
tech2023-08-19  96

The web is about to undergo one of the biggest changes it has ever seen – the launch of new generic top level domains, which begins in 2013, will dramatically increase the number of available domain name extensions.

网络即将经历有史以来最大的变化之一–自2013年开始推出新的通用顶级域名 ,将大大增加可用域名扩展的数量。

But despite ICANN’s best efforts, it seems many who currently own websites are unaware new gTLDs are set to begin rolling out in the next few months – research by domain name registrar 123-reg.co.uk revealed that only 30 per cent of people have heard of new gTLDs.


The new extensions should provide a wealth of openings for savvy web design firms, but only if they are able to convince new and existing clients of the benefits of expanding their online presence.


Here are some ideas about the kind of opportunities that lie just over the horizon.


特定城市的网站 (City-specific websites)

New gTLDs will include a number of city-specific extensions such as .London and .NYC. That means companies operating in these locations will have the chance to woo local customers in a new way. A hotel firm could set up hotelexample.london and include city-specific information and offers with the aim of engaging customers in a new way.

新gTLD将包括许多城市特定的扩展名,例如.London和.NYC。 这意味着在这些地区开展业务的公司将有机会以新的方式吸引本地客户。 一家酒店公司可以设置hotelexample.london,并包含特定于城市的信息和优惠,以通过新的方式吸引顾客。

Web designers who have experience of creating superb, localized sites should start considering ways of pitching to clients who have previously focused on having a national and international online presence.


品牌化的社交和社区网站 (Branded social and community sites)

The scope of new gTLDs is so wide, the application program was open to almost anyone with the funds to cover the application fee. This means plenty of well-known brands have snapped up branded extensions such as .BMW.

新通用顶级域名(gTLD)的范围是如此广泛,几乎所有有钱来支付申请费的人都可以申请该计划。 这意味着许多知名品牌都抢购了.BMW等品牌扩展名。

Quite what these firms have in mind for their extensions remains to be seen, but one school of thought is that there will be a dramatic increase in the number of branded social and community sites as companies look to reduce their reliance on third-party platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

这些公司对扩展的想法仍然有待观察,但是有一个流派认为,随着公司希望减少对第三方平台的依赖, 品牌社交和社区网站的数量将急剧增加。如Facebook和Twitter。

That means there will be plenty of opportunities for design agencies with expertise in this field to pitch for new business from some big clients. Even if you don’t have a pre-existing relationship with a major brand, you could always take a leaf out of Distilled’s book and try and attract the attention of a huge name by letting them know what you could do for them.

这意味着具有该领域专业知识的设计机构将有很多机会向一些大客户推销新业务。 即使您与某个主要品牌之间不存在关系,也可以随时从Distilled的书中摘取叶子,并通过让他们知道您能为他们做什么来吸引一个大名字的注意。

多语种代理商的新机会 (New opportunities for multilingual agencies)

Until fairly recently technical limitations meant domain name extensions were restricted to the Latin alphabet. That changed in 2010 and now new gTLDs will bring a host of other extensions with non-latin characters.

直到最近,技术限制才意味着域名扩展仅限于拉丁字母。 这种情况在2010年发生了变化,现在新的gTLD将带来许多其他非拉丁字符的扩展名。

Only time will tell the exact impact of this change on the web as a whole, but it seems likely that the move will go down well in Arabic and Asian countries. That means there could be a wealth of new opportunities for design agencies with the language skills needed to operate in these sectors. This tranche of new gTLDs will be the first to launch, so if you do have aspirations in this area then you will need to move quickly.

只有时间能说明这一变化对整个网络的确切影响,但是在阿拉伯和亚洲国家,这一举措似乎进展得很好。 这意味着具有这些领域所需的语言技能的设计机构可能会有很多新的机会。 这部分新gTLD将是第一个启动的计划,因此,如果您确实对此领域有抱负,则需要Swift采取行动。

鼓励客户思考超越品牌保护的范围 (Encouraging clients to think beyond brand protection)

Brand-savvy web companies will undoubtedly be snapping up extensions featuring their trademarked terms during the relevant sunrise periods before redirecting them to their existing homepages. At the very least this lack of imagination is a shame, but if innovative competitors decide to use the new extension to proactively seek out new customers, then the price for inaction could be a drop in market share.

精通品牌的网络公司无疑会在相关的日出期抢购带有其商标用语的扩展名,然后再将其重定向到其现有主页。 至少缺乏想象力是一种耻辱,但是如果创新的竞争对手决定使用新的扩展名来主动寻找新客户,那么无所作为的价格可能会降低市场份额。

It’s not hard to conceive of an online clothes retailer building an exciting and interesting presence on a .fashion site, or a newspaper building an active community at a .blog address. Embracing new gTLDs at an early stage could help companies secure the kind of boost that was seen at the start of the first .com boom.

不难想象,在线服装零售商会在.fashion网站上建立令人兴奋和有趣的形象,或者报纸会在.blog地址上建立活跃的社区。 尽早采用新通用顶级域名(gTLD)可以帮助公司获得第一次.com热潮开始时所看到的那种推动力。

Because of this, the ability to help clients get to grips with the opportunities presented by new gTLDs could prove to be highly lucrative for web designers who are prepared for the coming changes.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/new-gtlds-new-opportunities/
