
tech2023-10-02  97


The web has been a standard platform for both consumer-facing and business-facing applications for more than 10 years. The enormous amount of open source projects, commercial tools, and frameworks make fast web development possible.

十多年来,Web一直是面向消费者和面向企业的应用程序的标准平台。 大量的开源项目,商业工具和框架使快速的Web开发成为可能。

Openbiz Cubi is a robust PHP application framework giving developers the ability to create business applications with minimal effort. In this two-part series I’ll explain the concepts and steps necessary to create your own business web applications with Cubi. We’ll look first at the challenges web developers face and how Openbiz Cubi can help, and then how to install Cubi. In part 2 we’ll see how to create our own modules.

Openbiz Cubi是一个强大PHP应用程序框架,使开发人员能够以最少的精力创建业务应用程序。 在这个由两部分组成的系列文章中,我将解释使用Cubi创建自己的业务Web应用程序所必需的概念和步骤。 我们将首先研究Web开发人员面临的挑战以及Openbiz Cubi如何提供帮助,然后再讨论如何安装Cubi。 在第2部分中,我们将介绍如何创建自己的模块。

Openbiz Cubi功能 (Openbiz Cubi Features)

Even with many choices for a web development framework, application development is still a very challenging job.


A good framework can help developers code with good programming practices such MVC and ORM, although to build a real world application we sometimes have to spend time writing code beyond the capability of the framework.


Learn the framework and code with it. After creating a “Hello World” app with the framework, developers still have a steep learning curve to build the first prototyped application.

了解框架并使用它进行编码。 在使用该框架创建了“ Hello World”应用程序之后,开发人员仍然需要艰难的学习才能构建第一个原型应用程序。 Implement common features like user registration, login, password reset, etc.

实现常用功能,例如用户注册,登录,密码重置等。 Provide permission control for users. Because of the complexity of generalizing access control, permission logic is often hardcoded in the software.

为用户提供权限控制。 由于概括访问控制的复杂性,权限逻辑通常在软件中进行硬编码。 Make a professional UI. Fine-tuning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is time-consuming, especially to please all major browsers.

制作专业的UI。 对HTML,CSS和JavaScript进行微调非常耗时,尤其是为了取悦所有主流浏览器。

All the above tasks are necessary but not the highlighted features of the application. Spending too much time on them brings frustration to both clients and the development team.

以上所有任务都是必需的,但不是应用程序突出显示的功能。 在他们身上花太多时间会使客户和开发团队感到沮丧。

Openbiz Cubi is a mature platform, mainly for the fast development of business applications. It was designed to relieve the pain of such application development by providing:

Openbiz Cubi是一个成熟的平台,主要用于快速开发业务应用程序。 它旨在通过提供以下内容来减轻此类应用程序开发的痛苦:

An XML-based coding scheme. Developers use intuitive XML to describe the data objects, pages and forms, as well as user interaction.

基于XML的编码方案。 开发人员使用直观的XML来描述数据对象,页面和表单以及用户交互。 A modular platform that has many common component built-in. Developers make their own modules and load them in the platform.

具有内置的许多常见组件的模块化平台。 开发人员制作自己的模块并将其加载到平台中。 A default professional-looking UI with multi-theme support.

具有多主题支持的默认专业外观UI。 Flexible permission control options, from simple to sophisticated.


To learn more about Cubi, be sure to visit the project site and official website

要了解有关Cubi的更多信息,请确保访问项目网站和官方网站 。

安装Openbiz Cubi (Installing Openbiz Cubi)

To install Openbiz Cubi, you need to download either the source code or Windows installer from, or you can get the latest source code from the Openbiz Cubi SVN server.

要安装Openbiz Cubi,您需要从下载源代码或Windows安装程序,或者从Openbiz Cubi SVN服务器获取最新的源代码。

When you choose to download the source ZIP archive or get the source from SVN, you can follow the steps below to install it:


Prepare the LAMP stack. Openbiz Cubi can be run on Unix, Windows, and Mac servers. The runtime environment should include:

准备LAMP堆栈。 Openbiz Cubi可以在Unix,Windows和Mac服务器上运行。 运行时环境应包括: Web server – Apache, IIS, etc.

Web服务器– Apache,IIS等 Database server – MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, PgSQL, and databases supported by Zend_DB

数据库服务器– MySQL,MSSQL,Oracle,PgSQL和Zend_DB支持的数据库 PHP 5.2 and above with mysql, PDO, and mcrypt extensions

PHP 5.2及更高版本,带有mysql,PDO和mcrypt扩展

In your web server’s web directory, create a folder named cubi.


Unzip the Cubi ZIP file to the directory (or check out the source from SVN under this directory).

将Cubi ZIP文件解压缩到目录(或从该目录下的SVN中检出源)。

If you use Windows as your development environment, you can install Cubi with its Windows Installer. The installer:

如果使用Windows作为开发环境,则可以使用Windows Installer安装Cubi。 安装程序:

Installs Apache 2.4, PHP 5.4 and MySQL 5.3. After installation is completed, you can find Apache and MySQL in the System Services list.

安装Apache 2.4,PHP 5.4和MySQL 5.3。 安装完成后,您可以在“系统服务”列表中找到Apache和MySQL。 Installs the Openbiz Cubi platform and business applications. You can choose to unselect the options of installing business applications which are not released under open source.

安装Openbiz Cubi平台和业务应用程序。 您可以选择取消选择未在开源下发布的安装业务应用程序的选项。 Adds desktop icons and start menu items.


After the code is installed to the web server’s directory, you can launch Cubi’s web installation wizard in a browser to set up the database and load modules. Run the installation wizard by launching http://host/cubi/install in your browser.

将代码安装到Web服务器的目录后,您可以在浏览器中启动Cubi的Web安装向导以设置数据库并加载模块。 通过在浏览器中启动http:// host / cubi / install来运行安装向导。

Click the Start Now button and follow the steps until you see Installation Completed page. Then you’ll be ready to test drive Cubi.

单击立即开始按钮,然后按照步骤操作,直到看到“安装完成”页面。 然后,您将准备测试Cubi驱动器。

Openbiz Cubi快速浏览 (A Quick Tour of Openbiz Cubi)

After you log in to Cubi as admin, you’ll see the Administration dashboard. You may see other tabs as well, like “Contacts” and “Calendar”.

以admin身份登录到Cubi后,您将看到“管理”仪表板。 您可能还会看到其他选项卡,例如“联系人”和“日历”。

Cubi is made of modules. All modules are under the cubi/modules directory. Of the many built-in modules, the following are the most important; they are core modules that are often used by other modules:

Cubi由模块组成。 所有模块都在cubi/modules目录下。 在许多内置模块中,以下是最重要的; 它们是其他模块经常使用的核心模块:

System module – provides the ability for system administrators to manage users, roles, modules, groups and permissions.

系统模块–使系统管理员可以管理用户,角色,模块,组和权限。 Menu module – provides support for page navigation by menus, tabs, and breadcumbs.

菜单模块–支持通过菜单,选项卡和面包屑进行页面导航。 User module – provides functions for users to register, sign in, and reset passwords.

用户模块–为用户提供注册,登录和重置密码的功能。 MyAccount module – provides My Account pages where a user can manage his own profile, preferences, activities, and password.


Cubi comes with other modules such as Contact, Email, Event Log, Security, Theme, Translation, Attachment, Picture, Chart, Payment, OAuth, Web Service, and more.


A typical Cubi page on the front-end is composed of four sections:


Header – this section contains the logo, My Account link, application tabs, and breadcrumb navigation.

标题-此部分包含徽标,“我的帐户”链接,应用程序选项卡和面包屑导航。 Left Menu – this section contains navigation menus and other widgets.

左侧菜单-此部分包含导航菜单和其他小部件。 Content – this is the main area users will work in with their data and business logic.

内容–这是用户将使用其数据和业务逻辑的主要领域。 Footer – the footer may have links about the application provider, copyright, etc.


管理用户和角色 (Manage Users and Roles)

For the application administrator, one of the most important tasks is to manage users and their permissions to access certain resources. Cubi supports several widely used access control models including Role-based access control (RBAC) and Group-based access control (similar to Unix file permissions). I’ll briefly discuss how to use RBAC.

对于应用程序管理员来说,最重要的任务之一是管理用户及其访问某些资源的权限。 Cubi支持几种广泛使用的访问控制模型,包括基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)和基于组的访问控制(类似于Unix文件权限)。 我将简要讨论如何使用RBAC。

A Cubi user account is simply called “user”. A role usually means a type of user. Different roles are permitted to do different things. Cubi comes with three roles: administrator, member, and visitor. A user can be assigned to one or many roles.

Cubi用户帐户简称为“用户”。 角色通常表示一种用户。 允许不同的角色做不同的事情。 Cubi具有三个角色:管理员,成员和访问者。 可以将一个用户分配给一个或多个角色。

An administrator needs to use the Role Management page to allow or deny resources for a given role. When he wants to grant a user certain permissions, he associates the user to a new role that has those permissions.

管理员需要使用“角色管理”页面来允许或拒绝给定角色的资源。 当他想授予用户某些权限时,他将用户与具有这些权限的新角色相关联。

结论 (Conclusion)

This is where I’ll end the first part of the series. So far we’ve talked about the challenges web developers face and how Openbiz Cubi can help, how to install Cubi, and undertook a brief overview of how Cubi is organized. In the next part I’ll dig deeper and show you how to create your own module. Stay tuned!

在这里我将结束本系列的第一部分。 到目前为止,我们已经讨论了Web开发人员所面临的挑战,以及Openbiz Cubi如何提供帮助,如何安装Cubi,并简要概述了Cubi的组织方式。 在下一部分中,我将进行更深入的介绍,并向您展示如何创建自己的模块。 敬请关注!

Image via Fotolia




相关资源:Openbiz Cubi PHP开发框架