chrome 插件 功能

tech2023-08-14  108

chrome 插件 功能

Chrome 32 final was released on January 14. You possibly didn’t notice, but that’s the beauty of silent automated updates. There are a fair number of new features. It’s a mixed bag but the first will delight developers everywhere…

Chrome 32最终版于1月14日发布。您可能没有注意到,但这就是无声自动更新的魅力。 有很多新功能。 这是一个复杂的过程,但是第一个会让所有地方的开发人员感到高兴……

移动调试 (Mobile Debugging)

Chrome 32 can natively connect to Android mobile devices over USB. This permits operations such as:

Chrome 32可以通过USB本地连接到Android移动设备。 这样可以进行以下操作:

Screencasting: a screencast of your device is shown beside the developer tools. You can inspect elements and send touch events with ease.

截屏视频:开发人员工具旁边显示设备的截屏视频。 您可以轻松检查元素并发送触摸事件。 Port-forwarding: if you’re developing on a local server, such as localhost:8080, port forwarding allows your device to connect.


There’s too much to cover here, so look out for further Chrome articles coming soon.


噪音标签指示器 (Noisy Tab Indicators)

Auto-playing media can be irritating. I often open dozens of tabs from an email or RSS application only to find one — or more — starts playing music or video. It’s necessary to visit every tab until I find the offending site.

自动播放媒体可能会令人讨厌。 我经常从电子邮件或RSS应用程序中打开许多选项卡,却发现其中一个(或多个)开始播放音乐或视频。 在找到有问题的站点之前,必须访问每个选项卡。

Chrome 32 now highlights noisy tabs:

Chrome 32现在突出显示了嘈杂的标签:

There are similar icons if a site is accessing your webcam or broadcasting to your TV via Chromecast.


Unfortunately, it’s not perfect — you’ll only see an icon when the page is playing native HTML5 audio, video or using the built-in PPAPI Flash plugin. Older NPAPI Flash and Silverlight plug-in media won’t be detected.

不幸的是,它并不完美-当页面播放本地HTML5音频,视频或使用内置的PPAPI Flash插件时,您只会看到一个图标。 不会检测到较旧的NPAPI Flash和Silverlight插件媒体。

Windows 8 Metro模式 (Windows 8 Metro Mode)

If Google’s calling it Metro mode, so will I! Presuming Chrome is your default browser (choosing Relaunch Chrome in Windows 8 mode will do that), you can launch it from the Start as a full-screen Metro app. It also provides it’s own taskbar with a launcher button, installed apps, and a clock.

如果Google称其为Metro模式,我也会这样! 假设Chrome是您的默认浏览器(选择在Windows 8模式下重新启动Chrome即可),则可以从“开始”作为全屏Metro应用启动它。 它还提供了自己的任务栏,其中包含启动器按钮,已安装的应用程序和时钟。

It’s slightly bizarre. Metro Chrome doesn’t support standard Windows app features such as good touch control, pinch-to-zoom, the share charm, or snap mode — IE11 offers a better integrated experience. It’s almost as though Google want to create Chrome OS on Windows. I’m sure it will improve, but I can’t imagine many people will use it until it does.

这有点奇怪。 Metro Chrome不支持标准的Windows应用程序功能,例如良好的触摸控制,缩小缩放,共享魅力或捕捉模式-IE11提供了更好的集成体验。 Google似乎要在Windows上创建Chrome操作系统。 我敢肯定它会改善,但是我无法想象会有很多人会使用它。

受监管的用户 (Supervised Users)

Chrome’s new supervised user feature allows you to create profiles for other people, manage their permissions, and view browsing history. To use it, select Settings from the Chrome menu and locate the User section. In essence, you’re defining a new profile for Chrome without creating another user account on your OS. It’s ideal for those with young children or other family members who require guidance when browsing the web.

Chrome的新受监管用户功能可让您为其他人创建个人资料,管理其权限以及查看浏览历史记录。 要使用它,请从Chrome菜单中选择设置 ,然后找到用户部分。 本质上,您是在为Chrome定义新的配置文件,而无需在操作系统上创建另一个用户帐户。 对于有小孩或其他家庭成员的用户,在浏览网络时需要指导是理想的选择。

For more information, refer to Supervised users.

有关更多信息,请参阅受监管用户 。

更强大的恶意软件警告 (Stronger Malware Warning)

The download tray now shows an obvious message when your partner, children, parents, or friends inevitably download a file of dubious origin…


杂项更新 (Miscellaneous Updates)

A few other features that snuck in under the radar…


CSS pretty-printing is now available in the Developer Tools to de-minify code.

现在可以在开发人员工具中使用CSS精美印刷来缩小代码尺寸。 Chrome has switched from native OS controls to its own Auro UI stack — take a look at the window scroll bars. It permits a consistent UI across devices (although I suspect few people will notice). I doubt their own controls will be faster or use fewer resources either.

Chrome浏览器已从本机OS控件切换到其自己的Auro UI堆栈-查看窗口滚动条。 它允许跨设备使用一致的UI(尽管我怀疑很少有人会注意到)。 我怀疑他们自己的控件会更快或更省资源。 Windows users are now restricted to downloading extensions from the Chrome Web Store (developers can still test extensions locally, though).

Windows用户现在仅限于从Chrome网上应用店下载扩展程序(尽管开发人员仍可以在本地测试扩展程序)。 PDF files are opened using the built-in viewer; the Adobe Reader plug-in is disabled.

使用内置查看器打开PDF文件。 Adobe Reader插件已禁用。

The address bar (OK — Omnibox) now forgets mis-typed URLs if it resulted in a 404 error.

现在,如果地址栏(确定— Omnibox )导致404错误,则会忘记输入错误的URL。

The browser will warn users when accessing sites using weaker security keys.

当使用较弱的安全密钥访问站点时,浏览器将警告用户。 21 security issues have been addressed.


Chrome 32 is as good as it’s ever been. I’m not wholly convinced by the features that eschew standard conventions in favor of Google’s own OS ideas, but it won’t stop users migrating to the browser.

Chrome 32一直以来都很棒。 我并不完全相信避开标准约定而支持Google自己的操作系统思想的功能,但是这不会阻止用户迁移到浏览器。


chrome 插件 功能
