
tech2023-08-20  117


This article will teach you how to dynamically localize your TinyMCE editor. If you aren't familiar with what TinyMCE is, it's a what-you-see-is-what-you-get rich text editor for the web, built in JavaScript.

本文将教您如何动态本地化TinyMCE编辑器。 如果您不熟悉TinyMCE是什么,它将是您所见即所得的,内置JavaScript的Web富文本编辑器。

问题 (The problem)

This tutorial assumes you have built a PHP multilingual site/framework and you, or whoever the admin is, would like TinyMCE to automatically switch to the current language of your site. A practical example would be: you've just switched your site's interface to Spanish, but you realize the interface of the editor is still in English and you would like it to be in Spanish instead.

本教程假定您已经构建了PHP多语言站点/框架,并且您(无论管理员是谁)都希望TinyMCE自动切换到站点的当前语言。 一个实际的例子是:您刚刚将站点的界面切换为西班牙语,但是您意识到编辑器的界面仍然是英语,而您希望它使用西班牙语。

Although TinyMCE is a great wysiwyg editor that provides localized files for almost every known language, it still does not come with an automatic language-switching feature. It's very easy to roll your own solution to this problem, though, so that's what we're going to do now.

尽管TinyMCE是一款出色的所见即所得编辑器,几乎可以为每种已知语言提供本地化文件,但它仍然没有自动语言切换功能。 但是,将自己的解决方案推出该问题非常容易,所以这就是我们现在要做的。

解决方案 (The solution)

First, grab the extra language files you need from here and upload them to your TinyMCE directory accordingly.


Let's assume that on your site/framework, the variable that holds the current language is called $current_lang. You need to check that your $current_lang variable holds values that match TinyMCE's language codes. In simple terms, TinyMCE's code for Spanish is 'es' and if $current_lang returns 'sp' instead of 'es' when needed, it just won't work. So in this case you need to add an extra line or two:

假设在您的站点/框架上,保存当前语言的变量称为$current_lang 。 您需要检查$current_lang变量是否包含与TinyMCE的语言代码匹配的值。 简单来说,TinyMCE的西班牙语代码是'es',如果$current_lang在需要时返回'sp'而不是'es',它将无法正常工作。 因此,在这种情况下,您需要添加一两行:

<?php ... if($current_lang == 'sp') { $current_lang = 'es'; } else { $current_lang = 'en'; //or whatever the default lang you wish } ...

You can look the codes up here and see if they correspond to what you already use on your site/framework.


Now let's get to the header section of your site/framework where you have previously initialized TinyMCE. We are going to import our php $current_lang variable into our JS code, just above the place where you have initialized tinyMCE.js, as shown below:

现在,让我们转到您先前初始化TinyMCE的站点/框架的标题部分。 我们将把php $current_lang变量导入到我们的JS代码中,就在您初始化tinyMCE.js的位置的上方,如下所示:

<script type="text/javascript"> var cur_lang = "<?php echo $current_lang; ?>"; // do not forget the double quotes tinyMCE.init({ ...

Finally, we add a language parameter/value to our general options section, if that option wasn't there already.


<script type="text/javascript"> var cur_lang = "<?php echo $current_lang; ?>"; // do not forget the double quotes tinyMCE.init({ // General options width : "480", height : "680", mode : "textareas", theme : "advanced", language : cur_lang, // Here we have added our language parameter, the value of which corresponds to our current language on the site. plugins : ...

Note: Do not forget to modify the Javascript initialization snippet of your TinyMCE compressor too if you have installed one.

注意:如果已经安装了TinyMCE压缩程序, 请不要忘记对其进行修改。

That's it, from now on, your TinyMCE editor's interface will appear in the language your site is currently in.


结论 (Conclusion)

TinyMCE is a fantastic tool, but people often jump through various inefficient hoops to make it support localization. In this tutorial, we've implemented one common way to do this in just a few short lines of code. Did you use another approach? Let us know!

TinyMCE是一个很棒的工具,但是人们经常跳过各种效率低下的圈,以使其支持本地化。 在本教程中,我们仅用几行代码就实现了一种通用的方法。 您是否使用其他方法? 让我们知道!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/dynamically-localize-tinymce/

