30个创新的Cloud Web Apps

tech2023-09-24  127

The cloud has forever changed how users store data, use apps and collaborate on projects. No longer do you have to risk data loss, or require all users to have the same software installed on their local machines. Instead, using web apps with cloud processing and data storage allows for faster and more secure computing, which is literally changing the way companies do business.

云永远改变了用户存储数据,使用应用程序以及在项目上进行协作的方式。 您再也不必冒险丢失数据,也不必要求所有用户在本地计算机上安装相同的软件。 相反,将Web应用程序与云处理和数据存储一起使用可实现更快,更安全的计算,这实际上改变了公司开展业务的方式。

Because of the power of the cloud, companies are constantly pushing the limits of the cloud and even redefining what a cloud app can be. While the quintessential cloud storage and syncing apps are still widely popular, there are also other cloud apps out there for project management, music production and streaming, accounting and collaboration.

由于云的强大功能,公司不断地推动云的极限,甚至重新定义云应用的功能。 尽管典型的云存储和同步应用仍然很受欢迎,但还有其他云应用可用于项目管理,音乐制作和流,会计和协作。

In this post, you’ll find 30 hand-picked cloud apps that show off some of the unique possibilities of the cloud. I’m sure you’ll find them useful, and perhaps even inspire you to build your own app to push the limits of the cloud.

在本文中,您将找到30个精选的云应用程序,这些应用程序展示了云计算的一些独特功能。 我相信您会发现它们很有用,甚至可能激发您构建自己的应用程序以突破云的局限。

印象笔记 (Evernote)

Evernote is a suite of software and services designed for notetaking and archiving. A “note” can be a piece of formatted text, a full webpage or webpage excerpt, a photograph, a voice memo, or a handwritten “ink” note. Notes can also have file attachments.

Evernote是一套用于记录和存档的软件和服务。 “笔记”可以是一段格式化的文本,完整的网页或网页摘录,照片,语音备忘录或手写的“墨水”笔记。 注释也可以具有文件附件。

薄荷 (Mint)

Manage your budget with easy to use personal finance tools and calculators. Track spending and monitor your online banking account

使用易于使用的个人理财工具和计算器来管理预算。 跟踪支出并监控您的网上银行帐户

投递箱 (DropBox)

Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!

Dropbox是一项免费服务,可让您将照片,文档和视频带到任何地方并轻松共享。 永远不要再给自己发送文件文件了!

Desk.com (Desk.com)

Desk.com is a simple, social, mobile, and affordable customer service and support help desk that resides in the cloud.


ZumoDrive (ZumoDrive)

ZumoDrive is the hybrid cloud storage for all of your media. You can access your music, photos, and documents from anywhere with your favorite applications. You don’t have to think, or sync your files again, it just works. ZumoDrive’s hybrid cloud storage also means you will never have to worry about running out of space.

ZumoDrive是适用于所有媒体的混合云存储。 您可以使用自己喜欢的应用程序从任何地方访问音乐,照片和文档。 您无需考虑或再次同步文件,它就可以工作。 ZumoDrive的混合云存储还意味着您将不必担心空间不足。

FluffyApp (FluffyApp)

A tiny Windows app that lets you quickly and easily share files, links, and screenshots. Sound like any old uploader?

小型Windows应用程序,可让您快速轻松地共享文件,链接和屏幕截图。 听起来像旧的上传者一样?

WindowsAzure (WindowsAzure)

Windows Azure is an open and flexible cloud platform built for you… Explore what is possible: Websites, Enterprise apps, Mobile and more.

Windows Azure是为您构建的开放,灵活的云平台……探索可能的一切:网站,企业应用程序,移动设备等。

InDineo (InDineo)

InDinero brings the power of a financial advisor to the internet, and it’s the fastest growing way for businesses to manage money online.


位智 (Waze)

Waze is a free mobile navigation application for your iphone or android that allows drivers to build and use live maps, real-time traffic updates and turn-by-turn navigation that is stored in the cloud and managed by users.


Spotify (Spotify)

Spotify is a digital music service that lets you discover and listen to music, for free, all through their cloud platform.


There are tons of really cool features that would unlock if you upgrade your account.


声云 (Soundcloud)

Soundcloud enables you to upload your music files and play it online. Soundcloud provides a widget to play a certain music or recording when it is embedded on site.

Soundcloud使您可以上传音乐文件并在线播放。 Soundcloud提供了一个小部件,当将其嵌入网站时,它可以播放某种音乐或录音。

邮件黑猩猩 (Mail Chimp)

Free email marketing service from MailChimp. Design, send, and track HTML email campaigns with our simple tools.

MailChimp提供免费的电子邮件营销服务。 使用我们的简单工具设计,发送和跟踪HTML电子邮件活动。

Box.net (Box.net)

Collaboration tools adopted by over 100000 companies globally. Box simplifies online file storage, replaces FTP and connects teams in online workspaces.

全球超过100000家公司采用了协作工具。 Box简化了在线文件存储,取代了FTP,并连接了在线工作区中的团队。

Audiobox.fm (Audiobox.fm)

Your Media Library in the Cloud. Store, stream and manage your media library anytime from anywhere!

您在云中的媒体库。 随时随地存储,传输和管理您的媒体库!

登录我 (LogMeIn)

Get In and go with remote access from LogMeIn. Enjoy the freedom to work from anywhere by accessing desktop and laptop computers, PC or Mac.

进入并通过LogMeIn进行远程访问。 通过访问台式机和笔记本电脑,PC或Mac,享受在任何地方工作的自由。

久久 (Joukuu)

The simplest way to manage, share & track yorur cloud based backup files across multiple accounts! Supports Google Docs, Dropbox, Box.net, Sugarsync

在多个帐户中管理,共享和跟踪基于yorur云的备份文件的最简单方法! 支持Google文档,Dropbox,Box.net,Sugarsync

ZenDesk (ZenDesk)

Help Desk Software and Support Ticket Software by Zendesk. Web-based customer support software used by thousands of companies worldwide.

Zendesk的帮助台软件和支持票证软件。 全球数以千计的公司使用基于Web的客户支持软件。

MozyHome (MozyHome)

The MozyHome® advantage. Online backup and file sync. MozyHome now has the best of both worlds with online backup and Mozy Stash file synchronization.

MozyHome®的优势。 在线备份和文件同步。 MozyHome现在拥有在线备份和Mozy Stash文件同步的两全其美。

SendGrid (SendGrid)

Learn why more developers choose SendGrid’s SMTP relay services to deliver transactional emails triggered by web apps. Sign up for a free account today.

了解为什么更多的开发人员选择SendGrid的SMTP中继服务来传递由Web应用触发的交易电子邮件。 立即注册一个免费帐户。

北条 (Hojoki)

Hojoki helps you make all your cloud apps work as one, by providing one common newsfeed and a private workspace to manage and track everything.


Apptivo (Apptivo)

Apptivo is your SAAS platform for growth, offering free software as a service for small and medium sized businesses.


云应用 (CloudApp)

CloudApp allows you to share images, links, music, videos and files. Here is how it works: choose a file, drag it to the menubar and let us take care of the rest. We provide you with a short link automatically copied to your clipboard that you can use to share your upload with co-workers and friends.

CloudApp允许您共享图像,链接,音乐,视频和文件。 它是这样工作的:选择一个文件,将其拖到菜单栏中,让我们来处理其余的事情。 我们为您提供一个短链接,该短链接会自动复制到剪贴板,您可以使用该短链接与同事和朋友共享您的上传。

切换 (Toggl)

Toggl is an online time tracking tool. It features 1-click time tracking and helps you see where your time goes. Free and paid versions are available.

Toggl是一个在线时间跟踪工具。 它具有一键式时间跟踪功能,可帮助您查看时间。 提供免费和付费版本。

投标 (Tender)

Tender Support organizes your customer care so you can focus on delivering the best service possible.


鸟舍 (Aviary)

A better photo editing solution for web & mobile apps. Developers: upgrade your app with our gorgeous editing tools. Make photo editing a seamless part of your workflow. Embed Aviary in minutes with just a few lines of code.

针对Web和移动应用程序的更好的照片编辑解决方案。 开发人员:使用我们丰富的编辑工具升级您的应用程序。 使照片编辑成为您工作流程的无缝部分。 仅需几行代码,即可在几分钟内嵌入Aviary。

碳酸盐岩 (Carbonite)

Carbonite online backup is simple, secure and unlimited. It works automatically to back up files on your PC or Mac. Try it risk-free for 15 days.

Carbonite在线备份简单,安全且不受限制。 它可以自动备份PC或Mac上的文件。 免费试用15天。

直播时间 (LiveMinutes)

LiveMinutes is a Free collaborative meeting service focused on Document Sharing, but it comes with video chat, screensharing and annotations in real time with automated reports.


Photoshop Express (Photoshop Express)

Photoshop is such a powerful tool for graphics editing, but it is also prohibitively expensive for many people. But luckily, there is a cloud version of it called Photoshop Express!

Photoshop是一种功能强大的图形编辑工具,但对于许多人来说却过于昂贵。 但幸运的是,它有一个云版本,称为Photoshop Express!

聚云 (Jolicloud)

Jolicloud brings all the benefits of cloud computing today, making your netbook the natural extension of all your other computers and mobile devices.


苹果iCloud (Apple iCloud)

iCloud stores your content so it’s always accessible from your iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Mac, or PC. It gives you instant access to your music, apps, latest photos, and more. And it keeps your email, contacts, and calendars up to date across all your devices. No syncing required. No management required.

iCloud存储您的内容,因此始终可以从iPad,iPhone,iPod touch,Mac或PC对其进行访问。 它使您可以即时访问音乐,应用程序,最新照片等等。 而且,它可以使您所有设备上的电子邮件,联系人和日历保持最新状态。 无需同步。 无需管理。

Row of lightbulb image via Shutterstock

通过Shutterstock 排的灯泡图片

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/30-innovative-cloud-web-apps/
