
tech2023-10-04  104

import pygame from sys import exit import random #点定义 class Point: row = 0 col = 0 def __init__(self,row,col): self.row = row self.col = col def copy(self): return Point(self.row,self.col) def __str__(self): return "Point(%d,%d)" %(self.row,self.col) def __eq__(self, other): return self.row == other.row and self.col == other.col #初始化全局变量 width = 800 hight = 600 ROW = 30 COL = 40 direct = 'left' #方向 Running = True SPEED = 100 #窗口初始化 pygame.init() window = pygame.display.set_mode((width,hight,)) pygame.display.set_caption('贪吃蛇游戏') CUSTOMEVENT = pygame.USEREVENT + 1 pygame.time.set_timer(CUSTOMEVENT,SPEED) #初始化蛇的位置 head = Point(row = int(ROW/2),col = int(COL/2)) snake =[Point(head.row,head.col+1), Point(head.row,head.col+2), Point(head.row,head.col+3)] #初始化颜色变量 head_color = (0,158,128) snake_food_color = (255,255,0) snake_color = (200,147,158) #随机食物 def gen_food(): while 1: position = Point(row = random.randint(0,ROW-1),col = random.randint(0,COL-1)) is_coll = False # if head.row == position.row and head.col == position.col: # is_coll = True if head == position: is_coll = True for body in snake: if body.row == position.row and body.col == position.col: is_coll = True if not is_coll: break return position snake_food = gen_food() #画格子 def rect(point,color): left = point.col * width/COL top = point.row *hight/ROW pygame.draw.rect(window,color,(left,top,width/COL,hight/ROW)) #处理事件 def HandleEvent(): global direct global Running for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: Running = False elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == 273 or event.key ==119: if direct =='left' or direct == 'right': direct = 'down' if event.key == 274 or event.key == 115: if direct == 'left' or direct == 'right': direct = 'up' if event.key == 276 or event.key == 97: if direct == 'up' or direct == 'down': direct = 'left' if event.key == 275 or event.key == 100: if direct == 'up' or direct == 'down': direct = 'right' elif event.type == CUSTOMEVENT: MoveSnake() #移动蛇位置 def MoveSnake(): global snake_food head_orgin = head.copy(); if direct == 'left': head.col -= 1 if direct == 'right': head.col += 1 if direct == 'up': head.row += 1 if direct == 'down': head.row -= 1 eat = head == snake_food if eat: snake_food = gen_food() else: snake.pop() snake.insert(0, head_orgin) print("---------begin------------") print(head) for body in snake: print(body) print("---------end------------") #检查碰撞 def CheckGameRun(): if head.col < 0 or head.row < 0 or head.row >= ROW or head.col >= COL: print("crah the wall") return False for body in snake: if head == body: print("crash self") return False return True #渲染窗口 def DrawGameWnd(): pygame.draw.rect(window, (245, 135, 155), (0, 0, width, hight)) rect(head, head_color) rect(snake_food, snake_food_color) for body in snake: rect(body, snake_color) clock = pygame.time.Clock() #游戏循环 while Running: clock.tick(30) HandleEvent() # MoveSnake() is_continue = CheckGameRun() if is_continue: DrawGameWnd() pygame.display.flip() else: print("Game Over") break


