owin 怎么部署在云中
Cloud hosting has quickly grown to become one of the most popular hosting solutions available. Cloud computing in general eliminates the need to rely on dedicated hardware to perform functions like hosting, storing data, and other functions we’ve grown accustomed to using physical devices for. Today, I want to talk about using the cloud for media hosting.
云托管已Swift发展成为最流行的托管解决方案之一。 通常,云计算消除了对专用硬件的依赖,从而无需执行诸如托管,存储数据以及我们已经习惯使用物理设备的其他功能。 今天,我想谈谈使用云进行媒体托管。
Using the Cloud to host your audio and video files comes with several benefits that you simply can’t get with dedicated hardware. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest advantages of media hosting on the Cloud.
使用云托管音频和视频文件具有许多好处,而专用硬件根本无法获得这些好处。 让我们看一下在云上托管媒体的一些最大优势。
One reason webmasters choose to use Cloud hosting is because of the flexibility and scalability it offers. With traditional hosting packages, scaling up or down can sometimes be a hassle. Cloud hosting gives you the opportunity to add resources on the fly. When you’re hosting media this becomes extremely important.
网站管理员选择使用云托管的原因之一是其提供的灵活性和可扩展性。 使用传统的托管程序包,放大或缩小有时可能会很麻烦。 云托管使您有机会即时添加资源。 当您托管媒体时,这变得非常重要。
Since media files are larger than other file types, the more audio and videos you add, the more resources you will need. With Cloud hosting you can easily add new resources on the fly without having to reduce the user experience on your site due to downtime. The process of adding resources on the Cloud is quick, convenient, and simple.
由于媒体文件大于其他文件类型,因此添加的音频和视频越多,所需的资源也就越多。 借助Cloud Hosting,您可以轻松地即时添加新资源,而不必因停机而降低用户体验。 在云上添加资源的过程是快速,方便和简单的。
Whether you’re streaming live or on demand video, using the Cloud to host your videos ensures high quality and stability. An issue that some companies run into when including videos on their site is a slowdown in web page loading times. This increases the bounce rate of your site (the amount of people who come to your site and exit) and affects the user experience as well.
无论您是直播视频还是点播视频,使用云托管视频都可以确保高质量和稳定性。 一些公司在其网站上包含视频时遇到的一个问题是网页加载时间的减慢。 这会增加您网站的跳出率(访问您网站并退出网站的人数),并且也会影响用户体验。
When using the cloud to host your media, you get faster performance than you would get with dedicated hardware. Whether you’re streaming your videos in 320p or 1080p, you don’t have to sacrifice load time to showcase your videos. There are a few different options you have for streaming video with Cloud media hosting.
使用云托管媒体时,与专用硬件相比,您可以获得更快的性能。 无论您以320p还是1080p的格式流式传输视频,都不必牺牲加载时间来展示视频。 您可以使用几种不同的选项来通过Cloud Media Hosting流视频。
You can install Wowza Media Server onto your VPS cloud hosting package. Wowza offers high quality live and on demand video streaming services for your website. Whether visitors are viewing your site from their 20” desktop monitor or their iPhone, the quality of your videos remains the same. You can stream videos with H.264/AVC so that HD videos stream fluidly right from your site.
您可以将Wowza Media Server安装到您的VPS云托管软件包中。 Wowza为您的网站提供高质量的实时和点播视频流服务。 无论访问者是使用20英寸台式机还是iPhone查看您的网站,视频的质量都保持不变。 您可以使用H.264 / AVC流式传输视频,以便HD视频可以从您的站点流畅地流式传输。
If you’re aiming to stream video across a variety of operating systems, FFMpeg hosting is a great option. Video Hosts install FFMpeg libraries and modules on your FFmepg hosting plan for you so you don’t have to deal with messy configurations. With FFMpeg, you also have the ability to convert the video type in real time utilizing scripts such as PHPMotion and Clip Bucket. If you’re going to stream video, it’s an absolute necessity to stream in HD, and FFMpeg streams HD videos with no issues at all.
如果您打算跨各种操作系统流式传输视频,那么FFMpeg托管是一个不错的选择。 Video Hosts为您在FFmepg托管计划上安装了FFMpeg库和模块,因此您不必处理混乱的配置。 使用FFMpeg,您还可以使用PHPMotion和Clip Bucket等脚本实时转换视频类型。 如果要流式传输视频,则绝对需要以高清流式传输,而FFMpeg可以流式传输高清视频而没有任何问题。
Red5 is a multi-use video streaming media server that allows you to get high quality video streaming in the Cloud. Whether you’re a small business just starting out or a global enterprise, Red5 media hosting in the Cloud is a great option. Red5 supports popular APIs such as
Red5是一种多用途视频流媒体服务器,可让您在Cloud中获得高质量的视频流。 无论您是刚起步的小型企业还是跨国企业,在Cloud中托管Red5媒体都是一个不错的选择。 Red5支持流行的API,例如
NetConnection 网络连接 NetStream 网流 ShareObjects 共享对象Because Red5 is so powerful, it really requires VPS cloud hosting or a dedicated server to run at full potential without sacrificing resources. Whether you want to stream video, hold video conferences, or other services, Red5 can get it done.
由于Red5如此强大,它确实需要VPS云托管或专用服务器才能在不牺牲资源的情况下发挥最大潜力。 无论您要流式传输视频,举行视频会议还是其他服务,Red5都能完成。
Media hosting is not just limited to video. You can also use Cloud media hosting account to stream audio as well. This opens the door to create live audio broadcast right on your website. Wowza media hosting and FFMpeg are capable of streaming audio, however you can look at these two specialized hosting services aimed at audio broadcasting too.
媒体托管不仅限于视频。 您还可以使用云媒体托管帐户来流式传输音频。 这为在您的网站上创建实时音频广播打开了大门。 Wowza媒体托管和FFMpeg可以流音频,但是您也可以查看这两个专门针对音频广播的托管服务。
A way to get creative and add a new dimension to your site is by offering up live audio broadcasts similar to Podcasts. This essentially gives you the ability to set up your own radio station right on your site and have visitors listen in real time. You could also use ICEcast for on demand audio as well.
一种获得创意并为您的网站增加新维度的方法是提供类似于Podcast的实时音频广播。 这实际上使您能够在自己的站点上设置自己的广播电台,并让访问者实时收听。 您也可以将ICEcast用于点播音频。
When streaming your audio from the Cloud, you get high quality bandwidth which translates into clear and crisp quality sound from your audio streams. This is a great feature for musicians who want to place a live playlist on their site and let visitors listen at their leisure. There are limitless possibilities when you stream audio from the Cloud.
从云端流式传输音频时,您可以获得高质量带宽,从而可以从音频流中转换为清晰,清晰的声音。 对于想要在其站点上放置现场播放列表并让访问者休闲听音乐的音乐家来说,这是一个很棒的功能。 从云流式传输音频时,存在无限的可能性。
Another great option you have for streaming audio on the cloud is SHOUTcast. Although it is primarily used to stream live radio stations on the internet, it can also be used for on demand audio. When you host your audio in the Cloud, the audio playback is immaculate due to the improved CPU performance of cloud hosting.
您可以在云上流式传输音频的另一个绝佳选择是SHOUTcast。 尽管它主要用于在Internet上流媒体直播广播电台,但也可以用于点播音频。 当您将音频托管到云中时,由于提高了云托管的CPU性能,因此音频播放无懈可击。
All too often, webmasters are faced with the dilemma of having to lose audio quality when they upload their audio to the internet. SHOUTcast hosting on our Cloud VPS helps eliminate that issue by providing the highest quality sound possible.
网站管理员常常会面临将音频上传到Internet时必须失去音频质量的困境。 我们的Cloud VPS上的SHOUTcast托管通过提供尽可能高质量的声音来帮助解决该问题。
Video sharing and Tube sites have become extremely popular because through sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Hulu, MetaCafe and others. Right now is the perfect time to capitalize on this popularity and start your own video sharing site. Various YouTube Clone scripts such as PHPMotion, Clip-bucket and many more can help you achieve this.
由于通过YouTube,Vimeo,Hulu,MetaCafe等网站,视频共享和Tube网站变得非常受欢迎。 现在正是利用这种受欢迎程度并启动自己的视频共享网站的绝佳时机。 各种YouTube克隆脚本(例如PHPMotion,Clip-bucket等)都可以帮助您实现这一目标。
Both of these services allow you to set up your own video sharing site with ease. Using a VPS to create a video sharing site is cost effective and helps ensure that the videos you stream are displayed at the highest quality possible. Remember, a VPS gives you the flexibility to run multiple scripts and applications so that you don’t have to take up your own computer’s space. This makes video sharing on a media hosting account an ideal situation.
这两项服务都使您可以轻松设置自己的视频共享站点。 使用VPS创建视频共享站点具有成本效益,并有助于确保以最高质量显示您流式传输的视频。 请记住,VPS使您可以灵活地运行多个脚本和应用程序,从而不必占用自己计算机的空间。 这使得在媒体托管帐户上共享视频成为一种理想的情况。
In addition to everything mentioned above, there are even more benefits to using the Cloud to host your media.
Backing up your media is extremely important. Just like with a blog, if you lose your video content for any reason, you’re going to want to recover it. The difference is that with a blog it’s much easier to replicate the content than with a video or radio broadcast. With Cloud hosting, you can easily create backups routinely and save them to the Cloud rather than a physical memory unit. This frees up space on your computer or external hard drive and gives you the peace of mind knowing that your media is secure.
备份媒体非常重要。 就像博客一样,如果您由于任何原因丢失了视频内容,您将想要恢复它。 区别在于,与视频或广播相比,与博客相比,复制内容要容易得多。 借助Cloud Hosting,您可以轻松地常规创建备份并将其保存到Cloud而不是物理存储单元中。 这样可以释放计算机或外部硬盘驱动器上的空间,并让您安心知道介质是安全的。
A great advantage of streaming media on the Cloud is automatic encoding. This means that your videos will be able to play on any type of device. You don’t have to rely on separate software to transcode your audio and video. Media hosting services support all of the most common media types such as:
云上流媒体的一大优势是自动编码。 这意味着您的视频将可以在任何类型的设备上播放。 您不必依靠单独的软件来对音频和视频进行转码。 媒体托管服务支持所有最常见的媒体类型,例如:
H.264 H.264 MP4 MP4 AAC AAC MPG 手脉 FLV 轻型货车 AVI AVI MP3 MP3 And more 和更多Finally, if you’re interested in streaming media on your site, be sure to check out Cloud media hosting solutions.
翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/hosting-media-in-the-cloud/
owin 怎么部署在云中