云服务 saas

tech2023-09-09  120

云服务 saas

Software as a service has grown in businesses like Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Human Resource management (HRM) etc. Companies like Salesforce, Google Apps, Zoho have been successfully implementing and delivering business solutions in these areas. But with emergence of Platform as a Service (PaaS) providers there has been a niche set of players who have been providing Software as a Service: but not in strict sense of the term. GigaOM calls this phenomenon “cloud service curation“, but what I would like to term as “Software Component as a Service“. My reasons of the terminology come from a development background: For example when developing software, logging or security is essentially a component of the application and hence the term. Without debating much on the term itself, let us walk through a few components or features of application which are available as a service and who are top runners in that space. In coming weeks we might explore some of these providers in action, but for today we will stick to introductions.

软件即服务已在诸如客户关系管理(CRM),人力资源管理(HRM)等业务中增长。诸如Salesforce,Google Apps和Zoho之类的公司已在这些领域成功实施并提供了业务解决方案。 但是随着平台即服务(PaaS)提供商的出现,已经有一群利基的参与者在提供软件即服务:但从严格意义上讲并不是这样。 GigaOM将此现象称为“ 云服务管理 ”,但我想称之为“ 软件组件即服务 ”。 我使用该术语的原因来自开发背景:例如,在开发软件时,日志记录或安全性实际上是应用程序的组成部分,因此也是该术语的组成部分。 在不对术语本身进行太多辩论的情况下,让我们逐步介绍一些可以作为服务使用的组件或应用程序功能,它们是该领域的佼佼者。 在接下来的几周中,我们可能会探索其中的一些提供商,但是今天,我们将继续介绍。

Memcached即服务 (Memcached as a service)

Memcache is a dynamic in memory cache which caches frequently used data or objects in dynamic memory and reduces trip to source of data which might be a datastore or API. MemCachier provides it’s own implementation of memcache but you can use memcached client APIs for accessing the cache. Amazon Web Services (AWS) also has a memcache as a service which is still in beta: Amazon ElastiCache.

Memcache是​​动态的内存缓存,可将常用数据或对象缓存在动态内存中,并减少到数据源(可能是数据存储库或API)的访问。 MemCachier提供了它自己的memcache实现,但是您可以使用memcached客户端API来访问缓存。 Amazon Web Services(AWS)还将memcache作为一项服务仍处于测试阶段: Amazon ElastiCache 。

记录为服务 (Logging As a Service)

Logging is an essential part of application and servers. In cloud environment going to each node of your cluster might not be good idea, nor might be practical in most cases. Fetching logs to a central server and having a unified view of your ecosystem is ideal in such cases.  Loggly collects logs from your applications servers etc and provides you a unified view of the logs. Papertrail too has a logging as a service offering and claims to handle billions of logs from likes of GitHub. AppFog uses logentries as their logging service for applications deployed on AppFog.

日志记录是应用程序和服务器的重要组成部分。 在云环境中,前往群集的每个节点可能不是一个好主意,在大多数情况下也不可行。 在这种情况下,将日志提取到中央服务器并具有生态系统的统一视图非常理想。 Loggly从您的应用程序服务器等收集日志,并为您提供日志的统一视图。 Papertrail也提供日志记录即服务产品,并声称可以处理来自GitHub之类的数十亿条日志。 AppFog使用登录项作为其在AppFog上部署的应用程序的日志记录服务。

应用程序性能管理即服务 (Application Performance Management as a Service)

Monitoring and improving performance of an application in cloud is one of critical aspects. Some of names which shine in this area are NewRelic, AppDynamics.

监视和提高云中应用程序的性能是关键方面之一。 NewRelic和AppDynamics是在该领域发光的一些名称。

While I have covered a few components/services, the list is of course not exhaustive. Email as a service has providers like SendGrid, MailGun, PostMark, MailChimp etc. There are providers which provide database as a service – both sql and NOSQL. CDN as a service which we recently covered in article here, or Backend as a service covered here. The list is far from complete.  The offerings offered by each provider has certain unique strengths and you should be aware before you make the choice. Look forward to these interesting discussions in coming weeks, and feel free to comment.

虽然我已经介绍了一些组件/服务,但是列表当然并不详尽。 电子邮件即服务具有诸如SendGrid , MailGun , PostMark , MailChimp等的提供程序。有些提供程序将数据库作为服务提供-sql和NOSQL。 CDN作为我们在最近的文章涵盖的服务在这里 ,或后端作为覆盖的服务在这里 。 该清单远远不够。 每个提供商提供的产品都有某些独特的优势,您在选择之前应该了解。 期待在未来几周内进行这些有趣的讨论,并随时发表评论。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/saas-cloud-service-curation/

云服务 saas
