op 圣诞节活动

tech2023-09-07  99

op 圣诞节活动

Christmas is almost upon us.


True, I am assuming we will survive the December 21st end of the world, but hey – let’s be optimistic.


Our famous end-of-year sale is still going strong but only has a few days left, so now is the time to ensure you get the gift you REALLy want for Xmas … ebooks for as little as $7, print books from only $9.

我们著名的年终销售仍然很强劲,但只剩几天了,所以现在是时候确保您真正想要给Xmas的礼物了……电子书最低只要$ 7,印刷书籍最低只需$ 9。

Can you rely on your loved ones buying you the web resources you so desperately want, nay – NEED? Can you afford to ignore the opportunity to pick up said web resources at bargain-basement prices?

您是否可以依靠亲人为您购买您急需的网络资源,而不是–需要? 您能承受忽略以便宜的价格购买上述网络资源的机会吗?

Go on, be your own Santa!


Oh, and if you regret having missed any of the deals that have already closed, hang tight: you’ll be pleasantly surprised within the next day or so!


Take another look back over the days of Christmas Sale past.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/get-the-gift-you-really-want-for-christmas/

op 圣诞节活动
