Chrome 27的新功能

tech2023-09-06  117

Chrome 27 was released on May 22, 2013. You probably have it but can check by clicking the tool icon, then About Google Chrome. If all else fails, download the new version from

Chrome 27于2013年5月22日发布。您可能拥有它,但可以通过单击工具图标,然后单击关于Google Chrome进行检查。 如果所有其他方法均失败,请从下载新版本。

It’s rare to find radical new features in Chrome but there are a few hidden gems…


提高速度 (Increased Speed)

Google has improved page rendering by 5% using “smarter behind-the-scenes resource scheduling”. In other words, it’ll use more of your idle network connection to download stuff.

Google使用“更智能的幕后资源调度”功能将页面呈现效果提高了5%。 换句话说,它将使用更多的空闲网络连接来下载内容。

Google claims:


our estimates show that when you add up those saved seconds across all Chrome users, it totals to more than 510 years of people’s time saved every week


Hmmm. I’m sure it’s technically amazing. Shame you won’t notice.

嗯 我敢肯定,这在技术上是惊人的。 可惜你不会注意到。

HTML5日期输入类型 (HTML5 Date Input Types)

Chrome 27 has some interesting support for HTML5 inputs including date, datetime-local, month, week and time types. You can now define auto-suggest lists so users can quickly select key dates and times, e.g.

Chrome 27对HTML5输入提供了一些有趣的支持,包括日期,本地日期时间,月份,星期和时间类型。 现在,您可以定义自动建议列表,以便用户可以快速选择关键日期和时间,例如

<input type="date" list="days" /> <datalist id="days"> <option label="Chrome 27 released">2013-05-22</option> <option label="Craig's birthday">2013-09-05</option> <option label="New Year's Eve">2013-12-31</option> </datalist>

A demonstration page is available at


开发人员工具更新 (Developer Tool Updates)

The Developer Tools window can now be docked to the right — useful for those using wide-screen monitors. It’s a little difficult to spot, but hold down the dock icon in the lower-left of the console window and a menu will appear.

现在可以将“开发人员工具”窗口停靠在右侧-对于使用宽屏监视器的用户很有用。 很难发现它,但是按住控制台窗口左下角的停靠图标,将出现一个菜单。

Another interesting new feature: you can right-click any URL on the network tab and select “Copy as curl”. This places a full curl command for that resource into the clipboard. Admittedly, it’s a little geeky but could certainly be useful for replicating automated page tests.

另一个有趣的新功能:您可以右键单击“网络”选项卡上的任何URL,然后选择“复制为卷曲”。 这会将该资源的完整curl命令放入剪贴板。 诚然,这有点怪异,但对于复制自动页面测试肯定有用。

Finally, the console can now be filtered to show just errors, warnings, logs and debug messages.


同步FileSystem API (Sync FileSystem API)

This feature is mainly of use to those developing for Chrome OS. The Sync FileSystem API is a new offline storage API for Chrome packaged apps which automatically synchronizes stored data across clients via Google Drive. More information is available at the Chrome Apps reference page.

此功能主要用于针对Chrome OS开发的用户。 Sync FileSystem API是适用于Chrome打包应用程序的新的离线存储API,可通过Google云端硬盘自动在客户端之间同步存储的数据。 有关更多信息,请访问Chrome应用参考页面 。

更好的多功能框 (A Better Omnibox)

I still hate the name, but Chrome’s snazzy address bar has improved predictions and spelling corrections.


挤虫子 (Squished Bugs)

A total of 27 issues and 14 security holes were fixed were fixed in Chrome 27 with $14,633 paid to to eagle-eyed bug hunters.

Chrome 27修复了总共27个问题,并修复了14个安全漏洞,其中的$ 14,633支付给了鹰眼的漏洞猎人。

再见Webkit (Goodbye Webkit)

Chrome 27 is the last version of the browser to use the Webkit engine. Chrome 28 will use Blink although, since it’s a fork of Webkit, we shouldn’t see radical differences.

Chrome 27是使用Webkit引擎的浏览器的最新版本。 Chrome 28将使用Blink,尽管由于它是Webkit的分支,所以我们不应该看到根本的区别。

That said, Google has already removed 8.8 million lines of redundant code. Wow. Is there anything left?

也就是说,Google已经删除了880万行冗余代码。 哇。 还剩下什么吗?

Blink permits Google to add experimental features such as Lazy Block Layout which speeds up loading by concentrating on the visible part of the page. In a recent demonstration, rendering a large page was reduced from four seconds to 32 milliseconds.

Blink允许Google添加实验性功能,例如“惰性块布局”,该功能可以通过专注于页面的可见部分来加快加载速度。 在最近的演示中,呈现大页面的时间从4秒减少到32毫秒。

Chrome 28 should appear in July 2013.

Chrome 28将于2013年7月上市。

