
tech2023-09-24  107


The Amazon Cloud outage affected a wide variety of startups, SMBs, and enterprise-level companies. Nonetheless, many companies are still adopting cloud solutions. Amazon Cloud services specifically offers flexible access to infrastructure and Class-A hardware, as well as a pay-as-you-go model.

亚马逊云中断影响了许多初创公司,中小型企业和企业级公司。 尽管如此,许多公司仍在采用云解决方案。 Amazon Cloud服务专门提供对基础架构和A类硬件以及按需购买的付费模式的灵活访问。

Unfortunately, what could be considered a small glitch on Amazon’s side can result in a nightmare come true for DevOps and IT Managers. The situation can easily become more complicated when high-visibility websites and companies (think Quora) suddenly go down due to an outage, and those responsible for their cloud start thinking about moving solution providers or wasting time and money chasing their tails.

不幸的是,对于Amazon而言,小故障可以导致DevOps和IT经理的噩梦成真。 当高可见度的网站和公司(认为Quora)由于停机而突然崩溃,并且负责云计算的公司和公司开始考虑迁移解决方案提供商或浪费时间和金钱追逐自己的尾巴时,情况可能会变得更加复杂。

At Newvem Analytics we’ve monitored hundreds of Amazon Cloud accounts — some of which were affected by both the April 2011 outage and last week’s AWS outage. By monitoring our user’s AWS usage we’ve discovered that more than 35% of our beta partners are operating a cloud that is highly vulnerable to an outage.

在Newvem Analytics,我们已经监视了数百个Amazon Cloud帐户-其中一些帐户受到2011年4月停机和上周AWS停机的影响。 通过监控用户的AWS使用情况,我们发现超过35%的Beta合作伙伴正在运行极易遭受中断影响的云。

But it doesn’t need to be this way.


The good news is that you don’t need to be an Amazon AWS guru to protect your cloud from a potential outage. Our analytics team has put together this list of five must-do business practices to make an AWS cloud better protected from service outages.

好消息是,您不必成为Amazon AWS专家,就可以保护云免受潜在停机的影响。 我们的分析团队汇总了这五个必做的业务实践清单   从而更好地保护AWS云免受服务中断的影响。

1. Take advantage of multiple availability zones when using elastic load balancing. Load balancing your application’s incoming traffic between multiple instances makes it more fault-tolerant. In addition, you can further enhance fault tolerance by enabling elastic load balancing (ELB) across multiple availability zones. In the event that one availability zone goes down, the ELB will still ensure uptime by distributing traffic across the instances on the other availability zones.

1.使用弹性负载平衡时,请利用多个可用区。 在多个实例之间对应用程序的传入流量进行负载平衡,使其更具容错能力。 此外,您可以通过跨多个可用性区域启用弹性负载平衡(ELB)来进一步增强容错能力。 万一一个可用区出现故障,ELB仍将通过在其他可用区上的实例之间分配流量来确保正常运行时间。

2. Be aware of unhealthy instances behind ELBs. Unhealthy instances do not receive traffic from ELBs. This means that even if you have enough instances behind an ELB (even across multiple availability zones), an unhealthy instance will not receive traffic at all.

2.注意ELB背后的不健康实例 。 不正常的实例不会收到来自ELB的流量。 这意味着,即使您在ELB后面有足够多的实例(甚至跨越多个可用性区域),不正常的实例也将根本不会收到流量。

3. Maintain timely snapshots of your EBSs. In the case that an outage damages an EBS volume, a user can recreate the volume from a snapshot, in the same state as the time of the snapshot. If the availability zone where the EBS was active remains down for a long time, the user can provision an EBS volume from a snapshot in another availability zone. Volumes are tied to availability zones, but snapshots are tied only to the region. In case your volumes are unavailable in one availability zone, you can restore the last saved snapshot onto another availability zone.

3.维护EBS的及时快照。 如果中断会损坏EBS卷,则用户可以从快照重新创建卷,其状态与快照时间相同。 如果EBS处于活动状态的可用区长时间保持关闭状态,则用户可以从另一个可用区中的快照配置EBS卷。 卷绑定到可用性区域,但是快照仅绑定到区域。 如果您的卷在一个可用区中不可用,则可以将上次保存的快照还原到另一个可用区中。

4. Keep critical data copies off the AWS Cloud. It’s very important to keep offsite copies of critical data. We’d also suggest that you consider a third-party offsite service to back up your data. However, use caution here, as some of these services may actually run on top of AWS.

4.关键数据副本应远离AWS云。 保留关键数据的异地副本非常重要。 我们还建议您考虑使用第三方异地服务来备份数据。 但是,请谨慎使用,因为其中某些服务实际上可能在AWS之上运行。

5. Use an external tool to monitor your system. AWS CloudWatch is a handy service to monitor your AWS resources, yet the level of interdependency of AWS services isn’t always clear — in other words, it may not be reliable in the event of an outage. For this reason, while CloudWatch can be your routine monitoring system for AWS, you should consider an external monitoring system, separate from AWS, which will alert you of an outage independently.

5.使用外部工具监视系统。 AWS CloudWatch是用于监视您的AWS资源的便捷服务,但是AWS服务的相互依赖性级别并不总是很清楚-换句话说,如果发生中断,它可能并不可靠。 因此,虽然CloudWatch可以作为您的AWS常规监视系统,但您应该考虑与AWS分开的外部监视系统,它将独立地向您发出停机警报。

There are many tools and best practices that can help increase your chances of uptime during an AWS outage. These are simple steps that you can take to protect your data and enhance its chances of surviving in the event of an outage.

有许多工具和最佳实践可以帮助您在AWS中断期间增加正常运行时间的机会。 您可以采取以下简单步骤来保护数据,并在发生故障时提高其生存的机会。

While these are valuable tips to help you survive an outage, they are just a seed to planning for disaster recovery and are certainly not a guarantee that your cloud will still function after the outage.



