
tech2023-09-03  118

介绍Podling –“团队社交胶水”。 (Introducing Podling – “Social Glue For Teams”.)

Podling is a simple decentralized discussion platform we built for ourselves and have been using internally at SitePoint, Flippa and 99designs for a few months now… We thought we’d open it up and get your feedback. We’d love you to hear from you once inside.

Podling是我们为自己构建的一个简单的去中心化讨论平台,并且已经在SitePoint,Flippa和99designs内部使用了几个月了……我们认为我们应该打开它并获取您的反馈。 我们希望您能一次收到您的来信。

那么,什么是Podling? (So, what is Podling?)

Podling is designed to take group (or team) based discussion out of your inbox and give it a home. The idea is you can quickly and easily set up small “throw-away” discussion groups (called pods) and each pod is private to the people you invite to it.

Podling旨在将基于小组(或团队)的讨论带出您的收件箱,并为其提供一个家。 这个想法是,您可以快速,轻松地建立小的“扔掉”讨论组(称为“讨论区”),每个讨论区对于您邀请的人都是私有的。

For example at SitePoint we have pods for project teams, pods for events, developer pods, marketing pods, customer service pods, social pods, and so on… And those are just the pods we know about.


控制您的讨论 (Take control of your discussions)

The great thing about Podling is it’s not a central company social page controlled by your sys admin like “other” platforms. You control the pods you start. You can start or leave pods at any time. So everyone’s interface to Podling will be unique to them. Power to the people!

关于Podling的伟大之处在于,它不是由系统管理员控制的中央公司社交页面,例如“其他”平台。 您可以控制开始的吊舱。 您可以随时启动或离开广告连播。 因此,每个人到Podling的界面对他们来说都是唯一的。 给人民力量!

抓住IOS应用 (Grab the IOS App)

We also created an iOS app which you can download from the App store on iTunes which is handy if you’re involved in multiple pods.

我们还创建了一个iOS应用程序,您可以从iTunes的App Store下载该应用程序 ,如果您涉及多个吊舱,这将非常方便。

You can get started at http://podling.com


We’d love to hear your thoughts via the “Podling Feedback” pod which you will automatically get access to when you join.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/podling/
