chrome 插件 功能

tech2023-08-12  117

chrome 插件 功能

The past few Chrome releases barely raised an eyebrow. We received a few good developer tools and minor interface tweaks but the core Blink rendering engine was largely unchanged (in a noticeable way). Fortunately, Chrome 33 provides new HTML5 toys for developers to drool over…

过去的几版Chrome几乎没有引起人们的注意。 我们收到了一些不错的开发人员工具和一些小的界面调整,但是核心Blink渲染引擎在很大程度上没有改变(以明显的方式)。 幸运的是,Chrome 33为开发人员提供了新HTML5玩具,让他们流口水……

自定义元素 (Custom Elements)

Custom Elements formalize something developers have been doing for many years: creating their own HTML tags. Admittedly, we shouldn’t have done that but we’ve all tried adding <sarcasm> and <kitten> tags at some point or another. Chrome now supports Custom Elements as part of the new Web Components API.

自定义元素使开发人员已经从事多年的工作正式化:创建自己HTML标签。 诚然,我们不应该这样做,但是我们都尝试过在某个时候添加<sarcasm>和<kitten>标签。 Chrome现在支持将自定义元素作为新的Web组件 API的一部分。

There’s too much to explain here but, in essence, you can:


create new HTML and DOM elements using whatever name you desire

使用所需名称创建新HTML和DOM元素 extend new elements from others (including existing DOM elements)

从其他元素扩展新元素(包括现有DOM元素) bundle custom functionality into a single tag


I’m still investigating the possibilities, so look out for an in-depth article on SitePoint soon.


网络语音API (Web Speech API)

Are you still using a mouse, keyboard or touchscreen to navigate your web apps and pages? How quaint! Chrome now supports much of the Web Speech API and features both speech recognition and synthesis. In theory, it’s now possible to implement Babelfish-like facilities so you can talk in one language but be heard in another.

您是否仍在使用鼠标,键盘或触摸屏浏览Web应用程序和页面? 多么古朴! Chrome现在支持许多Web Speech API,并具有语音识别和合成功能。 从理论上讲,现在可以实现类似于Babelfish的设施,因此您可以使用一种语言进行交谈,而可以使用另一种语言进行交谈。

The basics:


var hello = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance("Hello world!"); window.speechSynthesis.speak(hello);

There are far more options so, again, look out for further articles on SitePoint soon. You should also refer to Aurelio’s recent post Introducing the Web Speech API.

还有更多选择,因此请再次关注SitePoint上的更多文章。 您还应该参考Aurelio最近发表的介绍Web Speech API的文章 。

插件和扩展稳定性 (Plug-in and Extension Stability)

A couple of more controversial updates have been implemented:


PDF documents are displayed in the internal viewer by default.


The Netscape Plugin API (NPAPI) will be dropped by the end of 2014 and Chrome now actively blocks those plug-ins. Some, such as Silverlight and Java, have been white-listed and Flash uses the newer PPAPI.

Netscape插件API (NPAPI)将于2014年底删除,Chrome现在正在积极阻止这些插件。 其中有些已列入白名单,例如Silverlight和Java,Flash使用了较新的PPAPI 。

Extensions not hosted in the Web Store will be automatically disabled.


While this will undoubtedly makes for a more robust browser, Google seems intent on building their own walled garden and is planting Apple-like trees. Plug-in development may be doomed but are we sacrificing freedom for the sake of stability?

虽然毫无疑问,这将使浏览器更强大,但Google似乎打算建立自己的围墙花园,并在种植苹果般的树木。 插件开发可能注定要失败,但是为了稳定我们会牺牲自由吗?

杂项更新 (Miscellaneous Updates)

As well as the usual bug and security fixes, Chrome 33 offers:

除了常见的错误和安全修复程序外,Chrome 33还提供:

an unprefixed Page Visibility API


better web font downloading (although I still think rendering isn’t as good as IE or Firefox)


CSS animations and transitions are now powered by the new Web Animations 1.0 model which will allow developers to create, modify, and control animations via JavaScript

CSS动画和过渡现在由新的Web Animations 1.0模型提供支持,该模型将允许开发人员通过JavaScript创建,修改和控制动画

the latest Web Notifications API has been implemented

最新的Web Notifications API已实现

Windows password protection has been improved; you’ll need to enter your Windows password to reveal those stored in Chrome

Windows密码保护已得到改进; 您需要输入Windows密码才能显示Chrome中存储的密码

extensions loaded in Development mode are highlighted (Windows version only for now)

在“开发”模式下加载的扩展名突出显示(仅Windows版本目前) searching within bookmarks also locates folder names

在书签中搜索还会找到文件夹名称 the Incognito warning message has been simplified.


Finally, Chrome Frame — the Chrome window plug-in for Internet Explorer — has been officially retired. It’s still available but development ceased some time ago.

最后, Chrome Frame (Internet Explorer的Chrome窗口插件)已正式淘汰。 它仍然可用,但不久前就停止了开发。

Chrome 33 feels more substantial compared to the recent slightly stagnant versions. It remains the browser of choice for almost 44% of web users and that figure looks set to rise further.

与最近停滞不前的版本相比,Chrome 33感觉更坚固。 它仍然是将近44%的Web用户选择的浏览器,并且这个数字似乎还会进一步上升。


chrome 插件 功能
