
tech2023-09-02  117


Opera 15 has arrived. Yes, version 12 was the last release but browser numbering has become increasingly meaningless during the past few years. What’s important is that Opera 15 is the first (final release) of a desktop browser to use Google’s new Blink rendering engine — it’s beaten Chrome off the starting blocks.

Opera 15到达了。 是的,版本12是最后一个版本,但在过去几年中,浏览器编号已变得越来越无意义。 重要的是Opera 15是使用Google的新Blink渲染引擎的桌面浏览器的第一个(最终发行版),它击败了Chrome。

安装 (Installation)

The Windows and Mac OS download is available from Opera.com (Linux is coming soon). The installer file size has increased to 30MB — that’s 2.5x the size of version 12. Once installed, the application requires a little over 90MB. Not excessive, but double that required by the Presto edition.

可从Opera.com下载Windows和Mac OS(即将推出Linux)。 安装程序文件的大小已增加到30MB,是版本12的2.5倍。安装后,该应用程序需要90MB多一点。 数量不多,但是Presto版本所需数量的两倍。

If you have version 12 installed, Opera 15 will install to the same folder but both applications will happily co-exist. Sensible.

如果您安装了版本12,Opera 15将安装到同一文件夹,但两个应用程序将愉快地共存。 懂事

重新设计的界面 (Redesigned Interface)

The browser is recognizable as Opera but the overall design will match your OS. For example, on Windows 8, the application is flatter and simpler than before:

浏览器可识别为Opera,但整体设计将与您的OS相匹配。 例如,在Windows 8上,该应用程序比以前更扁平和更简单:

Opera 15 on Windows 8

Windows 8上的Opera 15

Opera 12 on Windows 8

Windows 8上的Opera 12

Personally, I think it’s an improvement and the browser starts noticeably faster too.


什么是新的? (What’s New?)

Perhaps the first feature you’ll notice is the combined address and search bar which shows suggestions as you type.


Bookmarks have been merged into Speed Dial. I guess that makes sense, although users with hundreds of bookmarks may be less convinced. Fortunately, Opera has provided a Bookmarks Manager Extension which brings back some of the essential functionality.

书签已合并到快速拨号中。 我想这很有道理,尽管拥有数百个书签的用户可能不太相信。 幸运的是,Opera提供了一个书签管理器扩展 ,它带回了一些基本功能。

The Stash is a new feature which allows you to mark a page to read later. You can therefore keep pages in the Stash instead of retaining open tabs which use more resources. It’s a nice idea, although it’s very similar to the Speed Dial and the subtle distinction could confuse some.

“隐藏”是一项新功能,可让您标记页面以供日后阅读。 因此,您可以将页面保留在“隐藏”中,而不是保留使用更多资源的打开选项卡。 这是个好主意,尽管它与快速拨号非常相似,但细微的区别可能会使某些人感到困惑。

“Discover” is a news page based on your country and interests. It looks good, although I doubt it’ll entice you from your favorite current affairs website.

“发现”是基于您所在国家和兴趣的新闻页面。 看起来不错,尽管我怀疑它会从您最喜欢的时事网站吸引您。

Then we have “Off-Road mode”. I originally suspected this was an offline setting, but it’s actually Opera Turbo by another name. Seriously Opera, your terminology is confusing enough without changing it every so often!

然后我们有“越野模式”。 我最初怀疑这是一个脱机设置,但实际上是另一个名称的Opera Turbo。 认真地歌剧,您的术语令人困惑,而无需经常更改!

什么老了? (What’s Old?)

There are a number of features missing from Opera 15 which may appear in later releases:

Opera 15缺少许多功能,这些功能可能会在以后的版本中出现:

Dragonfly: for now, you can enable Developer Tools to use the Web Inspector.

Dragonfly :目前,您可以启用开发人员工具以使用Web检查器。

Extensions: Opera is moving to Chromium’s API so older extensions are no longer supported. However, a range is available at addons.opera.com/en/extensions/

扩展 :Opera正在迁移到Chromium的API,因此不再支持较旧的扩展。 但是,可以从addons.opera.com/en/extensions/获得范围。

panels: several of the panels such as notes, links and info have been removed.

面板 :已删除一些面板,例如注释,链接和信息。

getUserMedia: Opera was one of the first browsers to implement camera and microphone support, but that’s gone for the time being.

getUserMedia :Opera是最早实现相机和麦克风支持的浏览器之一,但是暂时不存在。

geolocation: similarly, geolocation has been dropped in the desktop versions of the browser — although it is available in mobile versions.

geolocation :同样,尽管在移动版本中可用,但在浏览器的桌面版本中已删除了geolocation。

Finally, the M2 email client has been split into a separate application — Opera Mail. Some will complain, but I suspect relatively few people use Opera’s email so it’s a logical decision.

最后,M2电子邮件客户端已拆分为一个单独的应用程序-Opera Mail 。 有些人会抱怨,但是我怀疑使用Opera电子邮件的人相对较少,这是一个合理的决定。

闪烁渲染 (Blink Rendering)

Opera’s Presto engine was excellent but:


it had started to fall behind the competitors in some areas such as CSS3 transformations and animations, and

在CSS3转换和动画等领域,它已经开始落后于竞争对手。 few developers tested Opera so you could encounter issues which didn’t affect Webkit, Gecko or Trident.


The move to Blink (a Webkit-fork) eradicates these problems in one strike. Everything works as it would in Chrome — you’re unlikely to experience incompatibilities ever again. In addition, the Opera team is contributing to Blink’s development efforts.

向Blink(Webkit-fork)的迁移一举消除了这些问题。 一切都像在Chrome中一样正常运行-您不太可能再遇到不兼容的情况。 此外, Opera团队为Blink的开发工作做出了贡献 。

光明的新未来? (A Bright New Future?)

I like Opera … but is it having an identity crisis? The browser typically appealed to power users who preferred the extensive range of configuration settings. While a leaner set of options could attract more users, there’s already a simple browser which uses the same rendering engine.

我喜欢Opera… 但这会带来身份危机吗? 该浏览器通常吸引高级用户,他们喜欢广泛的配置设置。 虽然一组更精简的选项可以吸引更多用户,但已经有一个使用相同渲染引擎的简单浏览器。

Is Opera different enough to distinguish it from Chrome? Are you an existing Opera disillusioned by the changes? Or do you prefer the new edition?

Opera是否足以区别于Chrome? 您是现有的Opera,但对变化感到失望吗? 还是您更喜欢新版本?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/opera-15-launched/

