
tech2023-09-01  119


Cloud technologies have penetrated virtually every industry, from IT, finance and marketing to education, government and even the public sector. No downloads, instant access to services, immediate exchange of information – this is just a short list of the benefits the cloud can offer.

云技术几乎渗透到了每个行业,从IT,金融和营销到教育,政府甚至公共部门。 无需下载,立即访问服务,立即交换信息–这只是云可提供的优势的一小部分。

When it comes to software, nearly every desktop app now has several web based counterparts. For some people who grew up during the cloud boom, the use of desktop apps is an atavism. The last bastion of desktop software is the IDE – the system that developers use to create apps, services, SDKs etc.

在软件方面,几乎每个桌面应用程序现在都具有几个基于Web的对应程序。 对于在云计算繁荣期间长大的一些人来说,使用桌面应用程序是一种愚蠢的行为。 桌面软件的最后堡垒是IDE –开发人员用来创建应用程序,服务,SDK等的系统。

It seems odd that every type of application has already moved to the cloud, but IDEs still hold on to the past.


This article doesn’t aim to discuss the pros and cons of cloud based and desktop IDEs. There are more than enough of such discussions online. It’s a question of time and history. The rising cloud market will definitely pursue an offensive, and it’s really interesting to watch it.

本文的目的不是讨论基于云的IDE和桌面IDE的优缺点。 在线上有足够多的此类讨论。 这是时间和历史的问题。 不断上升的云市场肯定会发动攻势,值得一看。

Easy onboarding is among the top advantages of cloud based IDEs, which means that in order to get an account and start building your first application, you will need around 2-3 mins. That’s because you don’t have to set up an environment and look for plugins for your IDE: everything’s already set up. It’s true, trying out new technologies is easier than ever!

轻松入门是基于云的IDE的最大优势之一,这意味着要获得一个帐户并开始构建您的第一个应用程序,大约需要2-3分钟。 那是因为您不必设置环境并为您的IDE寻找插件:一切都已经设置好了。 的确,尝试新技术比以往任何时候都容易!

The question that has preoccupied me for some time is “Just how long would it take to create a simple Spring app (out of a template) and deploy is to a Cloud Foundry, provided you have a clean Linux machine?”

困扰我一段时间的问题是:“只要您拥有干净的Linux机器,创建一个简单的Spring应用程序(从模板中)并部署到Cloud Foundry中需要多长时间?”

The only thing to do, then, is to actually try it. After all, how can one prove the benefits of cloud IDEs other than by visually demonstrating it?

因此,唯一要做的就是实际尝试。 毕竟,除了以视觉方式进行演示之外,如何证明云IDE的优势?

Below is a recording of our little experiment with fairly precise records of the time required to complete the abovementioned task, using two approaches: desktop (with Eclipse) and entirely in the cloud (with Codenvy).


See what you think.


Desktop vs Codenvy on Vimeo.

Vimeo上的Desktop vs Codenvy 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/create-and-deploy-an-app-desktop-vs-cloud/

