craig gentry

tech2023-09-03  97

craig gentry

The Urban Dictionary defines “codeversation” as “A conversation revolving around code, or coding standards. This can often get heated and involved, if you’re passionate enough about code.”

城市词典将“ codeversation ”定义为“围绕代码或编码标准的对话。 如果您对代码有足够的热情,这通常会变得很热烈并且涉及到。”

The folks at thought this description tied in nicely with their aim of recognizing the people who start and manage great conversations about code. To do this, they started a contest to find the most Creative Codeversationalist of 2013.

codetogether.org上的人们认为此描述与他们的目的很好地结合在一起,以认识到开始和管理有关代码的精彩对话的人们。 为此,他们发起了一场竞赛,以寻找2013年最具创意的Codeversationalist 。

It will surprise absolutely nobody that one of the six nominees is our own Lead Writer Craig Buckler.

六个人提名之一是我们的首席作家克雷格•巴克勒(Craig Buckler) ,绝对没有人会感到惊讶。

A chap by the name of Ben nominated Craig, because:


I subscribe to a lot of blogs and typically skim most of them, but I tend to linger on Craig Buckler’s articles on SitePoint. They are usually fairly straight to the point and more relevant to my interests in HTML5 and responsive design than many others that I tend to gloss over.

我订阅了许多博客,通常大部分博客都是略读的,但是我倾向于在Craig Buckler在SitePoint上的文章中徘徊。 它们通常是很直截了当的,并且与我对HTML5和响应式设计的兴趣相比,与我倾向于掩盖的其他许多内容更相关。

Good call, Ben!


My own experience is that Craig consistently chooses topics to cover that are right at the edge of what we know and want to know about code, that he covers the gamut of ways in which code influences how we manage our web work, that his articles consistently achieve among our highest pageviews, that he generates comment-based conversations that not only attract the most participants but elicit the most interesting comments and that he draws attention to aspects of working with code that otherwise might get no attention at all.


If, like me, you’re a fan of Craig’s work on SitePoint – and elsewhere – then head on over and cast your vote. The deadline is May 10, so there’s only a few days to ensure Craig earns his rightful title as Creative Codeversationalist of 2013.

如果像我一样,您是Craig在SitePoint以及其他地方的工作的粉丝,那么请继续并投票 。 截止日期为5月10日,因此只有几天的时间可以确保Craig赢得2013年Creative Codeversationalist的应有称号。


craig gentry
