
tech2023-09-03  84

介绍   (Introduction )

Managing one server should be easy, and even managing a couple of servers with one provider  doesn’t have to be a daunting task. But what if you want to manage tens of servers? Or you want to spread the risk, and want to use more than one cloud provider? This is where cloud management companies come into play. And that’s not all, since they also bring in budget control, cloud monitoring, governance and automation, all to make cloud server management a bit more easy.

管理一台服务器应该很容易,即使使用一个提供程序管理几个服务器也不一定是一项艰巨的任务。 但是,如果您要管理数十台服务器怎么办? 还是您想分散风险,并想使用多个云提供商? 这就是云管理公司发挥作用的地方。 不仅如此,因为它们还带来了预算控制,云监控,治理和自动化,所有这些都使云服务器管理变得更加容易。

为什么要使用云管理?   (Why should you use cloud management? )

Cloud management, budget control, automation; It all sounds very nice, but what is it? Let me give you a few examples of cloud management, and the benefits it brings:

云管理,预算控制,自动化; 听起来都很不错,但这是什么呢? 让我给您一些云管理的例子,以及它带来的好处:

云端管理 (Cloud management)

Fully connected with API’s, this allows you to fire up a Amazon AWS hosted WordPress site based on a LAMP stack in minutes without logging in into AWS. But this is child’s play compared to what cloud management companies are capable off. Just imagine if you want to run your site on both Amazon AWS and Rackspace Cloud for redundancy and Scalability with Google Compute Engine doing the heavy work and your own OpenStack private cloud as base for this setup? All with hundreds of servers each? Try to manage that! Cloud management gives you the tools to keep an overview in a single console, eliminating the need to check all the underlying providers yourself.

与API完全连接,这使您可以在几分钟内基于LAMP堆栈启动Amazon AWS托管的WordPress网站,而无需登录AWS。 但这与云管理公司所能提供的能力相比是天作之合。 试想一下,如果您想同时在Amazon AWS和Rackspace Cloud上运行站点以实现冗余和可扩展性,而Google Compute Engine会承担繁重的工作,而您自己的OpenStack私有云将作为此设置的基础? 每个都拥有数百台服务器? 尝试管理! 云管理为您提供了在单个控制台中保持概述的工具,而无需您自己检查所有基础提供商。

预算控制 (Budget control)

Setting up a configuration like above can become quite costly. With the help of budget control you can keep the costs below a certain limit, up to preventing a new server to be launched of your automation is setup this way. This tightens your flexibility, but won’t surprise you with a huge bill if you suddenly became the next Youtube over night.

设置上述配置可能会变得非常昂贵。 在预算控制的帮助下,您可以将成本保持在一定限度以下,直到以这种方式设置防止自动化启动新服务器。 这样可以加强您的灵活性,但是如果您一夜之间突然成为下一个YouTube,那么您将不会为巨额费用感到惊讶。

Using cost reporting you can monitor your spending across all of your cloud deployments. You can set up projects to keep the costs of it separate from the rest, or drill down to the cost of a specific server in the cloud.

使用成本报告,您可以监控所有云部署中的支出。 您可以设置项目以使其成本与其余成本分开,或者深入到云中特定服务器的成本。

管治 (Governance)

All cloud installations require you to setup authentication keys, which are all generated and managed for you. But, you may want to restrict access within your own company or deployments. Cloud governance gives you the ability to restrict access based on roles and requirements. You can assign teams to a specific cloud, or limit their spending. It also comes with auditing and logging, allowing you to review and trace back of previous activity or open ports. It takes security out of your hands, without losing the financial or operational controls.

所有云安装都要求您设置身份验证密钥,这些密钥均由您生成和管理。 但是,您可能希望限制自己公司或部署中的访问。 云治理使您能够根据角色和要求限制访问。 您可以将团队分配到特定的云,或限制他们的支出。 它还带有审核和日志记录功能,使您可以查看和追溯以前的活动或打开的端口。 它使安全性从您手中夺走,而不会失去财务或运营控制。

监控方式 (Monitoring)

You can expect to receive a decent set of monitoring tools to keep an good overview of the health or your cloud. Basic stuff like monitoring CPU, memory and disk usage, processes and network usage are included of course. But it doesn’t stop there, since you can also monitor important applications like Apache, memcached for example. This goes as far as how much active connections Nginx has, or how much active workers Postgres uses. Again, these are all examples since the monitoring is really extensive. And besides having lots of graphs at hand, you can also set up alerts to receive an email when something goes wrong. It gives you all the options you need to discover problems within your cloud for you to fix or optimize.

您可以期望获得一套不错的监视工具,以对健康状况或云进行良好的概述。 当然,还包括监视CPU,内存和磁盘使用情况,进程和网络使用情况等基本信息。 但这并不止于此,因为您还可以监视重要的应用程序,例如Apache,例如memcached。 这与Nginx有多少活动连接或Postgres使用多少活动工作程序有关。 同样,这些都是示例,因为监控确实很广泛。 除了手头上有很多图表外,您还可以设置警报,以便在出现问题时接收电子邮件。 它为您提供了发现云中问题以供您修复或优化所需的所有选项。

自动化 (Automation)

This is where the real power of cloud management comes to surface. Automation allows you to scale your servers, manage your backups, provision new servers in an instant and use automated recovery. It also gives you the opportunity to update all of your cloud servers one at a time, or all at once. I will explain all these features a bit more in-depth, since this really is the main benefit of cloud management:

这就是云管理真正的力量浮出水面的地方。 自动化使您可以扩展服务器,管理备份,立即配置新服务器并使用自动恢复。 它还使您有机会一次或一次全部更新所有云服务器。 我将更深入地解释所有这些功能,因为这确实是云管理的主要好处:

自动缩放 (Auto scaling)

In the old days you had a look in your server load reports once in awhile, and when you saw that the load was above certain thresholds most of the time, you added one of more servers till it repeated again. Auto scaling does this for you, only much better. You can use parameters like server load, page load time or transaction rates (which are all monitored) to determine whether or not new servers need to be added, or have current servers removed. You can use predefined scripts based on these parameters to launch a server in one or more clouds. Imagine you get a sudden influx of visitors from Europe, while your whole cloud is set up for visitors from North America. If you programmed your scaling script right, you can instantly swing on a few servers in Europe and minimize loading times.

在过去,您不时查看服务器负载报告,并且在大多数情况下,当看到负载超过某些阈值时,便添加了更多服务器,直到再次出现。 自动缩放可以为您做到这一点,只有更好。 您可以使用诸如服务器负载,页面加载时间或事务处理速率之类的参数(均受监视)来确定是否需要添加新服务器,或者是否要删除当前服务器。 您可以基于这些参数使用预定义的脚本在一个或多个云中启动服务器。 想象一下,突然有来自欧洲的游客涌入,而整个云都是为来自北美的游客建立的。 如果正确编写了扩展脚本,则可以立即在欧洲的几台服务器上运行,并最大程度地减少加载时间。

管理备份 (Managing backups)

This is another interesting feature of cloud automation, because just like you can manage different servers in different clouds, you can do this with your backups as well. So you can use multiple cloud providers or different regions to provide maximum redundancy for your backups.

这是云自动化的另一个有趣功能,因为就像您可以管理不同云中的不同服务器一样,您也可以使用备份来做到这一点。 因此,您可以使用多个云提供商或不同区域来为您的备份提供最大的冗余。

服务器配置 (Server provisioning)

Starting up a server is one thing, but getting it to work like you want it can be quite a challenge. Cloud management provide you with scripts or templates to make server provisioning a breeze. A template is basically a blueprint for your server, where you specify what needs to be installed on a fresh server, to which database or load balancer it should connect and on which cloud it should launch. This is all handled with scripts to make it happen. Most providers offer you predefined scripts for setting up a load balancer, a cache server or a LAMP stack based WordPress site like mentioned above. And after provisioning, you can set up scripts to keep the servers up to date and have patches applied.

启动服务器是一回事,但是要使其如您所愿地工作可能是很大的挑战。 云管理为您提供脚本或模板,使服务器配置变得轻而易举。 模板基本上是服务器的蓝图,您可以在其中指定在新服务器上需要安装的内容,应将其连接到哪个数据库或负载平衡器以及应在哪个云上启动。 所有这些都通过脚本来实现。 大多数提供商都会为您提供预定义的脚本,用于设置负载平衡器,缓存服务器或基于LAMP堆栈的WordPress网站,如上所述。 在配置之后,您可以设置脚本以使服务器保持最新状态并应用补丁。

自动恢复 (Automated recovery)

Just like with scaling, you can specify what should happen when a server goes down. You can have it replaced by cloning a live server, use a predefined template or relaunch from a backup. Large companies, running hundreds of servers, use automated recovery to keep their costs down. They rather have a broken server instantly replaced, than spending tons of money to prevent them from going down. Imagine a load spike to a specific server due to bad scripting, or a false setup. To prevent it from going down, you can add more memory and more CPU power. But you are also paying for this when there’s no spike. Or you use a small server, and when it does go down when a load spike hits it, just have it replaced. And with the monitoring in place, you can always find out what hit it.

就像扩展一样,您可以指定服务器停机时应该发生的情况。 您可以通过克隆实时服务器,使用预定义的模板或从备份中重新启动来替换它。 运行数百台服务器的大型公司使用自动恢复来降低成本。 他们宁愿立即更换损坏的服务器,也不愿花费大量金钱来防止它们宕机。 想象一下由于脚本编写错误或设置错误而导致的特定服务器的负载峰值。 为防止其崩溃,您可以添加更多内存和更多CPU能力。 但是,当没有峰值时,您也要为此付出代价。 或者,您使用的是小型服务器,并且当负载高峰击中服务器时,如果确实发生故障,则只需更换它即可。 有了适当的监控,您始终可以找到造成问题的原因。

结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see, cloud management is way more than just having an easy overview of all your clouds. Especially auto scaling takes a lot of work out of your hands, and gives you the flexibility you need to keep costs down and performance high. We have covered features of a cloud management software in this post. In next part of this post we will do some hands on with market leaders in cloud management.

如您所见,云管理不只是简单地概述所有云。 尤其是自动缩放需要花费很多工作,并为您提供降低成本和提高性能所需的灵活性。 在本文中,我们介绍了云管理软件的功能。 在本文的下一部分中,我们将与云管理领域的市场领导者进行一些接触。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/what-you-should-know-about-cloud-management/
