
tech2023-08-13  115

Last month’s browser trends were slightly unusual with Safari the only browser able to make gains. The latest figures from StatCounter are now available…

上个月浏览器的趋势与众不同,Safari是唯一能够实现增长的浏览器。 StatCounter的最新数据现已提供...

2014年1月至2014年2月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics January 2014 to February 2014)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserJanuaryFebruarychangerelativeIE (all)22.83%22.47%-0.36%-1.60%IE117.50%7.97%+0.47%+6.30%IE104.41%4.21%-0.20%-4.50%IE93.73%3.59%-0.14%-3.80%IE86.61%6.19%-0.42%-6.40%IE70.25%0.22%-0.03%-12.00%IE60.33%0.29%-0.04%-12.10%Chrome43.74%43.96%+0.22%+0.50%Firefox18.90%19.19%+0.29%+1.50%Safari9.71%9.73%+0.02%+0.20%Opera1.26%1.30%+0.04%+3.20%Others3.56%3.35%-0.21%-5.90% 浏览器 一月 二月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 22.83% 22.47% -0.36% -1.60% IE11 7.50% 7.97% + 0.47% + 6.30% IE10 4.41% 4.21% -0.20% -4.50% IE9 3.73% 3.59% -0.14% -3.80% IE8 6.61% 6.19% -0.42% -6.40% IE7 0.25% 0.22% -0.03% -12.00% IE6 0.33% 0.29% -0.04% -12.10% Chrome 43.74% 43.96% + 0.22% + 0.50% 火狐浏览器 18.90% 19.19% + 0.29% + 1.50% 苹果浏览器 9.71% 9.73% + 0.02% + 0.20% 歌剧 1.26% 1.30% + 0.04% + 3.20% 其他 3.56% 3.35% -0.21% -5.90%

2013年2月至2014年2月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics February 2013 to February 2014)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserFebruary 2013February 2014changerelativeIE (all)29.82%22.47%-7.35%-24.60%IE110.00%7.97%+7.97%n/aIE101.21%4.21%+3.00%+247.90%IE916.87%3.59%-13.28%-78.70%IE810.76%6.19%-4.57%-42.50%IE70.68%0.22%-0.46%-67.60%IE60.30%0.29%-0.01%-3.30%Chrome37.11%43.96%+6.85%+18.50%Firefox21.34%19.19%-2.15%-10.10%Safari8.58%9.73%+1.15%+13.40%Opera1.23%1.30%+0.07%+5.70%Others1.92%3.35%+1.43%+74.50% 浏览器 2013年2月 2014年2月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 29.82% 22.47% -7.35% -24.60% IE11 0.00% 7.97% + 7.97% 不适用 IE10 1.21% 4.21% + 3.00% + 247.90% IE9 16.87% 3.59% -13.28% -78.70% IE8 10.76% 6.19% -4.57% -42.50% IE7 0.68% 0.22% -0.46% -67.60% IE6 0.30% 0.29% -0.01% -3.30% Chrome 37.11% 43.96% + 6.85% + 18.50% 火狐浏览器 21.34% 19.19% -2.15% -10.10% 苹果浏览器 8.58% 9.73% + 1.15% + 13.40% 歌剧 1.23% 1.30% + 0.07% + 5.70% 其他 1.92% 3.35% + 1.43% + 74.50%

The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 6.4% of IE8 users switched browsers last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.

下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。 “更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示比例变化,即IE8用户上个月切换浏览器的比例为6.4%。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。

Perhaps the most remarkable observation is just how unremarkable the usage figures are! Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera made small gains while IE had a fairly insignificant fall. Overall, the chart remained relatively stable. In some ways that’s a shame; it’s great to see applications having a disruptive influence on the market. Unfortunately, it’s become increasingly difficult for vendors to tackle the top five. New browsers can only dream of Opera-like user numbers.

也许最引人注目的观察是使用量数字没有多大变化! Chrome,Firefox,Safari和Opera的收益不大,而IE的下降幅度却很小。 总体而言,该图表保持相对稳定。 在某些方面,这是一种耻辱; 很高兴看到应用程序对市场产生破坏性影响。 不幸的是,供应商要应对前五名变得越来越困难。 新的浏览器只能梦想像Opera那样的用户号码。

The yearly statistics are a little more interesting:


One in four IE users has migrated elsewhere.

四分之一的IE用户已迁移到其他地方。 Firefox has lost a tenth of its user base.

Firefox失去了十分之一的用户基础。 Chrome has almost 20% more users.


This isn’t quite accurate because the number of web users has risen over the year. However, it does indicate that people are becoming more aware of the options and are less fearful of switching browsers.

这不是很准确,因为网络用户的数量在过去一年中有所增加。 但是,它的确表明人们正在逐渐意识到这些选项,而不必担心切换浏览器。

Chrome may not be making the monthly desktop gains it once did, but the mobile market is heating up…


移动浏览器的使用 (Mobile Browser Usage)

Mobile usage increased by almost 1% in February to reach 24.68% of all web activity.

2月份,移动设备使用量增长了近1%,达到所有网络活动的24.68% 。

The top mobile browsing applications:


Mobile BrowserJanuaryFebruarychangerelativeAndroid27.00%26.44%-0.56%-2.10%iPhone21.38%20.88%-0.50%-2.30%Opera Mini/Mobile14.61%13.70%-0.91%-6.20%Chrome8.59%11.95%+3.36%+39.10%UC Browser11.57%11.30%-0.27%-2.30%Nokia Browser6.11%5.64%-0.47%-7.70%Blackberry2.58%2.22%-0.36%-14.00%Others8.16%7.87%-0.29%-3.60% 手机浏览器 一月 二月 更改 相对的 安卓系统 27.00% 26.44% -0.56% -2.10% 苹果手机 21.38% 20.88% -0.50% -2.30% Opera Mini /手机 14.61% 13.70% -0.91% -6.20% Chrome 8.59% 11.95% + 3.36% + 39.10% UC浏览器 11.57% 11.30% -0.27% -2.30% 诺基亚浏览器 6.11% 5.64% -0.47% -7.70% 黑莓 2.58% 2.22% -0.36% -14.00% 其他 8.16% 7.87% -0.29% -3.60%

Chrome for mobile has overtaken UC Browser with a staggering 3.36% increase in market share. Devices such as the Nexus now come with Chrome pre-installed, but I’m not convinced that’s the sole reason for the rise. Unless this is a statistical anomaly, it seems users have discovered Chrome on their mobile — and they like it.

Chrome for mobile已超越UC Browser,市场份额惊人地提高了3.36%。 Nexus等设备现已预装了Chrome,但我不认为这是价格上涨的唯一原因。 除非这是一个统计异常,否则似乎用户已经在移动设备上发现了Chrome,并且他们喜欢它。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-march-2014/
