
tech2023-08-31  122


Where did January go? The start of the year is rarely revolutionary in the browser world, so let’s examine the latest figures from StatCounter…

一月去了哪里? 今年年初在浏览器领域很少是革命性的,因此让我们来看看StatCounter的最新数据 ...

2013年12月至2014年1月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics December 2013 to January 2014)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserDecemberJanuarychangerelativeIE (all)23.22%22.83%-0.39%-1.70%IE116.33%7.50%+1.17%+18.50%IE105.49%4.41%-1.08%-19.70%IE93.95%3.73%-0.22%-5.60%IE86.80%6.61%-0.19%-2.80%IE70.30%0.25%-0.05%-16.70%IE60.35%0.33%-0.02%-5.70%Chrome43.99%43.74%-0.25%-0.60%Firefox18.94%18.90%-0.04%-0.20%Safari9.13%9.71%+0.58%+6.40%Opera1.28%1.26%-0.02%-1.60%Others3.44%3.56%+0.12%+3.50% 浏览器 十二月 一月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 23.22% 22.83% -0.39% -1.70% IE11 6.33% 7.50% + 1.17% + 18.50% IE10 5.49% 4.41% -1.08% -19.70% IE9 3.95% 3.73% -0.22% -5.60% IE8 6.80% 6.61% -0.19% -2.80% IE7 0.30% 0.25% -0.05% -16.70% IE6 0.35% 0.33% -0.02% -5.70% Chrome 43.99% 43.74% -0.25% -0.60% 火狐浏览器 18.94% 18.90% -0.04% -0.20% 苹果浏览器 9.13% 9.71% + 0.58% + 6.40% 歌剧 1.28% 1.26% -0.02% -1.60% 其他 3.44% 3.56% + 0.12% + 3.50%

2013年1月至2014年1月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics January 2013 to January 2014)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserJanuary 2013January 2014changerelativeIE (all)30.70%22.83%-7.87%-25.60%IE110.00%7.50%+7.50%n/aIE100.98%4.41%+3.43%+350.00%IE917.54%3.73%-13.81%-78.70%IE811.12%6.61%-4.51%-40.60%IE70.73%0.25%-0.48%-65.80%IE60.33%0.33%+0.00%+0.00%Chrome36.55%43.74%+7.19%+19.70%Firefox21.43%18.90%-2.53%-11.80%Safari8.27%9.71%+1.44%+17.40%Opera1.19%1.26%+0.07%+5.90%Others1.86%3.56%+1.70%+91.40% 浏览器 2013年1月 2014年一月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 30.70% 22.83% -7.87% -25.60% IE11 0.00% 7.50% + 7.50% 不适用 IE10 0.98% 4.41% + 3.43% + 350.00% IE9 17.54% 3.73% -13.81% -78.70% IE8 11.12% 6.61% -4.51% -40.60% IE7 0.73% 0.25% -0.48% -65.80% IE6 0.33% 0.33% + 0.00% + 0.00% Chrome 36.55% 43.74% + 7.19% + 19.70% 火狐浏览器 21.43% 18.90% -2.53% -11.80% 苹果浏览器 8.27% 9.71% + 1.44% + 17.40% 歌剧 1.19% 1.26% + 0.07% + 5.90% 其他 1.86% 3.56% + 1.70% + 91.40%

The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 19.7% of IE10 users switched browsers last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.

下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。 “更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示比例变化,即IE10用户上个月切换浏览器的比例为19.7%。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。

Weird. IE, Chrome, Firefox and Opera all had small, fairly insignificant drops in market share. Safari was the big winner with a considerably large 0.6% jump. Not everything is as it seems, though. Analysis of the detailed StatCounter CSV data reveals:

奇怪的。 IE,Chrome,Firefox和Opera的市场份额均小幅下降,而微不足道。 Safari以0.6%的大幅增长成为最大赢家。 但是,并非所有事情都是如此。 对详细的StatCounter CSV数据进行分析后发现:

4.67% is Safari for Mac (and possibly a handful of Windows users)

Safari for Mac(可能是少数Windows用户)为4.67% 5.04% is Safari for iPad.


One in twenty web visits is from a user with an iPad. That’s astonishing given the Kindle accounts for just 0.25%.

二十分钟的网络访问中有一个来自使用iPad的用户。 鉴于Kindle仅占0.25%,这真是令人惊讶。

It’s not all good news for Apple, however. Growth for the desktop version of Safari is stagnant at best; the browser is losing ground to Chrome. Would the iPad version suffer similarly if Apple reversed their ban on competing browsers? Could that happen given Apple is enjoying a tablet monopoly? It’s a position which tends to attract the attention of lawyers and regulators.

然而,对于苹果公司而言,这并不是一个好消息。 Safari的桌面版本充其量停滞不前。 浏览器正在失去对Chrome的支持。 如果苹果撤销对竞争性浏览器的禁令,iPad版本也会遭受同样的痛苦吗? 鉴于苹果正在享受平板电脑垄断,这会发生吗? 这个职位容易引起律师和监管者的注意。

My advice to Apple: open iOS to other browser vendors. If Safari falls too far behind other applications, developers and users will abandon their iPads. But what do I know? Apple is doing incredibly well in their walled garden.

我对苹果的建议: 向其他浏览器供应商开放iOS 。 如果Safari远远落后于其他应用程序,则开发人员和用户将放弃他们的iPad。 但是我知道什么? 苹果在带围墙的花园里做得非常好。

Other news: IE11 had the biggest jump — primarily at IE10’s expense. It’s also irritating to see IE6 with exactly the same market share as this time last year. has an interesting proposal: they’re offering a free PC to any of their users still stuck on IE7:

其他新闻:IE11的涨幅最大-主要以IE10为代价。 IE6拥有与去年同期完全相同的市场份额也令人感到恼火。 NursingJobs.us有一个有趣的建议:他们向仍停留在IE7上的任何用户提供免费PC :

We determined that it would cost us more to support a browser from 2006 in 2014 and beyond than it would to help our clients upgrade their legacy hardware.


It’s a clever marketing ploy since no one can be “stuck” on IE7 — even XP users can upgrade to IE8 or use a different browser. Let’s hope it persuades a few people to abandon their aging browsers.

这是一种聪明的营销策略,因为没有人可以“卡在” IE7上,即使XP用户也可以升级到IE8或使用其他浏览器。 我们希望它能说服一些人放弃他们老化的浏览器。

移动浏览器的使用 (Mobile Browser Usage)

Following last month’s massive jump, mobile usage increased a little more to reach 23.77% of all web activity during January.

继上个月的大幅增长之后,1月份移动设备使用量增加了一点,达到了所有网络活动的23.77% 。

The top mobile browsing applications:


Mobile BrowserDecemberJanuarychangerelativeAndroid26.63%27.00%+0.37%+1.40%iPhone19.65%21.38%+1.73%+8.80%Opera Mini/Mobile16.34%14.61%-1.73%-10.60%UC Browser11.78%11.57%-0.21%-1.80%Chrome7.36%8.59%+1.23%+16.70%Nokia Browser6.76%6.11%-0.65%-9.60%Blackberry3.03%2.58%-0.45%-14.90%Others8.45%8.16%-0.29%-3.40% 手机浏览器 十二月 一月 更改 相对的 安卓系统 26.63% 27.00% + 0.37% + 1.40% 苹果手机 19.65% 21.38% + 1.73% + 8.80% Opera Mini /手机 16.34% 14.61% -1.73% -10.60% UC浏览器 11.78% 11.57% -0.21% -1.80% Chrome 7.36% 8.59% + 1.23% + 16.70% 诺基亚浏览器 6.76% 6.11% -0.65% -9.60% 黑莓 3.03% 2.58% -0.45% -14.90% 其他 8.45% 8.16% -0.29% -3.40%

Did everyone receive an iPhone or iPad in December?! It looks that way. Google also had another good month with Chrome racing up the mobile chart as fast as it did on the desktop.

每个人都在12月收到iPhone或iPad吗? 看起来就是那样。 谷歌(Google)又度过了一个好月份,Chrome浏览器获得了与台式机一样快的移动图表。

The big losers are Blackberry, Opera and Nokia. They’re struggling to compete against the dominance of the iPhone and Android and I’m not convinced they can turn the situation around.

最大的输家是黑莓,歌剧和诺基亚。 他们正在努力与iPhone和Android的统治地位竞争,我不相信他们可以扭转局面。


