
tech2023-09-08  106


In the last “Introducing authors” article, we mentioned a whopping 11 new authors. Admittedly, the period the last article encompassed was far longer than two months, but the publishing schedule has changed since as well, and I’d like to mention that in this post.

在上一篇“作者简介”文章中 ,我们提到了多达11位新作者。 诚然,上一篇文章所涵盖的时间远远超过两个月,但此后的发布时间表也发生了变化,我想在这篇文章中提及这一点。

First things first, though – let’s shake hands with the new recruits!


新作者 (New Authors)

These six authors have joined our ranks through March and April. Some are pros, others are just getting there, but all are welcome and their contributions appreciated – with such a diversity in country of origin, our channel is quickly becoming a true melting pot of attitudes, approaches and thoughts.

直到三月和四月,这六位作者都加入了我们的行列。 有些人是专业人士,其他人只是到达那里,但所有人都受到欢迎,他们的贡献受到赞赏-由于原籍国如此多样化,我们的渠道正Swift成为态度,方法和思想的真正熔炉。

印度Surendra Mohan (Surendra Mohan, India)

Surendra Mohan is a prolific developer from India. He published “Administrating Solr” with Packt Publishing, spoke at conferences and held training sessions about Drupal, among other things. He only had a single article published with us so far, in which he discusses the various Symfony and third party components that Drupal 8 will be adopting. He is currently writing an ElasticSearch series, so stay tuned if you’d like to take your search implementation to the next level!

Surendra Mohan是来自印度的多产开发商。 他与Packt Publishing出版了《 Administrating Solr》,在会议上发表讲话,并举办了有关Drupal的培训课程。 到目前为止,他只发表过一篇文章,其中讨论了Drupal 8将采用的各种Symfony和第三方组件。 他目前正在撰写ElasticSearch系列丛书,如果您想将搜索实现提升到新的水平,请继续关注!

尼日利亚Agbonghama Collins (Agbonghama Collins, Nigeria)

Agbonghama is a Nigerian author and a junior PHP developer. He mostly writes about his findings in short snippets on his own blog. Willing to learn and improve, Agbonghama isn’t shy about admitting what he isn’t familiar with and gradually gets better with every piece he submits. In web development (as in life in general), fear of asking is the worst showstopper.

Agbonghama是尼日利亚作家和初级PHP开发人员。 他主要在自己的博客中以简短的摘要形式介绍自己的发现。 Agbonghama乐于学习和提高,不会羞于承认自己不熟悉的内容,并且在提交的每篇文章中都会逐渐变得更好。 在Web开发中(就像在一般的生活中一样),害怕询问是最糟糕的表现。

Agbonghama only had a single article published with us so far, about Image Scraping with Symfony’s DOMCrawler, but other pieces of his are in the pipeline and being prepped for publication.

到目前为止,Agbonghama只发表了一篇关于Symfony的DOMCrawler的图像剪贴的文章 ,但是他的其他作品正在筹备中,并准备发表。

罗马尼亚丹尼斯·伦德勒 (Denis Rendler, Romania)

Denis, a Zend certified PHP Developer from Romania, also only had one article published so far. The piece ran into a bit of controversy when it turned out that the technology he wrote about turned commercial and removed all traces of its open source version on the very same day the article got published. FusionInvoice was covered well by Denis who explained both the use cases and the installation procedure, letting you handle your own invoicing needs if you’re a freelancer or a small business.

Denis是经过Zend认证的来自罗马尼亚PHP开发人员,到目前为止也只发表了一篇文章。 当事实证明他所写的技术变成了商业广告并在文章发表的同一天删除了其开源版本的所有痕迹时,该文章引起了一些争议。 Denis 很好地介绍了FusionInvoice ,他解释了用例和安装过程,让您无论是自由职业者还是小型企业都可以满足自己的发票需求。

斯里兰卡Mufleeh Sadique (Mufleeh Sadique, Sri Lanka)

Mufleeh, a junior web developer from Sri Lanka, wrote about the theory of HTTPS and why you should use it. Even though the Heartbleed disaster rocked people’s trust in SSL, the article is still an important piece if you’re doing any kind of sensitive form submitting in your apps. Mufleeh is currently swamped with writing an advanced piece on HTTPS and a very neat article about documenting your app in an unconventional way, so stay tuned!

来自斯里兰卡的初级Web开发人员Mufleeh撰写了有关HTTPS的理论以及为什么要使用它的文章 。 即使Heartbleed灾难摇摇了人们对SSL的信任,但是如果您要在应用程序中进行任何敏感的表单提交,本文仍然是重要的一环。 Mufleeh目前正忙于编写有关HTTPS的高级文章和一篇非常简洁的文章,以非常规的方式记录您的应用程序,敬请期待!

菲律宾韦恩·安切塔 (Wern Ancheta, Philippines)

Wern, a web developer from the Philippines, wrote about versioning the database with DBV. As a precursor to Lukas White’s Versioning with Ladder, his article establishes common ground on which to compare database versioning methods. Wern is currently writing about task automation for us.

来自菲律宾的Web开发人员Wern撰写了有关使用DBV对数据库进行版本控制的信息 。 作为Lukas White的Ladder版本控制的前身,他的文章为比较数据库版本控制方法建立了共同基础。 Wern目前正在为我们撰写有关任务自动化的文章。

摩洛哥Younes Rafie (Younes Rafie, Morocco)

Younes, a self-proclaimed Laravel addict, came into the saloon guns blazing. His debut was a tutorial on implementing paid website memberships with Laravel’s Cashier and Stripe – an incredibly interesting and otherwise complex topic, unless you’re using tools like Cashier and Laravel, designed to make everyone’s life easier. Younes is currently preparing to dive even deeper into the mystical lands of advanced Laravel, so keep watching this space if you’d like to see some DI and IoC secrets uncovered.

自称是Laravel瘾君子的尤尼斯(Younes)进入了四门轿车大火中。 他的首次亮相是有关如何使用Laravel的Cashier和Stripe实现付费网站会员资格的教程,这是一个非常有趣且复杂的话题,除非您使用的是Cashier和Laravel之类的工具,旨在使每个人的生活更轻松。 Younes目前正准备进一步深入研究Laravel的神秘领域,因此,如果您希望发现一些DI和IoC秘密,请继续关注此领域。

呼吁采取行动 (Call for Action)

The new authors are all of varying degree of expertise. We don’t discriminate or look for CS degrees when letting people write – what we care about is passion. Passion to learn, passion to teach, passion to investigate, discover and deduct. We’re building a community, and a community isn’t a flock of clones.

新作者都具有不同程度的专业知识。 让人们写作时,我们不会歧视或寻找CS学位-我们关心的是热情。 对学习的热情,对教学的热情,对调查,发现和演绎的热情。 我们正在建立一个社区,社区不是一群克隆人。

If you’d like to know more, please contact me at bruno.skvorc@sitepoint.com, @bitfalls or +BrunoSkvorc. We now have a new schedule of 5 or more articles per week, so you can expect to see much more content from us. But to produce this content, we need writers like you.

如果您想了解更多信息,请通过bruno.skvorc @ sitepoint.com, @ bitfalls或+ BrunoSkvorc与我联系。 现在,我们每周都有5篇或更多文章的新时间表,因此您可以期望从我们这里看到更多内容。 但是要产生这些内容,我们需要像您一样的作家。

Did you develop a library that you’d like to demonstrate? Do you have a Packagist package you think the public isn’t but should be aware of? Maybe you’d like to show people how you transitioned from legacy to modern PHP code. Wrote a great Vagrant file that bootstraps your every project? Have a specialty like emails, devops, testing, interactive debugging? Let us know – all you need is some decent English on your tongue and a desire to contribute.

您是否开发了要演示的库? 您是否有一个Packagist软件包,您认为公众不是,但应该知道吗? 也许您想向人们展示如何从旧版代码过渡到现代PHP代码。 编写了一个出色的Vagrant文​​件来引导您的每个项目? 有电子邮件,开发人员,测试,交互式调试等专业吗? 让我们知道–您所需要的只是说一口流利的英语,并渴望有所贡献。

Even if you’re just starting out, we’d like to have a chat and learn what you’re missing, what you need, and what you feel is stopping you from moving into the professional waters. Regardless of how you’d like to contribute, get in touch and we’ll brainstorm about approaches together.

即使您只是开始,我们也想聊天,了解您的缺失,需要什么以及您的感觉,这阻止您进入专业领域。 无论您希望如何做出贡献,都请保持联系,我们将共同探讨各种方法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/welcoming-new-authors-march-april-2014/

