If you’re one of the 50% of PC users with Windows 7, be prepared for an essential update coming your way. Internet Explorer 9 has been officially retired to make way for IE10. The new browser will be installed as part of the standard Windows Update unless you explicitly prevent it (please don’t!)
如果您是使用Windows 7的50%PC用户之一,请准备好按照自己的方式进行重要更新。 Internet Explorer 9已正式退出,以为IE10让路。 除非您明确阻止,否则新浏览器将作为标准Windows Update的一部分安装(请不要这样做)。
It’s an important milestone for web developers. While IE9 was a radical step up from IE8, it was missing features we take for granted in Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Opera: CSS3 gradients, text shadows, animations, transitions, column layouts, flexbox, ECMAScript strict mode, media query listeners, the file API, web workers, local storage, etc. IE10 plugs many of the HTML5 gaps.
对于Web开发人员来说,这是一个重要的里程碑。 IE9比IE8有了根本性的提升,但它却缺少了我们在Safari,Firefox,Chrome和Opera中理所当然的功能:CSS3渐变,文本阴影,动画,过渡,列布局,flexbox,ECMAScript严格模式,媒体查询监听器,文件API,网络工作者,本地存储等。IE10弥补了许多HTML5的空白。
There’s another vital feature in IE10: automated updates. While Microsoft are yet to use it, IE10 can receive smaller incremental tweaks over time. I’m not expecting a Chrome or Firefox-like six-week delivery schedule, but two or three times per year would be significantly better than the current 18-24 month delay.
IE10的另一个重要功能是:自动更新。 尽管微软尚未使用它,但随着时间的推移,IE10 可以收到较小的增量调整。 我不希望有类似Chrome或Firefox的六周交付计划,但每年两次或三次会比当前的18-24个月的延迟要好得多。
IE9 is likely to die rapidly especially since system administrators will not experience the upgrade issues which dogged previous versions. It will remain the default browser on Vista but the OS currently holds 6% of the PC market and is dropping fast.
IE9可能很快就会死掉,特别是因为系统管理员不会遇到困扰以前版本的升级问题。 它仍将是Vista上的默认浏览器,但该操作系统目前在PC市场中占有6%的份额,并且正在Swift下降。
IE6 and IE7 are dead. They still roam zombie-like across certain sectors of the web but, for most of us, the days of IE-specific hacks and fixes are long gone.
IE6和IE7已死。 他们仍然像僵尸一样在网络的某些部分漫游,但是,对于我们大多数人来说,特定于IE的黑客和修复程序的日子已经一去不复返了。
Which leaves us with IE8. The browser holds 10% of the market and is the only version available for Windows XP which is used by one quarter of PC users. Many have stated that IE8 is the next IE6 (including me), but I’ve recently revised my pessimistic opinion…
剩下的就是IE8。 该浏览器占有10%的市场,是四分之一的PC用户使用的唯一可用于Windows XP的版本。 许多人都说IE8是下一个IE6(包括我在内),但是我最近修改了我的悲观观点……
It depends on the statistics you believe, but competition from Google has changed the market. Chrome can be installed on XP, is advertised throughout Google’s ecosystem and light years ahead of IE8.
这取决于您相信的统计数据 ,但是来自Google的竞争已经改变了市场。 Chrome可以安装在XP上,可以在整个Google生态系统中宣传,并且比IE8提前数年。
IE8 usage is dropping by 0.5% per month. If the trend continues, it will hold just 5-6% of the market by the end of 2013. IE8的使用率每月下降0.5%。 如果这种趋势继续下去,到2013年底,它将只占市场的5-6%。 IE8 may not support HTML5, CSS3, SVG or media queries but it has few of issues we had to deal with in IE6 and 7. Your site will be missing rounded corners and drop-shadows, but the HTML5 shim will fix the majority of layout problems. It may not be pretty, but your site should work. IE8可能不支持HTML5,CSS3,SVG或媒体查询,但是它几乎没有在IE6和7中需要处理的问题。您的网站将缺少圆角和阴影,但是HTML5填充板将修复大多数布局问题。 它可能并不漂亮,但是您的网站应该可以运行。 IE8 is two versions old. Version numbers rarely matter to developers but it’s an important psychological gap for your clients. IE8有两个版本。 版本号对开发人员几乎没有影响,但这对您的客户来说是一个重要的心理鸿沟。It would have been great had Microsoft released a version of IE10 for XP and Vista but it’s probably not worth the effort. IE8 will die a natural death regardless of Microsoft’s aging OS platforms.
如果微软发布了适用于XP和Vista的IE10版本,那就太好了,但是这可能不值得。 无论Microsoft的OS平台是否老化,IE8都会自然死亡。
But let’s look at the positives: IE10 does much to catch up with the competition. It’s taken too long to arrive but I hope it becomes the most dominant version of IE within a few short months.
但是,让我们看一下它的积极之处:IE10在赶上竞争对手方面做了很多工作。 它花了太长时间才能到达,但我希望它在短短几个月内成为IE的最主要版本。
翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/microsoft-ie10-windows7-update/