unity 暴风雨天气效果

tech2023-10-04  111

unity 暴风雨天气效果

Last month I asked whether Chrome’s growth had started to plateau following its first ever loss. Let’s look at the latest browser market statistics according to StatCounter…

上个月,我问过有史以来第一次出现亏损之后, Chrome的增长是否开始趋于平稳 。 让我们根据StatCounter查看最新的浏览器市场统计信息 …

2012年8月至2012年9月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics August 2012 to September 2012)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserAugustSeptemberchangerelativeIE (all)32.85%32.71%-0.14%-0.40%IE 9.0+17.57%18.00%+0.43%+2.40%IE 8.013.65%13.08%-0.57%-4.20%IE 7.01.16%1.12%-0.04%-3.40%IE 6.00.47%0.51%+0.04%+8.50%Firefox22.84%22.39%-0.45%-2.00%Chrome33.65%34.29%+0.64%+1.90%Safari7.41%7.70%+0.29%+3.90%Opera1.64%1.62%-0.02%-1.20%Others1.61%1.29%-0.32%-19.90% 浏览器 八月 九月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 32.85% 32.71% -0.14% -0.40% IE 9.0以上 17.57% 18.00% + 0.43% + 2.40% IE 8.0 13.65% 13.08% -0.57% -4.20% IE 7.0 1.16% 1.12% -0.04% -3.40% IE 6.0 0.47% 0.51% + 0.04% + 8.50% 火狐浏览器 22.84% 22.39% -0.45% -2.00% Chrome 33.65% 34.29% + 0.64% + 1.90% 苹果浏览器 7.41% 7.70% + 0.29% + 3.90% 歌剧 1.64% 1.62% -0.02% -1.20% 其他 1.61% 1.29% -0.32% -19.90%

2011年9月至2012年9月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics September 2011 to September 2012)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past 12 months:


BrowserSeptember 2011September 2012changerelativeIE (all)42.44%32.71%-9.73%-22.90%IE 9.0+7.27%18.00%+10.73%+147.60%IE 8.026.30%13.08%-13.22%-50.30%IE 7.05.45%1.12%-4.33%-79.40%IE 6.03.42%0.51%-2.91%-85.10%Firefox27.96%22.39%-5.57%-19.90%Chrome22.17%34.29%+12.12%+54.70%Safari5.15%7.70%+2.55%+49.50%Opera1.66%1.62%-0.04%-2.40%Others0.62%1.29%+0.67%+108.10% 浏览器 2011年9月 2012年9月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 42.44% 32.71% -9.73% -22.90% IE 9.0以上 7.27% 18.00% + 10.73% + 147.60% IE 8.0 26.30% 13.08% -13.22% -50.30% IE 7.0 5.45% 1.12% -4.33% -79.40% IE 6.0 3.42% 0.51% -2.91% -85.10% 火狐浏览器 27.96% 22.39% -5.57% -19.90% Chrome 22.17% 34.29% + 12.12% + 54.70% 苹果浏览器 5.15% 7.70% + 2.55% + 49.50% 歌剧 1.66% 1.62% -0.04% -2.40% 其他 0.62% 1.29% + 0.67% + 108.10%

The table shows market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column shows the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. another 3.4% of IE7 users abandoned the browser last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.

该表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计。 “更改”列显示了市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示比例变化,即,上个月,另有3.4%的IE7用户放弃了浏览器。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。

Chrome bounced back in September. Not to its normal 1% monthly increase, but 0.64% is respectable and far better than any competitor. However, the market has been remarkably stable this month — I suspect Chrome is reaching saturation point.

Chrome于9月反弹。 正常情况下每月增长1%并不算是合理,但0.64%的增长是可观的,远胜于任何竞争对手。 但是,本月市场一直非常稳定-我怀疑Chrome即将达到饱和点。

Firefox was the biggest loser and one in five Firefox users have switched to another browser in the past twelve months. While that’s not good for Mozilla, it illustrates how quickly people are prepared to dump an application when it fails them. Browser vendors beware!

Firefox是最大的失败者,过去十二个月中,五分之一的Firefox用户已切换到另一种浏览器。 尽管这对Mozilla不利,但它说明了人们在应用程序出现故障时准备如何快速转储。 浏览器供应商要当心!

Safari and Opera wobbled, but made no significant movement either way. Interestingly, the “other browsers” had a sizable drop; most people use an application from the top-five vendors and it’ll be tough for anyone to crash that party.

Safari和Opera摇摆不定,但两种方式均未发生重大变化。 有趣的是, “其他浏览器”下降了很多。 大多数人使用前五名供应商提供的应用程序,因此任何人都很难崩溃。

Which leaves us with Internet Explorer. Microsoft’s browser dropped a little during September although IE6 made a small gain. It’s nothing to worry about — when the figures are so small, minor fluctuations are amplified.

这使我们有了Internet Explorer。 尽管IE6取得了小幅增长,​​但微软的浏览器在9月份略有下降。 无需担心–当数字太小时,较小的波动就会放大。

On October 26, IE10 will be launched alongside Windows 8 with the usual blaze of publicity. While it’s unlikely to impact October’s browser market, there’s a chance it’ll begin to stabilize or reverse IE’s downward trend. Microsoft are working hard to build a better browser, but IE10 will need to be stunning before it regains developer trust. Watch out for a full review on SitePoint.

IE10将于10月26日与Windows 8一起发布,并大行其道。 虽然不太可能影响十月份的浏览器市场,但它有可能开始稳定或逆转IE的下降趋势。 微软正在努力构建更好的浏览器,但是IE10必须令人赞叹,才能重新获得开发人员的信任。 请注意有关SitePoint的完整评论。

移动浏览器的使用 (Mobile Browser Usage)

September’s mobile usage rose to 12.03% of all web activity.

9月份的移动使用量上升至所有网络活动的12.03% 。

The primary mobile browsing applications are:


Android — 25.10% (up 0.70%)

Android — 25.10%(增长0.70%) iPhone — 20.62% (down 0.19%)

iPhone-20.62%(下跌0.19%) Opera Mini/Mobile – 19.27% (down 0.07%)

Opera Mini / Mobile – 19.27%(下降0.07%) Nokia browser — 10.61% (up 0.43%)

诺基亚浏览器-10.61%(增长0.43%) UC Browser — 7.35% (down 0.44%)


Another good month for Android but, overall, the mobile chart has remained surprisingly static. Perhaps Amazon’s Silk browser in the new Kindles can be a disruptive influence?

Android又是一个好月份,但总体而言,移动图表仍然保持静态。 也许新的Kindle中的Amazon Silk浏览器会产生破坏性影响?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-october-2012/

unity 暴风雨天气效果
