SitePoint 2015年的前5名帖子

tech2023-09-26  112

We publish a lot of articles on SitePoint. This year was our biggest yet, with 1687 posts across our different channels.

我们在SitePoint上发布了许多文章。 今年是我们迄今为止规模最大的一年,我们在不同渠道发布了1687个帖子。

The response to some of these posts blew us away. Here's a look back at the top 5 articles published this year, starting with the most popular.

对其中一些帖子的回应使我们震惊。 这是今年最受欢迎的5篇文章,从最受欢迎的文章开始。

1. 2015年最好的编程语言是什么? (1. What's the Best Programming Language to Learn in 2015?)

SitePoint's most prolific author, Craig, re-visits the topic every year, pulling info from a range of sources and contributing his own thoughts and experience. This year, he also looked at the demand side of web development jobs, and offered advice on which language to learn if finding a high-paid job is a top priority.

SitePoint最多产的作者Craig每年都会重新访问该主题,从各种来源中获取信息并贡献自己的思想和经验。 今年,他还研究了网络开发工作的需求方面,并就如何找到高薪工作提供了建议,以学习哪种语言 。

Want more from Craig? He put together his list of web predictions for 2016.

想从Craig获得更多? 他汇总了2016年的网络预测列表。

2. 最佳PHP框架:SitePoint调查结果 (2. The Best PHP Framework: SitePoint Survey Results)

Our PHP editor, Bruno, polled the community and gathered thousands of entries from our readers. His detailed analysis of the results is worth a look — and if it still leaves you hanging, you can download the data and play with it yourself.

我们PHP编辑器Bruno对社区进行了投票,并收集了来自读者的数千条条目。 他对结果的详细分析值得一看-如果它仍然让您感到困惑,则可以下载数据并自己处理。

Bruno worked on a ton of interesting projects this year: here’s his 2015 round-up, and a call to help make 2016 even better.

布鲁诺(Bruno)今年从事了大量有趣的项目:这是他2015年的总结 ,并呼吁帮助使2016年变得更好。

3. 了解Node.js中的module.exports和export (3. Understanding module.exports and exports in Node.js)

This kind of post gives editors the warm-and-fuzzies. Look at all those comments, asking for further clarification, or simply thanking the author, Cho S. Kim! Look at all those appreciative thumbs-up! It's a clear, useful post that helped a lot of people this year.

这种文章给编辑们带来了热情和困惑。 查看所有这些评论,要求进一步澄清,或者仅感谢作者Cho S. Kim ! 看看那些赞赏的大拇指! 这是一篇清晰,有用的文章,今年对很多人都有帮助。

4. 12个鲜为人知CSS事实(续集) (4. 12 Little-Known CSS Facts (The Sequel))

The original post was a top article of 2014, and the 2015 update was even better. It's great when authors share what they've learned, or found surprising, as our HTML&CSS editor, Louis Lazaris, did here.

原始帖子是2014年的热门文章,2015年的更新甚至更好。 就像我们HTML&CSS编辑器Louis Lazaris在这里所做的那样,当作者分享他们所学到的知识或感到惊讶时,这是很棒的。

5. 2015年值得关注的3个JavaScript库 (5. 3 JavaScript Libraries to Keep an Eye On in 2015)

Prediction posts are always popular, but this one garnered interest all through the year. With React.js as the top pick, I'd say Aurelio chose pretty well — 2015 was definitely the Year of React.

预测帖子一直很受欢迎,但是这一主题一年四季都引起了人们的兴趣。 以React.js为首选,我想说Aurelio选得不错-2015年绝对是React年。

These are the top articles as determined by SitePoint's traffic stats. What were your favorite posts of the year? I'd love to hear from you in the comments.

这些是由SitePoint的流量统计信息确定的热门文章。 您今年最喜欢的职位是什么? 希望收到您的评论。

