
tech2023-08-16  99

It’s been a while since I did my last Magento comparison, and the sad thing is: Nothing much has changed since then. Magento still looks and works the same, and in this industry standing still is the same as moving backwards.

自从我进行最后一次Magento比较以来已经有一段时间了,可悲的是:从那时起,没有什么改变。 Magento的外观和工作原理相同,在这个行业中,地位不变就是向后移动。

True, Magento has moved on from version 1.7 to 1.8, but that was mostly rolling out bug fixes. And it still has some serious flaws which haven’t been addressed. Any real progress seems to be stalled while awaiting for Magento 2.0, the version rumoured to be heavily influenced by eBay, its new owner. This should be a real leap forward and should make Magento the top dog again. But the fact remains, 2.0 is still far from being ready.

确实,Magento已从1.7版升级到1.8版,但这主要是在发布错误修复程序。 而且它仍然存在一些尚未解决的严重缺陷。 在等待Magento 2.0时,任何真正的进展似乎都停滞了,据传该版本受到其新所有者eBay的严重影响。 这应该是一个真正的飞跃,并且应该使Magento再次成为头号狗。 但是事实仍然是,2.0还远远没有准备好。

And then there is X-Cart 5. While it technically follows up on X-Cart 4, it is a rebuild version of this decently successful shopping cart. Basically X-Cart 5 is to X-Cart, what Magento 2.0 should be be to Magento 1.8. And with X-Cart having a rapid development cycle, this could mean X-Cart 5 takes the lead – at least for small- and medium sized business, which is where X-Cart is at its best.

然后是X-Cart 5 。 从技术上讲,它是在X-Cart 4上进行跟进的,它是此相当成功的购物车的重建版本。 基本上X-Cart 5是X-Cart,Magento 2.0应该是Magento 1.8。 而且由于X-Cart具有快速的开发周期,这可能意味着X-Cart 5处于领先地位-至少对于中小型企业而言,这是X-Cart最好的地方。

那么,Magento有什么问题呢? (So what is wrong with Magento?)

That is a good question, because they clearly didn’t become this big by being a flawed product. But to remain this big, they really need to work on some of the downsides.

这是一个很好的问题,因为它们显然不是因为有缺陷的产品而变得如此之大。 但是要保持如此大的规模,他们确实需要克服一些弊端。

While it’s overall a great product, the main reasons of concern are:


The large file system and database setup, along with the inefficiencies this brings.

大型文件系统和数据库设置,以及由此带来的低效率。 The complicated theming system that requires many files for each part of your layout. This is the best example of the file system’s inefficiency.

复杂的主题系统,对于布局的每个部分都需要许多文件。 这是文件系统效率低下的最好例子。 Lack of mobile support. They do have some (very) expensive apps, but lack a decent mobile or responsive theme. All they have is a buggy one that doesn’t do much for your site.

缺乏移动支持。 他们确实有一些(非常)昂贵的应用程序,但是缺少一个不错的移动或响应主题。 他们所拥有的只是一辆越野车,对您的网站没有多大帮助。 Not listening to feedback. This despite being open source and having a community edition to get feedback. Developers are constantly asking for a rebuild of the file system, a more efficient database and mobile support. But they are not being heard.

不听反馈。 尽管它是开源的,并且具有社区版来获取反馈。 开发人员一直在要求重建文件系统,更有效的数据库和移动支持。 但是他们没有被听到。

X-Cart呢? (What about X-Cart?)

What does X-Cart bring to the table? Well, for one, a feature set that comes close to Magento (still not close enough though). But what’s more important for you as a developer, is that they know Magento’s flaws and they’ve ensured their product is better.

X-Cart带来了什么? 好吧,其中一个是接近Magento的功能集(尽管还不够紧密)。 但是对于您来说,作为开发人员更重要的是,他们知道Magento的缺陷,并且已经确保自己的产品更好。

This means:


A more efficient file system (half of Magento’s) and database setup.

效率更高的文件系统(Magento的一半)和数据库设置。 An easier templating system. Templating will be something you have to learn, but it helps if you don’t have to wade through tons of files for a few simple adjustments.

一个更简单的模板系统。 模板化将是您必须学习的东西,但是如果您不必花大量时间进行一些简单的调整就可以使用模板。 Mobile! They made it an integrated part of their product, which is always better than adding stuff later on.

移动! 他们将其作为产品的集成部分,总是比以后添加产品更好。 Warm hugs for every developer. They know who to love, and make sure you feel welcome and supported as a developer. Naturally, this means they respond to your feedback.

热烈拥抱每个开发人员。 他们知道爱谁,并确保您得到开发人员的欢迎和支持。 自然,这意味着他们会回应您的反馈。

Looks good right? And while I am the first to admit that Magento is a perfect solution for large and enterprise-sized business, X-Cart does seem to be a really good alternative for the “smaller” guys (we are still talking about web stores with potentially millions in revenue annually). Only downside: X-Cart comes with a price. But you can start at $99 for a license that includes mobile, so that shouldn’t be too big of a problem.

看起来不错吧? 虽然我是第一个承认Magento是大型企业规模企业的完美解决方案的公司,但X-Cart似乎确实是“小型”公司的不错选择(我们仍在谈论可能拥有数以百万计的网络商店)每年的收入)。 唯一的缺点:X-Cart附带价格。 但是,包括移动设备的许可证起价为99美元,所以这不是一个太大的问题。

看到他们的行动 (See them in action)

To see how it all comes together, I’ve included an example of Magento’s insane file system and database in my video, and I show you how X-Cart looks under the hood. I also take a look at the attribute system of both products. I’ve always found this to be a great part of Magento, and was curious how X-Cart handles this (a little less fancy I’m afraid). What you don’t see in the video is the use of pre-defined attributes. It is possible with X-Cart though, just not as I show it unfortunately.

为了了解所有这些如何结合在一起,我在视频中包含了Magento疯狂的文件系统和数据库的示例,并且向您展示了X-Cart的外观。 我还将介绍两种产品的属性系统。 我一直发现这是Magento的重要组成部分,并且很好奇X-Cart如何处理此问题(恐怕花哨的时间要少一些)。 您在视频中看不到的是使用预定义的属性。 X-Cart可以实现,但不幸的是,这并不是我所展示的。

Please note that in this trial version you can’t work with pre-defined settings (like color for the apple). However, X-Cart has confirmed it does work when you get a paid license.

请注意,在此试用版中,您无法使用预定义的设置(例如苹果的颜色)。 但是,X-Cart已确认当您获得付费许可证时它可以工作。

And to round it off, I will show you how mobile should be done.


Enjoy watching the video, and let me know in the comments what you think of both systems (or any better alternatives).




X-Cart demo


X-Cart download


Magento demo


Magento download


Mobile phone emulator



相关资源:ajaxcart:免费的Magento 2扩展以启用AJAX功能以添加到产品页面上的购物车按钮| 狂喜-源码