所有浏览器的终结还是Internet Explorer的终结? 拉尔夫(Ralph)受《中型》文章的启发,我们谈论苹果,手表,Safari和IE的所有事物。 如果没有浏览器,我们将如何浏览我们的万维网? 在我们的论坛上思考和添加您的观点的有趣概念。

Mawburn wants to know about your experience pair programming. Are you for or against it? How comfortable is it sharing the same screen and desk with another human being? Does it give you cleaner code, ultimately, or is it a waste of time (and possibly personal space?)

Mawburn想了解您的配对编程经验 。 你是赞成还是反对? 与另一个人共享同一个屏幕和办公桌有多舒适? 最终它会为您提供更简洁的代码,还是在浪费时间(可能还浪费个人空间?)

简而言之 (In Short)

If you’re looking for a job, check out this seriously cool resume experiment.

如果您正在寻找工作,请查看此非常酷的简历实验 。

Help us settle the age old question Do you write < ? blah blah…?> or < ?php blahblahh…?>

帮助我们解决古老的问题,您写<吗? 等等...?>或<?php等等...?>

Check out our two loving curations, this week in Javascript and this week in .NET.

看看我们两个有趣的策展活动, 本周使用Javascript , 本周使用.NET 。

询问Microsoft任何问题! (Ask Microsoft Anything!)

Our last Q&A takes place on April 7, 10-11am AEST (check your local time). It’s a mega one-hour live session. Covering cross-platform development, Microsoft Technical Evangelists Esther Mosad and Paul Usher will talk all things Visual Studio, Phone Gap, Xamarin and DevExtreme. Join us, or live forever with inferior knowledge.

我们的最后一个问答时间是4月7日,美国东部标准时间 10月11日( 请检查当地时间 )。 这是一个大型的一小时现场直播。 涉及跨平台开发,Microsoft技术传播者Esther Mosad和Paul Usher将讨论Visual Studio,Phone Gap,Xamarin和DevExtreme的所有内容。 加入我们,或以卑鄙的知识永远生活。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-qa-experiments-end-browsers/

