
tech2023-09-05  100

Recki what?


If you don’t know what Recki-CT is, see @ircmaxell’s original post or the repo, we won’t go into depth here. This quick tip will merely show you how to install it on a Homestead Improved box, much like we did with other software before.

如果您不知道什么是Recki-CT,请参阅@ircmaxell的原始帖子或repo ,我们在这里不做进一步介绍。 这个快速提示将仅向您展示如何将其安装在Homestead Enhanced盒子上,就像我们之前使用其他软件所做的一样 。

步骤1 –改良宅基地 (Step 1 – Homestead Improved)

First and foremost, get a Homestead Improved instance up and running.

首先,要启动并运行Homestead Improvementd实例。

Give it a new virtual host like so:


- map: test.app to: /home/vagrant/Code/recki

Boot the VM and vagrant ssh into it.

启动VM,然后将vagrant ssh导入其中。

第2步– JitFu (Step 2 – JitFu)

Recki-CT needs JitFu to be installed.

Recki-CT需要安装JitFu 。

As per instructions, run the following commands in order while you’re in the VM.


sudo apt-get install bison flex texinfo git clone git://git.sv.gnu.org/libjit.git libijt-fu cd libjit-fu ./auto_gen.sh ./configure --prefix=/opt make sudo make install git clone https://github.com/krakjoe/jitfu cd jitfu phpize ./configure --with-jitfu=/opt make sudo make install sudo su echo "extension=jitfu.so" >> /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/20-jitfu.ini echo "extension=jitfu.so" >> /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/20-jitfu.ini exit sudo service nginx restart sudo service php5-fpm restart

To see if we installed it successfully:


cd ~/Code git clone https://github.com/Swader/publicinfo recki mv recki/public/index.php recki/ touch recki/recki.php

Open recki.php and paste the following content inside it:


<?php use JITFU\Context; use JITFU\Type; use JITFU\Signature; use JITFU\Func; use JITFU\Value; $context = new Context(); $integer = Type::of(Type::int); $function = new Func($context, new Signature($integer, [$integer]), function($args) use($integer) { $zero = new Value($this, 0, $integer); $one = new Value($this, 1, $integer); $two = new Value($this, 2, $integer); /* if ($arg == 0) return 0; */ $this->doIf( $this->doEq($args[0], $zero), function() use ($zero) { $this->doReturn($zero); } ); /* if ($arg == 1) return 1; */ $this->doIf( $this->doEq($args[0], $one), function() use($one) { $this->doReturn($one); } ); /* return $function($arg-1) + $function($arg-2); */ $this->doReturn( $this->doAdd( $this->doCall($this, [$this->doSub($args[0], $one)]), $this->doCall($this, [$this->doSub($args[0], $two)]))); }); $function->dump("Fibonacci"); var_dump($function(40)); /* __invoke with magicalness */ ?>

If you go to test.app:8000 now, you should see JitFu support enabled in the PHPInfo screen. If you go to test.app:8000/recki.php, you should get int 102334155 as output rather quickly.

如果现在转到test.app:8000 ,则应该在PHPInfo屏幕中看到启用了JitFu支持。 如果转到test.app:8000/recki.php ,则应该很快获得int 102334155作为输出。

步骤3 –克隆和撰写 (Step 3 – Clone and Compose)

Next up, we’ll need to clone the Recki repo, and download dependencies with Composer.


cd ~/Code rm -rf recki git clone https://github.com/google/recki-ct recki cd recki composer install

步骤4 –测试 (Step 4 – Test)

To see if it works, just run the examples via the command line:


php examples/01-basic-usage.php

or through the browser:



That’s all there is to it. Now you can focus on brutal optimizations of your PHP code in certain parts without having to replace the entire PHP engine your app is spinning on.

这里的所有都是它的。 现在,您可以集中精力对某些部分中PHP代码进行残酷的优化,而不必替换您的应用程序所依赖的整个PHP引擎。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/quick-tip-install-recki-ct-vagrant-ubuntu-box/
