
tech2023-09-18  111


Another month is over. September was quiet and I wondered whether IE10 could be a disruptive influence. Microsoft’s decision to delay the browser on Windows 7 now makes that unlikely, so let’s look at the latest browser market statistics according to StatCounter…

又一个月过去了。 九月份很安静 ,我想知道IE10是否会产生破坏性影响。 微软决定推迟Windows 7上的浏览器的决定现在变得不太可能了,因此让我们根据StatCounter查看最新的浏览器市场统计数据 ……

2012年9月至2012年10月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics September 2012 to October 2012)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserSeptemberOctoberchangerelativeIE (all)32.71%32.08%-0.63%-1.90%IE 9.0+18.00%17.95%-0.05%-0.30%IE 8.013.08%12.66%-0.42%-3.20%IE 7.01.12%0.98%-0.14%-12.50%IE 6.00.51%0.49%-0.02%-3.90%Firefox22.39%22.32%-0.07%-0.30%Chrome34.29%34.83%+0.54%+1.60%Safari7.70%7.81%+0.11%+1.40%Opera1.62%1.63%+0.01%+0.60%Others1.29%1.33%+0.04%+3.10% 浏览器 九月 十月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 32.71% 32.08% -0.63% -1.90% IE 9.0以上 18.00% 17.95% -0.05% -0.30% IE 8.0 13.08% 12.66% -0.42% -3.20% IE 7.0 1.12% 0.98% -0.14% -12.50% IE 6.0 0.51% 0.49% -0.02% -3.90% 火狐浏览器 22.39% 22.32% -0.07% -0.30% Chrome 34.29% 34.83% + 0.54% + 1.60% 苹果浏览器 7.70% 7.81% + 0.11% + 1.40% 歌剧 1.62% 1.63% + 0.01% + 0.60% 其他 1.29% 1.33% + 0.04% + 3.10%

2011年10月至2012年10月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics October 2011 to October 2012)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past 12 months:


BrowserOctober 2011October 2012changerelativeIE (all)40.18%32.08%-8.10%-20.20%IE 9.0+9.59%17.95%+8.36%+87.20%IE 8.023.83%12.66%-11.17%-46.90%IE 7.04.29%0.98%-3.31%-77.20%IE 6.02.47%0.49%-1.98%-80.20%Firefox26.39%22.32%-4.07%-15.40%Chrome25.05%34.83%+9.78%+39.00%Safari5.93%7.81%+1.88%+31.70%Opera1.80%1.63%-0.17%-9.40%Others0.65%1.33%+0.68%+104.60% 浏览器 2011年10月 2012年10月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 40.18% 32.08% -8.10% -20.20% IE 9.0以上 9.59% 17.95% + 8.36% + 87.20% IE 8.0 23.83% 12.66% -11.17% -46.90% IE 7.0 4.29% 0.98% -3.31% -77.20% IE 6.0 2.47% 0.49% -1.98% -80.20% 火狐浏览器 26.39% 22.32% -4.07% -15.40% Chrome 25.05% 34.83% + 9.78% + 39.00% 苹果浏览器 5.93% 7.81% + 1.88% + 31.70% 歌剧 1.80% 1.63% -0.17% -9.40% 其他 0.65% 1.33% + 0.68% + 104.60%

The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. another 12.50% of IE7 users abandoned the browser last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.

下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。 “更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示比例变化,即,上个月有12.5%的IE7用户放弃了浏览器。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。

The most remarkable observation is how unremarkable the browser movements have been. Chrome made further gains, but its period of 1% monthly growth appears to have ended. IE8 experienced the largest drop, but it’s also great to see IE7 fall below 1% for the first time. Unsurprisingly, IE10 (review coming soon) barely makes an impact with a 0.08% market share — next month should give us a better indication of Windows 8 adoption.

最显着的发现是浏览器的移动有多明显。 Chrome取得了进一步的增长,但其每月1%的增长期似乎已经结束。 IE8跌幅最大,但也很高兴看到IE7首次跌破1%。 毫不奇怪,IE10 (即将发布的评测)几乎没有以0.08%的市场份额产生影响-下个月应该可以更好地表明我们采用Windows 8 。

Firefox lost a few users, Safari made a small improvement and Opera barely changed.


We have reached a point of web stability. IE10, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera are all capable browsers; there is little to choose between them. The older versions of IE can be problematical but, without them, we’d have nothing to moan about! Fortunately, their days are numbered.

我们已经达到了网站稳定的目的。 IE10,Chrome,Firefox,Safari和Opera都是功能强大的浏览器; 他们之间几乎没有选择。 较旧版本的IE可能会出现问题,但是如果没有它们,我们将无可抱怨! 幸运的是,他们的日子已经过去了。

The browser market is healthy. No one vendor has significant control and it’s increasingly difficult for any company to wrestle users from their favorite application. I hope it remains that way.

浏览器市场是健康的。 没有任何一家供应商拥有强大的控制权,对于任何一家公司而言,要使用户摆脱他们最喜欢的应用程序的难度都越来越大。 我希望它保持这种方式。

移动浏览器的使用 (Mobile Browser Usage)

October’s mobile usage increased slightly to 12.3% of all web activity.

十月份的移动使用量略增至所有网络活动的12.3% 。

The primary mobile browsing applications:


Android — 25.84% (up 0.74%)

Android — 25.84%(增长0.74%) iPhone — 20.87% (up 0.25%)

iPhone-20.87%(上涨0.25%) Opera Mini/Mobile – 18.92% (down 0.35%)

Opera Mini / Mobile – 18.92%(下降0.35%) Nokia browser — 10.20% (down 0.41%)

诺基亚浏览器-10.20%(下降0.41%) UC Browser — 7.65% (up 0.3%)

UC浏览器— 7.65%(增长0.3%)

Android continues to make good gains, but the top five remains as rigid as the desktop browsers. I suspect this could change as we approach the end of the year and people start considering gift ideas. A slew of new tablet devices could make an interesting couple of months.

Android继续取得不错的成绩,但排名前五的仍然与桌面浏览器一样严格。 我怀疑随着年底的临近,人们开始考虑送礼的想法,这种情况可能会改变。 大量新的平板电脑设备可能会使您有趣的几个月。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-november-2012/

