
tech2023-08-23  119


Happy New Year! 2014 is a fresh start for the web and developers everywhere. My 2013 predictions were reasonably accurate so let’s see if I can communicate with the spirits (it’s always easier after a few whiskeys…)

新年快乐! 对于网络和世界各地的开发人员而言,2014年是全新的开始。 我对2013年的预测相当准确,因此让我们看看我是否可以与烈酒进行交流(喝了几杯威士忌之后总会更轻松……)

1. 2014年是智能手机之年 (1. 2014 is the year of the smart phone)

Yes, you and your friends have the latest Apple or Android phone. However, sales of smart phones only started to exceed those of feature phones during the middle of 2013 and they’re experiencing massive growth in Asia, South America and Eastern Europe.

是的,您和您的朋友拥有最新的Apple或Android手机。 但是,智能手机的销售仅在2013年中期才开始超过功能手机,并且在亚洲,南美和东欧正经历着巨大的增长。

It’s long been predicted that phone-based web use will eventually exceed desktops. I’m not wholly convinced since people tend to use more web sites and applications for longer when they’re on a PC. Mobile access currently accounts for one in five web visits — by the end of 2014 it will exceed one in four.

长期以来人们一直预测基于电话的Web使用最终将超过台式机。 我并不完全相信,因为人们在PC上时倾向于使用更多的网站和应用程序更长的时间。 当前,移动访问占五分之一的Web访问-到2014年底,它将超过四分之一。

2. HTML5网络应用将成为主流 (2. HTML5 web apps will go mainstream)

An increasing number of native mobile app developers will switch to HTML5. The reasons include:

越来越多的本地移动应用程序开发人员将改用HTML5。 原因包括:

HTML5 apps are cross-platform and (should be) cheaper to develop.

HTML5应用程序是跨平台的,并且(应该)便宜地开发。 Responsive Web Design techniques allow us to target multiple devices with different screen sizes.


The technology is improving rapidly and we now have access to native functionality such as offline capabilities, camera, microphone, sound, accelerometer, geo-location, vibration, battery and more.

该技术正在Swift改善,我们现在可以使用本机功能,例如离线功能,摄像头,麦克风,声音,加速度计,地理位置, 振动 ,电池等。

There are no bizarre policy restrictions or extortionate charges imposed by an app store.


HTML5 won’t overtake native apps — fast action games or programs with app store-dependent revenue models will still be produced. But the benefits of HTML5 will become increasingly clear.

HTML5不会取代本地应用程序-仍将制作具有依赖于应用程序商店的收入模型的快速动作游戏或程序。 但是HTML5的好处将越来越明显。

I also hope to see W3C-Recommended packaged web app standard and perhaps an official store, but 2014 is a little too soon for vendor agreement.


3.客户端Flash,Silverlight和Java将消失 (3. Client-side Flash, Silverlight and Java will die)

Perhaps that’s a little harsh, but the three most-used browser plug-ins will largely become irrelevant as developers switch to HTML5. The advertising industry will continue to use Flash for a little while longer but click-throughs and revenues will fall as mobile access increases.

也许这有点苛刻,但是当开发人员切换到HTML5时,三个最常用的浏览器插件将变得无关紧要。 广告行业将继续使用Flash一段时间,但是随着移动访问的增加,点击率和收入将下降。

4. IE12将发布 (4. IE12 will be released)

OK, this is an easy win. The development time between subsequent versions of IE has dropped dramatically over the years to around twelve months. I would expect IE12 to appear in October but hope Microsoft can deliver earlier — there are fewer essential features to add.

好的,这是一个轻松的胜利。 多年来,后续版本IE之间的开发时间已大大缩短至大约十二个月。 我希望IE12会在10月份出现,但希望Microsoft可以更早提供-增加的基本功能会更少。

5.浏览器市场将以IE和Chrome为主 (5. The browser market will be dominated by IE and Chrome)

The desktop browser market has become a two-horse race between IE and Chrome. When one gains, the other loses ground.

桌面浏览器市场已经成为IE和Chrome之间的两匹马竞赛。 当一个人获利时,另一个人就失地了。

Firefox may drop a little, but should remain above 15% throughout the year. Safari will hold steady at a little under 10%. It’s (somewhat artificially) propped up by the success of the iPad, but the devices will remain popular during 2014. As for Opera…

Firefox可能会下降一些,但全年应保持在15%以上。 Safari将保持在10%以下的稳定水平。 iPad的成功(某种程度上是人为地支持),但这些设备在2014年期间仍将继续流行。至于Opera…

6. Opera的使用率将下降 (6. Opera usage will fall)

Opera (desktop edition) usage has been hovering around 1.2% market share for many years. The switch to Google’s Blink rendering engine was a sound business decision, although I’m slightly surprised they didn’t choose Webkit — that could have permitted a better presence on the iPhone.

多年来,Opera(台式机版)的使用率一直徘徊在1.2%左右的市场份额。 改用Google的Blink渲染引擎是一个明智的业务决策,尽管令我感到有些惊讶的是他们没有选择Webkit,这本来可以在iPhone上更好地展现其效果。

Unfortunately, Opera 15+ has disappointed Opera users and two thirds are yet to upgrade from version 12. It’s a good browser but doesn’t have the features which attracted people to the previous editions. Unless Opera can restore that functionality, their browser is too similar to Chrome. Why use it?

不幸的是,Opera 15+令Opera用户失望,三分之二的人尚未从版本12升级。这是一个不错的浏览器,但没有吸引人们使用以前版本的功能。 除非Opera无法恢复该功能,否则其浏览器与Chrome太相似。 为什么要使用它?

Opera Mobile is the best feature phone browser but, as mentioned, sales are falling. It’ll remain popular for a little longer but the desktop version’s market share will fall below 1% at some point during 2014. Whether it can recover will depend on the company’s ability to differentiate the browser.

Opera Mobile是功能最好的手机浏览器,但是如上所述,销量正在下​​降。 它将继续流行一段时间,但桌面版本的市场份额在2014年的某个时候将降至1%以下。能否恢复,将取决于公司区分浏览器的能力。

7.微软将放弃或重命名Windows RT (7. Microsoft will abandon or re-brand Windows RT)

Microsoft has a history of confusing the market. Few people understand the difference between Windows RT and Windows or a Surface and Surface Pro — how do non-technical buyers cope?

微软有混淆市场的历史。 很少有人了解Windows RT和Windows或Surface and Surface Pro之间的区别- 非技术买家如何应对?

Windows RT is a good tablet OS but it’s not Windows. The Surface tablets have received generally good reviews but sales have been disappointing. I suspect Microsoft will make another revision and perhaps drop the ‘Windows’ name from their tablet range.

Windows RT是很好的平板电脑操作系统,但不是Windows。 Surface平板电脑总体上受到好评,但销量令人失望。 我怀疑微软将进行另一次修订,也许会从其平板电脑范围中删除“ Windows”名称。

8.响应式图像标准将不可用! (8. A responsive image standard won’t be available!)

I’m hoping to be proved wrong, but I doubt a usable responsive image technology will become available in 2014. There’s still disagreement about the best way forward, the proposed srcset is ugly and there’s little hope all vendors will implement a standard solution before the end of the year.

我希望能证明是错误的,但我怀疑2014年将推出可用的响应式图像技术。关于最佳前进方式仍存在分歧,建议的srcset很丑陋 ,几乎没有希望所有供应商在产品上市之前实现标准解决方案。年底。

The problem may eventually disappear. When every device has a Retina-like high-density display, it may be practical to serve a single image. But we’re not there yet and bandwidth limitations are a major restriction. Talking of which…

问题可能最终消失。 当每个设备都具有类似视网膜的高密度显示器时,为单个图像提供服务可能很实用。 但是我们还没有,带宽限制是主要限制。 谈论哪个…

9.页面重量将稳定或下降 (9. Page weight will steady or drop)

The year-on-year 30%+ increase in page weight is ridiculous. You may care, but few developers worry when their pages exceed 1.7Mb. And that’s an average — half of all websites have a greater total.

页面重量同比增长30%以上是荒谬的。 您可能会在意,但是当他们的页面超过1.7Mb时,几乎没有开发人员会担心。 这是一个平均值-所有网站中有一半的网站总数更高。

I hope we’ve reached the summit of stupidity. The reasons:

我希望我们已经达到了愚蠢的顶峰。 原因:

There are only so many frivolous fonts, widgets, libraries and images you can add to a page.

您可以添加到页面上的琐碎字体,小部件,库和图像如此之多。 HTML5 and better browsers should result in slimmer pages. CSS3 and consistent APIs lessen the need for JavaScript libraries. Webfont icons and SVGs can be a better option than numerous bitmap images.

HTML5和更好的浏览器应使页面更小。 CSS3和一致的API减少了对JavaScript库的需求。 与许多位图图像相比,Webfont图标和SVG可能是更好的选择。 Advertisers are switching from Flash to lightweight HTML5 and CSS3.

广告商正在从Flash切换到轻量级HTML5和CSS3。 Automated build processes can remove redundant code then concatenate and minify files.

自动化的构建过程可以删除冗余代码,然后串联和缩小文件。 Obese pages have a negative impact on your SEO efforts.


The expanding mobile sector has stricter processing and bandwidth limits. It will improve, but not at the rate pages are growing. (Admittedly, 30% per year is lower than Moore’s law but that doesn’t apply to mobile network capacities). Will clients be happy when they realize one in four web users aren’t waiting to view their overweight home page?

不断扩大的移动部门具有更严格的处理和带宽限制。 它会改善,但不会以页面增长的速度增长。 (公认的是,每年30%低于摩尔定律,但这不适用于移动网络容量) 。 当客户意识到四分之一的网络用户不等待查看超重的主页时,他们会感到高兴吗?

That said, perhaps website importance will diminish…


10.对机器可读数据提要的新兴趣 (10. A renewed interest in machine-readable data feeds)

In my recent article The Rise of Web Bots and Fall in Human Traffic I discussed a future where intelligent bots collate and repackage information for easier consumption. The growth of small-screen computing devices and hardware such as Google glasses makes this increasingly likely.

在我最近的文章《网络机器人的兴起和人流量的下降》中,我讨论了智能机器人对信息进行整理和重新打包以便更容易使用的未来。 小屏幕计算设备和Google眼镜等硬件的增长使得这种可能性越来越大。

Machine-readable data feeds, microdata, microformats and REST URLs have always been practical SEO techniques but they’re rarely adopted outside search engines. That will change as devices start to present information in more interesting ways. In essence, the web could become a massive back-end database for systems which can answer complex questions. Of course, it can still be browsed like we do today but there would be less reason to visit individual sites.

机器可读数据提要,微数据,微格式和REST URL一直是实用的SEO技术,但很少在搜索引擎外部采用。 随着设备开始以更有趣的方式呈现信息,这种情况将会改变。 本质上,Web可以成为可以回答复杂问题的系统的大型后端数据库。 当然,它仍然可以像我们今天一样进行浏览,但是访问各个站点的理由将更少。

2014 is possibly too ambitious but it could mark the start of a new phase in web development.


All the best for the New Year!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/10-web-predictions-2014/

