
tech2023-09-27  127


介绍 (Introduction)

You are building next generation shopping website but you don’t want to spend a lot of time building and maintaining email service because that is not core of your business. Or you are working on next greatest and latest task management app and want the ability to receive tasks via email, so users of your app are connected in more ways. You don’t want to invest your money and time in setting up email servers, but the day your app goes viral, you want to avoid sleepless nights scaling your email service. You need, what is called as “Email as a Service” served from the cloud.

您正在建立下一代购物网站,但您不想花费大量时间来建立和维护电子邮件服务,因为这不是您业务的核心。 或者您正在开发下一个最大的最新任务管理应用程序,并且希望能够通过电子邮件接收任务,因此您的应用程序用户可以通过更多方式进行连接。 您不想花费时间和金钱来建立电子邮件服务器,但是在您的应用程序病毒式传播的那一天,您希望避免在不眠之夜扩展电子邮件服务。 您需要从云提供的所谓的“电子邮件即服务”。

电子邮件即服务的功能 (Features of Email as a Service)

Like most cloud services, having your email delivery and sending hosted in the cloud means almost unlimited scalability. But why would you need to a service for this? What makes it so special that you can’t do it yourself? We look at some prominent reasons:

像大多数云服务一样,将电子邮件传递和发送托管在云中意味着几乎无限的可扩展性。 但是,为什么您需要为此提供服务? 是什么让它如此特别,您自己不能做? 我们来看一些突出的原因:

SMTP托管 (SMTP hosting)

Getting your email delivered sounds easy, but there are factors which need to be accounted for. Things like spam prevention, bounces and SPF records need to be taken care of. Especially when sending on large scale, you can easily be marked as spammer if this isn’t done right. EaaS providers make sure they don’t get blacklisted. Bouncing is another big issue. You want to make sure it is tried multiple times, but you also don’t want your mail server to overload after getting thousands of bounces. And then the real technical stuff, like DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) which validates your domain (or from your EaaS provider) as a legit sender. SPF, to make sure the email you send is actually form your domain. Or ESP Feedback Loops, when a receiver does mark you as a spammer and wants to get of your list. All things which need to be right when operating on a large scale, but take a lot of effort to manage yourself.

传送电子邮件听起来很容易,但是有一些因素需要考虑。 需要注意防止垃圾邮件,反弹和SPF记录之类的事情。 尤其是在大规模发送时,如果操作不正确,很容易将您标记为垃圾邮件发送者。 EaaS提供商确保他们不会被列入黑名单。 弹跳是另一个大问题。 您想确保尝试多次,但是您也不想让邮件服务器在收到数千次反弹后过载。 然后是真正的技术资料,例如DKIM(DomainKeys Identified Mail),它可以验证您的域(或来自您的EaaS提供者)是否为合法发件人。 SPF,以确保您发送的电子邮件实际上来自您的域。 或ESP反馈循环,当接收者确实将您标记为垃圾邮件发送者并希望获得您的列表时。 大规模操作时所有需要正确的事物,但要花费很多精力来管理自己。

入站邮件 (Inbound mail)

Receiving inbound mail on a large scale is quite challenging as well, you don’t want to use a no-reply email address but you don’t want a mail clog either when everyone starts replying. But that’s only after your send something yourself. But what if you want to make inbound email part of the features of your app? Task management apps use inbound mail their customer can add a task by sending a simple mail. Content management apps can allow users to mail text and attachments to put it on their website. Translation apps can have the input delivered by email, and send the translated piece back to the submitter. I think you get the point by now, the possibilities are endless.

大规模接收入站邮件也非常具有挑战性,您不想使用无答复电子邮件地址,但是当每个人都开始答复时,您也不希望邮件阻塞。 但这只是在您自己发送一些东西之后。 但是,如果您想使入站电子邮件成为应用程序功能的一部分,该怎么办? 任务管理应用程序使用入站邮件,他们的客户可以通过发送简单邮件来添加任务。 内容管理应用程序可以允许用户邮寄文本和附件以将其放置在他们的网站上。 翻译应用程序可以通过电子邮件发送输入内容,并将翻译后的文章发送回提交者。 我想您现在明白了,可能性无穷无尽。

可扩展性 (Scalability)

Sending a few hundred mails a day should work, but what if you app becomes so popular you need to start sending thousands of mails an hour? Scalability is one of the main reasons for using Email as a Service. When developing your app, you always aim for success. With that in mind, you need to build your infrastructure for success. So if your app hits off, you want to celebrate, instead of having to worry about your email infrastructure. You probably build your application and database infrastructure with scaling in mind already, and that area of scaling alone will cause you enough headaches when you become the next Facebook. And you can always start with an entry plan, to keep your costs low. The costs will scale with your usage.

每天发送几百封邮件应该可以,但是如果您的应用变得如此流行,您需要开始每小时发送数千封邮件怎么办? 可伸缩性是使用“电子邮件即服务”的主要原因之一。 开发应用程序时,您始终以成功为目标。 考虑到这一点,您需要构建成功的基础架构。 因此,如果您的应用程序成功了,您就可以庆祝一下,而不必担心电子邮件基础架构。 您可能已经在考虑扩展的情况下构建了应用程序和数据库基础结构,而仅在扩展领域,当您成为下一个Facebook时就会给您带来很多头痛。 而且,您始终可以从入门计划入手,以保持低成本。 费用将随您的使用情况而定。

分析工具 (Analytics)

Numbers can be fun, and you definitely want to know how much of your emails are actually read. But parameters like click tracking, unsubscribe rates and bounces are valuable information about the quality of your list and app effectiveness. And with the help of API’s, you can get this data integrated in your app, or make a custom management dashboard. This is something your regular SMTP servicer can’t come up with. Sure you can find a log to see how much emails are send, and maybe even how much you receive. But that’s it. Ad especially open rates (how much of your emails are read) are an important indication for the usage of your app. Maybe you are sending too much emails, causing low open rates and even cancellations for your app?

数字可能很有趣,您肯定想知道实际阅读了多少电子邮件。 但是,诸如点击跟踪,退订率和跳动之类的参数是有关列表质量和应用效果的宝贵信息。 借助API,您可以将此数据集成到您的应用程序中,或者制作一个自定义管理仪表板。 这是您常规的SMTP服务人员无法想到的。 当然,您可以找到一条日志来查看发送了多少电子邮件,甚至收到了多少电子邮件。 就是这样。 特别是广告的公开费率(阅读了多少电子邮件)是使用应用程序的重要指示。 也许您发送的电子邮件过多,导致打开率低,甚至取消了您的应用程序?

积分 (Integration)

You don’t want to spend lots of time to get it to actually work, so a nice set of API’s is always provided. EaaS providers take great lengths to make sure that integrating their service in your app is a breeze. You can use SMTP to start easy, but if you want the full package you can use API’s and use JSON to communicate with it.  Documentation is often extensive, because of the flexible use of the API’s . But the Email as a Service providers benefit from you sending as much emails as you need, so you can be sure there’s always an API that fits your requirements.

您不想花费很多时间来使其真正起作用,因此始终提供了一套不错的API。 EaaS提供商竭尽全力确保轻松将其服务集成到您的应用程序中。 您可以使用SMTP轻松启动,但如果要完整的软件包,可以使用API​​并使用JSON与之通信。 由于API的灵活使用,因此文档通常很丰富。 但是,电子邮件即服务提供商会从您发送所需数量的电子邮件中受益,因此您可以确保始终有符合您要求的API。

价钱 (Pricing)

After reading though all the possibilities, you might think that Email as a Service can be quite expensive. Well, it doesn’t have to be. Major providers like Sendgrid, Mailgun and Postmark price mostly per 1.000 emails. And all have an free entry plan for you to get familiar with their services. Once your app hits off  you’ll be looking at prices ranging from $1,50 per 1.000 mails at starter level, to $0,10 per 1.000 mails when you are sending millions of mails per month.

阅读了所有可能性之后,您可能会认为“电子邮件即服务”可能会非常昂贵。 好吧,不一定如此。 Sendgrid,Mailgun和Postmark等主要提供商的价格大多每1.000封电子邮件。 所有人都有免费的入门计划,可让您熟悉他们的服务。 一旦您的应用启动,您将可以查看价格,从入门级的每1.000封邮件1.50美元到每月发送数百万封邮件的每1.000封邮件0.10美元。

围捕 (Rounding up)

Email as a service is definitely something which fits in the modern way of app development, where scaling for success is an important factor. But since email delivery – both outbound and inbound – has its own set of rules, outsourcing it can certainly benefit you in the long run. If email is a key part of your app, it’s really worth considering. In my next article I will do a comparison of some of the big players in this game (Sendgrid, Mailgun and Postmark) and see what makes them a good fit.

电子邮件即服务无疑是适合现代应用程序开发方式的,其中成功扩展是一个重要因素。 但是,由于电子邮件传递(出站和入站)都有自己的一套规则,因此从长远来看,将其外包当然可以使您受益。 如果电子邮件是您应用程序的关键部分,那么确实值得考虑。 在下一篇文章中我会做的一些大牌球员在这场比赛(比较Sendgrid , Mailgun和邮戳 ),看看是什么让他们一个不错的选择。


